How should i DA or DF myself in April?

by TheApostleAK 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • patio34

    I agree with Java, don't play by their rules. Besides, if you hurt someone such as by toying with the elder's daughter, you will feel bad later and there could be all kinds of repurcussions and give some merit to negative talk about you. You are who you are. Do you not lie because of the jw teaching or because that's who you are?

    I have just decided to go away quietly with my own ideas to myself.

    Good luck,

  • Freenow

    Please don't give these unloving, unkind persons the pleasure of Dissasociating yourself and Please don't give them reasons that they might think to use as an excuse to Disfellowship you. Your dignity is too precious por these morons to destroy give your self the pleasure of being more dignified, loving and kinder than they will ever be if they continue in this awful cult.
    Love and please keep hanging in there but you don't have to go to these kindom halls or preach to be accepted by God or by the rest of the dignified and loving people all around you.
    agape llove and plese keep safe

  • trevor

    I'd go for 'e' Bang an elders daughter - it's the most fun.
    But why tell them and blow you're cover - stay low and
    you might get to bang two or three or .....ah!
    It's the not getting caught that makes it fun.

  • Unchained

    Why do you want them to give you that title?
    I have been out of there almost a year now and nobody has bothered to call or visit. More or likely if you just leave nobody will even bother to worry about you. If you do something to DA of DF yourself, they will more likely to be after your ass. That means you will have to see them more often.
    Just leave and live your life fully now.


  • Disgusted

    You all distgust me.
    You apostates can keep trying and trying, But you all know what the end result will be.

  • expatbrit

    The end result may be that you learn to spell "disgust".

    Do you have anything of value to say, or are you just here to spout hate?


  • orbison

    when i was d/f i did not receive a visit ,,,two memorials went by, and i had wanted to go (at that time) and my neighbours were jw's, with the book study there, after was removed from my home,they would see me and nobody approached me, even though i was in transition home, and my ex, a ms, had a $25,000 bail on himself, and was still in good standing,
    now, i have no interest in attending,,just let them be and go on with life

  • mustang

    Like JAVA said, don't play by their rules. This "I ain't Da'ing" letter is a possible way to go. (Posted on the old H2O, last year; credits to Docbob, wherever he is.)

    *DA Letter w/Legalese

    Posted by Doc Bob [docbob] on September 26, 2000 at 18:42:27

    In Reply to: DA Letter w/Legalese posted by hypatia on September 25, 2000 at

    Hi Hypatia,
    I wrote most of the body of this a few years ago thinking it might come in handy someday. I actually sent it to my local body of elders after they invited me to meet with them to face charges of apostacy last December. I have not heard from then since. I have not heard that any announcements have been made regarding me.

    I have decided that I will not formally disassociate myself from the P________ Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses or from Jehovah’s Witnesses in general. I came to this decision for several reasons. First, there is nothing I see in the Bible that calls for a formal letter of disassociation in my situation, or any other. It seems to me that the provision of formal disassociation is a matter of convenience for the legal department of the Watchtower Society rather than serv-ing any real religious purpose. It allows people to be pigeon-holed into nice neat little categories rather than dealing with the real issues involved. Also, I have no problem with the P________ Congregation or its members. My disagreement is with certain actions, policies, teachings and writings contained in pub-lications that are produced and in oral teachings promulgated either individu-ally or collectively by the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses and it’s legal corporations, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Inc. and the International Bible Students Association.

    The purpose of this letter is to clarify certain matters and to secure and protect what I consider basic human rights in dealing with agents of the multi-national, multi-billion dollar Watchtower corporations. Since you have asked me to appear before a judicial committee to face charges of apostacy, there are a few things that I must ask for and which I feel must be clarified before I will even consider meeting with a judicial committee.

    1. I shall be notified in writing of the time, place and purpose of any meetings with a judicial committee.

    2. I shall be notified in writing of the exact purpose of the meetings.

    3. I shall be notified in writing exactly on whose behalf the judicial committee was convened and is acting: the P________ Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses or its legal corporation the P________ Company of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Govern-ing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses or its legal corporations, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Inc., the International Bible Students Association or any other agency not here named.

    4. If any other agency other than the one for whom the judicial committee has informed me they are acting for is consulted, reported to, or allowed to have any bearing on the outcome of the judicial process, I will consider the judicial committee as acting in the their behalf.

    5. I shall be notified in writing as to my status as a member of any and all of the organizations for which the committee is acting or to which the committee will report.

    6. I insist that the judicial committee immediately cease, and in the future desist from any actions toward or against me in behalf of any corporation or organization of which I am not a member.

    7. I shall be notified in writing of any accusations against me, the names of persons making such accusations and the substance of any evidence against me.

    8. I shall be notified in writing of any and all of my rights and responsibilities involved in the judicial process.

    9. I shall be given sufficient time between notification of any meetings with a judicial committee and the time of the actual meeting to prepare a response to any accusations.

    10. I shall be allowed to have one person of my choice present during all meetings between me and the judicial committee as an observer. Since I think there is good reason to believe that the judicial committee may consult with one or more lawyers, specifically those employed by the Legal Department of Watch-tower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Incorporated, the person of my choice may also be a lawyer.

    11. During the meetings with the judicial committee I and/or my observer will be allowed to take whatever notes we feel are necessary.

    Additionally, if the judicial committee takes any judicial action against me :

    12. I will not recognize any action taken by the judicial committee as valid unless it is communicated to me in writing, stating the exact nature and reason for the action.

    13. In this written communication the judicial committee must state exactly on whose behalf they have taken the action, specifically the P________ Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses or its legal corporation the P________ Company of Jeho-vah’s Witnesses, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses or its legal corporations, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Inc., the International Bible Students Association or any other agency not here named.

    14. If the judicial committee has stated that it is acting only for the P________ Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, it is enjoined from notifying any agency outside the congregation of their action. If the judicial committee or anyone acting in their behalf notifies of reports to anyone outside the P________ Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I may take any appropriate legal action.

    15. I may appeal any action taken by the judicial committee.

    16. Before I will meet with an appeal committee, that committee must notify me in writing of the names of all of the members of the appeal committee and who each one represents: the P________ Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses or its legal corporation the P________ Company of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses or it’s legal corporations, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of
    Pennsylvania, Inc., the International Bible Students Association or any other agency not here named.

    17. There shall be no contact between the judicial committee and the appeal committee other than to inform them of the time and place of my meetings with them. If I determine that there is any contact, communication or attempt on the part of any of the members of the original judicial committee or anyone acting on their behalf to, in any way prejudice or sway the appeal committee, I will insist that a new appeal committee be formed.

    18. I shall be notified in writing of any and all of my rights and responsibilities involved in the appeal process.

    19. I shall be allowed to have one person of my choice present during the all meetings between me and the appeal committee. Since I think there is good reason to believe that the appeal committee may consult with one or more lawyers, spe-cifically those employed by the Legal Department of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Incorporated, the person of my choice may also be a lawyer.

    20. During the meetings with the appeal committee I and/or my observer will take whatever notes we feel are necessary.

    21. I will not recognize any action taken by the appeal committee as valid unless it is communicated to me in writing, stating the exact nature and reason for the action.

    22. In this written communication the appeal committee must state exactly on whose behalf they are taking the action, specifically the P________ Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses or its legal corporation the P________ Company of Jeho-vah’s Witnesses, the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses or its legal corporations, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Inc., the International Bible Students Association or any other agency not here named.

    23. If the appeal committee has stated that it is acting only for the P________ Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, it is enjoined from notifying any agency outside the congregation of their action. If the appeal committee or anyone acting in their behalf notifies or reports to anyone outside the P________ Con-gregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I may take any appropriate legal action.

    24. I understand that if I am disfellowshipped by the judicial committee and the disfellowshipping is upheld by the appeal committee that I am, at that point, no longer considered to be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I also understand that it is necessary to make a brief announcement that I have been disfellowshipped. From then on, I will consider any attempt to convince by speeches, talks or teaching;
    to coerce by implied or actual threat of similar judicial action; or to encourage by private counsel or suggestion any of Jehovah’s Witnesses to treat me differently from any other person that is not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses to be a serious violation of my civil rights and I may initiate any legal action, civil or criminal that I deem appropriate. This includes any attempt to convince by speeches, talks or teaching; to coerce by implied or actual threat of similar judicial action; or to encourage by private counsel or suggestion any present Jehovah’s Witnesses to shun or avoid me, cease or otherwise modify their doing business with me, or terminate or otherwise abrogate any lease, rental, mort-gage, or any other legal agreement that I may presently have with them. I may consider such to be an infringement of free trade and may initiate appropriate legal action.

    25. I consider any communication between the members of the judicial committee and myself and the appeal committee and myself to be ecclesiastically privileged. Any attempt to reveal the substance or tone of those communications to any other person or group will be considered by me to be a breach of that privilege and may result in legal action. This includes any announcements beyond the fact of my disfellowshipping, speeches, talks, or any other communication, writ-ten or oral, public or private.

    I fully realize that you may be unwilling or that the Watchtower corporations will not allow you to comply with the preceding. I respectfully await your written response.

    Follow Ups:

    **DA Letter w/Legalese AF 22:19:05 9/26/0 (0)

  • promqueennot

    I agree with TR - everything except E. Although if you want the easy way out, then do like Conflicted.

    Larc, Java and DarkClouds,
    Very funny! Thanks for the laugh!

  • stephenw20

    since most at the KH will be Murmuring about why you do what you do , perhaps cutting to the cahse would be best.

    Write your letter ,deliver it during the service meeting, in person, to the speaker on the platform,make sure you smile as you hand it to him, thank him for taking it ,let every one know while walking out their copies are on their windshield of their cars...........
    shout "free at last" as you are leaving.............!!

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