Higher Education is from Satan the Devil

by avengers 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44

    whoever wrote that 1967 Awake article would say now to people without an education, and having a hard time making a living. "Well, nobody forced you not to go to school, it was your own decision"!......Those WT writers...full of advice, writing many words, but never taking any responsibility for the impact of those words on others! --VM44

  • larc

    I graduated from high school in 1958. I worked for a year and saved my money. At the end of that year, I talked my mother into going to college. I used my savings to pay my tuition and books. My parents did not pay anything.

    I told my Witness buddies that I was going to college. They told me Armageddon would be here before I graduated. That was 43 years ago. All of them are grandparents, and few of them are dead. So much for predictions.

  • Joyzabel

    Good point, Navigator: "It is much easier for the WTBTS to exert mind contol over people who are under-educated, and that, of course, was the real reason for the policy in the first place."

    My parents were college grads before they became jws in the late 50's. You would think they would have known better and used their critical thinking skills to see through the crap garbage. I'm glad I was rebellious enough while a jw to get some "higher education" but all I can think of is how sad that so many minds have been wasted by the wtbts' policy of higher education.

    Even though more and more jw kids are attending college these days, the unwritten policy is still to grow up and pioneer. Doh! as JT say's "magazine salesmen".


  • razorMind

    My parents thought the end was so near that they held me back from even starting kindergarten for a year. They said the end was going to be here any minute, so why put her in school? I graduated 10 years ago.

    Wait a minute.....my parents kept me out of kindergarten too!!! And the year would've been 1975 that I started. You know, I never got an explanation for that, either.

    And I really REALLY could've used kindergarten, as I had an extremely hard 1st grade. 1st grade back then, where I'm from, isn't like 1st grade now--very strict and regimented, and we DID NOT get out of school early like the kindergartens did. I was too little to understand why I went from happily carefree, playing at home all day...to riding in a BUS full of strangers to sit in a desk with more strangers all day. At least kindergarten had all those toys. I used to pass by the kindergarten rooms, wishing I could play in the toy kitchen, and with the dollhouse. I would ride to school screaming crying and pounding on the bus doors every morning, trying to escape. I'd fight the bus drivers, the teachers, everybody. My mom got called to school to come get me almost every day. This went on for about a month.

    My younger siblings went to kindergarten. They'd spend only a few hours in school. Hmm, I know if I asked my parents, I'd not get a straight answer. But I bet that's why they kept me out of kindergarten. They'd do that type of thing.

    Razormind, Painful-Memories-Just-Keep-On-Comin' Class

  • seawolf

    At the District Assembly in 1999 they had a guy up on stage who was maybe around 20. The guy interviewing him asked him why he gave up going to college and decided to pioneer instead. The 20-something guy responded "because I asked the person that was studying with me if I should go to college and he said, 'do you want to live or do you want to DIE?'" Since I was going to college at the time, it really pissed me off.

  • RevMalk

    I got screwed out of my higher education.

    Then my Mother goes to college a few years ago.

    What a crock of crap!

  • ThiChi

    What hypocrisy!

    I remember getting a letter from the WT to read to the Cong seeking Doctors and Lawyers!!! If you disobeyed and went to college to be a Doctor or Lawyer, you can now write your own JW meal ticket at Brooklyn.........

    Edited by - thichi on 13 September 2002 14:23:39

  • ozziepost

    ...and then how do those who gave it up feel?

  • RevMalk

    They feel like Crap!

  • rocky220

    You gotta know how good it felt being a freshman in college in 1975!!!!! oh yeah......that was the beginning of my fade out......no Armageddon in the Campus that's for sure!!!!!......and yes the Campus rocked!!!!!!......................................rocky220

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