does anyone have the answer?

by ness21 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided


    [13] And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works

    Doesn't the bible teach at other places that we are not judged by works but by faith?

    Ken P.

  • AGuest

    Dearest... excuse me, Ness21... may you have peace!

    And may I say, first, that "Luvvin Bruvva," Amazing and Ozzie (peace to you all, as well!) spoke the truth ABOUT the Truth to you - John 14:6

    As for your other questions, "the answers are out there." May I direct you, then, to this thread?

    I would offer a reply specifically, but was directed to have you go here. And if, after reading this, I can be of further "service" to you, please know that I am willing... and I want to.

    Your servant (for I am servant to all those of the Household of God, Israel... and those that go with them), and a slave of Christ,


    Edited by - AGuest on 9 September 2002 10:6:3

  • Kingpawn


    Doesn't the bible teach at other places that we are not judged by works but by faith?

    Maybe "works" isn't the best word for this. How about "deeds?"

    I look at it like this. Say you join a religion because you feel it's the right one, or the best one you've found so far. You want to lead a life more pleasing to God, and like anyone else there are things you're struggling with--swearing, gluttony, anger, whatever. So you ask God for help in dealing with these thing(s). Because it's what God would want and He wants to help you, Holy Spirit comes upon you and gives you the help you need to control (as much as possible) these problems. People see this and call it works when actually you can call it deeds or accomplishments. So to me works would be the degree of sincerity you sought help for some problem and how much of an effort you made yourself to conquer them at the same time. That's what the dead are judged on.

  • Carmel

    Eureka! I've found it! NOW you find it yourself!


    ps I'll share if you manipulate my ego enough!


  • Crazy151drinker

    You cant handle the truth! - REDRUM

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Doesn't the bible teach at other places that we are not judged by works but by faith?

    Yep, those who come under judgement are in hell, in death or are simply dead in the sea (of people).


  • animal

    The only "truth" I believe in :

    My bike WILL NOT start on the first kick.

    Thank you.


  • hillary_step

    Hello ness21,

    .....and welcome to the Board.

    The problem is that looking for answers and looking for truth are not necessarily synonymous. The WTS has all the 'answers' but they have little 'truth'.

    For thousands of years, since consciousness exploded into being in mans past, people have searched for answers to the question of this consciousness that make such a profound difference to our lives and to our thinking. The same questions asked at the dawn of mans consciousness, are still in great measure unanswered. They will certainly not be answered in our lifetimes.

    For example, I am starting a thread on the following subject and I challenge any person on this Board to effectively answer one of the most basic questions that fill the mind of most people a number of times each day. If God exists why is there is so much suffering both among humans and even more so among his creation, where all animals must eat one another to survive? If he does not exist why is there is so much suffering both among humans and even more so among nature where all animals must eat one another to survive?

    I have started a thread asking this question, and would be pleased to read a few viewpoints. I of course have my own views which will become apparent if the thread expands.

    Best regards - HS

  • amac

    Yes, but I'm not telling.

  • hillary_step

    Your answer is actually very telling...

    Best - HS

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