Public opinion on the issue of Iraq???

by Celtic 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Why not live up to your name and be Logical? If we did not have these weapons, the ben Ladens and the Husseins (and the Hitlers, Hirohitos, Stalins, Castros, and Maos) would have no check. Then you'd have no voice with which to complain about those nasty policemen.

  • logical

    WHY is it fine for the US to have and use nasty weapons, but not for everyone else?

    Sounds unfair to me. They are bullies and are gonna get they commupance sooner or later. The thing that upsets me is that there are many innocent who will die at the hands of this evil oppressive Western regime. Only the blind cannot see it for what it is.

    BTW I dont believe Eastern ways are much better, for man can only dominate man to his injury. There are advantages to both regimes, but saying that, there are major disadvantages too. These are the ones that are played upon and exploited to control and manipulate their people.

    Why do all you americans think your government is so good and high and mighty? Cant you see Hitler had the same effect on the German people, they thought Hitler was doing the right thing, propaganda and lies tricked them into this.

    As for public opinion, that means nothing. We are not in a democracy. We are fooled to believe that. Recent events are total proof of that. Blair knows full well how the public feel, but does he care?

  • Englishman

    You're on the money there, Francois.

    Blair knows full well that the Brits will be all for going in when the time comes.


  • The_Bad_Seed



    Thats my opinion.

  • LDH

    Siegswife, THANK YOU for that comprehensive (but incomplete) list of egregious wrongs the US has committed on it's own people!!!!!

    Our government is not without fault.

    My opinion about Iraq/SH....The UN is the one who put the sanctions on his wacky ass. Let the UN enforce it. FOR ONCE grow some chest hair, UN. Do your job so we don't have to.

    I would not mind the assasination of SH and his key players. I am not for the indiscriminate killing of the Iraqis. After all, they are already suffering at the heands of Saddam. His failings are not their fault.

    THAT being said, the world MUST do something to prevent the growth of radical religions passing themselves off as a nation (including Israel). Religion MUST be done away with.


  • hillary_step


    Phew, what a litany of vile double-standards you have posted. It is as well to be reminded that no country or Government can hold the moral high ground when it is prepared to view its least protected citizens as dispensable.


  • LoyalLeon

    and I always thought 'Anglo-America' was an invention of the WTS


  • kelsey007

    As I sit in the USA I am skeptical of Bushes desire to attack. The question I have is: "Is there a REAL threat to us?" Of course I am not privy to all that is known. But I would have to speculate that since Bush has to work so hard to sell his attack package to, not only the Americans, but also to most of our allies that there is no known real threat. We have replaced Castro with Sadam and Communism with terrorism. A lesson from history may be needed in my opinion.

  • LDH


    The scary part is Bush is sending his stoolie Dick Cheney around to convince people.

    I'm really sick of hearing Cheney say, "We have incontrovertable proof!" Well goddammit I may not be Stephen Hawkins but I'm not Algernon either.

    I want to know what evidence they have.


  • Celtic

    Just what is it that Francois is waffling on about now, enlighten me do, in plain English and not bumpth, cheers!!

    Mark Price

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