How to get family to read COC?

by TTBoy 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TTBoy

    I just wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I hope my formating is ok.

    I was born JW in 1972 and baptised when I was 16. My parents, older brother, and younger sister are still JW; however

    my younger brother left around the same time I did. My mom's parents were born JW and her mother's parents (my great grandparents)

    were of the "anointed". My mom's brother's families are JW (one even subtituted for CO) and have I cousins at Borg Bethel.

    I went to Case Western Reserve Univ. in Cleveland, OH which led to my fade. I joinded Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity and met some of

    my best friends. As you can see my family is VERY JW.

    I've only recently begun to research the cult which led me to this board, knowledge of Silent Lambs, the Datline broadcast, and am

    now half way through reading Crisis of Conscience. They left me with such feelings of guilt and coping skills of "pray for the big "A"

    to fix problems. What I've been reading is shocking to say the least. I can't put the book down.

    My interests are cars, motorcycles (non-Harleys), skiing, on line games (UO, DAOC), dance music, and stereos.

    I look forward to adding my views to threads. From my month of passively reading posts I only have one comment........

    You Know is a fool, blinded and mind controlled, like the rest, by an organization who puts the companies interests above individuals.

    Read COC pal, see if you have the same view of "the truth" as presented by WTBTS.

  • Joyzabel

    Welcome to the board, TTboy.

    If you figure out how to get your family to read CoC, let us know. I gave a copy to my brother, exbethelite, exelder, and all he did was say, "well, now I know why Ray was df'd." DOH!

    Have fun getting the blinders off other people, especially your family.


  • SYN

    Tie a brick around it and throw it at 'em! JUST KIDDING! It would probably be a good idea to blow up certain paragraphs in it to poster size, put them behind unbreakable glass under floodlights, and lock your relatives in the room with said posters for a couple of months. That tends to do the trick!

    Seriously tho, you know what they say, you can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink! Talk with them about non-inflammatory, non-Dub subjects, and try & steer them towards the real Truth. Use all your old Witness 'undercover preaching' skills to the hilt! All those Kingdom Ministry leaflets you read come in handy for this

    Oh, and you don't know the half of it about YouKnow LOL, suffice to say, read his posts a little more carefully and you will understand what he is truly doing...heh....judging by your response to him, he is succeeding admirably in doing exactly what he planned!

    Edited to add: PS, welcome to the board!

    Edited by - SYN on 8 September 2002 15:52:15

  • Lin

    Welcome to the board TTBoy. I'm relatively new here too, and I can say it's been great for me. The previous posts are right, you can't make jw relatives read the book. All you can do right now is read it yourself and become more and more knowledgeable on the various jw subjects so that when opportunities arise, you "will be able to give a response"....Oh man, where did that line come from? LOL I was born and raised a jw, and left the org in '95. Third generation jw, and all of my family except for one brother still are jw's, so I'm shunned by them all. Again, welcome to the board!

  • Yerusalyim


    Welcome to the board, read with care, take what you want, ignore the rest. BLESSINGS


  • TTBoy

    Will retract comment about You Know, I suppose that should have been directed to Dubs in general.

    Statement Retracted.

  • Sentinel

    Welcome TTBoy,

    We are glad you are here.

    To answer your question, I would purchase the book and "accidentally" leave it lying around in their home, without the binder on it, so they can't readily see what the title is--or better yet, hide it inside one of those "bible" covers that zip. Make certain that your name is inside, so they won't toss it out. Have it laying open, upside down. Have a marker inside and a couple key sentences highlighted.

    You just never know who might pick it up, and what their reaction might be. Sometimes it's only one good sentence that pops right out that stirs the thinking processes. And that can be the beginning.

    I will look forward to reading more of your posts.



    EACH OF US ARE INIVIDUALS with unique and individual experiences..I myself would not even bother trying to get any one I am related to (that is a JW) to read C.O.C.--queenie

  • back2dafront

    Welcome TTBoy - I too am fairly new here and come from a pretty devout JDub fam. I tried to reason w/ my brother on some points and got absolutely nowhere (surprisingly) and so I'm not going to bother w/ my parents. It's just so hard sometimes because I want all of them to understand SO BADLY the real truth. I don't know what it will take for them to realize it though - they're wonderful people and it really sucks not being able to part of the unit anymore, but all I can do is pray that the blindfold will be removed one of these days. And enjoy the once-a-month conversations - I'm fortunate I'm not totally shunned.

    later dude.


  • Nowhere

    One way, that worked for me is:

    1. Talk about apostates with them. Ask them about their feelings for apostates. Are all apostates evil? Ok, but those who where DF:d for going to the police when they were molested or beaten? Are they really evil too? Ok, if they are not, there can be some exceptions...

    And when they know that not all apostates are "evil", you are ready for step two.

    2. Ask them if they know who Raymond Franz is? They might know he is an evil apostate, then tell them that he left Brooklyn himself. He even got 10000$ for doing so. Tell them that you don't know why he wrote that book, but there might be some truth in it? No? Then tell them that some topics in that book can be checked, they are true, you can check them with WT-articles, tapes and meeting protocols.

    Of course I know that he only wrote that book to earn money and he was angry with the organization, but still he was in the GB for 9 years? Did you know that he wrote most of "insight on the scriptures" (or at least "aid to bible understanding", but they are pretty much the same) and that he has a lot to do with the things that today are presented as part of the truth?

    When you have gotten them to think that maybe he is not so very evil, just was a little uncertain on the present truth then, and he very likely would not have left today (we are stretching the truth here, it's called theocratic war strategy with a fancier name), then, you are ready for step three.

    3. Now ask them if you can read just a little part of his book? Nothing that will say anything negative of the organization, you just want to read about his life before he entered the GB.

    And after that, maybe you can read a little part about how the GB works? at this stage, you simply jump the parts were he gives his own opinions about the bad things.

    And now, when you have read a part of the book, wouldn't it be interesting to hear a little more? As you see there is nothing in here that is negative to the organization. The only faults you have heard of this far is surely better today in the truth. Of course.

    When you have agreed that the book might contain some harmless or anyway not devastating facts about the org. , then you are ready for step 4.

    4. Now you just read through the chapters, only skipping the parts were he (Ray) gives his own "negative" comments to the text. They don't wanna hear it but they agree to listen to you, because you are sure all these faults are corrected today in the truth.

    When you have read all the chapters, except for the starting "personal thought" ones and the ones in the end dealing with his own case, you are ready for the final step 5.

    5. At this point, the game is over. No more excuses, no more Mr. Nice Guy. You just feed them with the "right food in the proper time". Going through things like the 607 b.c. destruction of Jerusalem, the two witness rule, misquotations and deliberant lies in the literature , the embarrassing history etc. etc. etc.

    And now, it's all up to them, of course they now know about all the errors and stuff with the organization, but they still believe that the org is Gods channel and pet on the earth.

    You just give them time, and continue feeding them with food "at the proper time" and eventually in the end, there eyes will open, hallelujah !

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