A Week Later; I'm Still Confused.......

by Sentinel 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TTBoy

    This saddens me, but there is hope!

    I haven't gone to meetings for 10 years now, I faded. My parents know I smoke, did drugs, have a girlfriend, don't agree with JWs and so forth. I'm still baffeled,

    despite the latest KM, that they still show unconditional love. I straight out told them they had better never treat me like the article described.

    You can bet it's tearing your mother up inside as well. I know my parents have too many problems to add one of that magnitude. I don't know if I was DF or DA

    if it would make a difference.......that seems only a formality seing as they know of all the things I've done. My younger brother is DA and they don't treat him any different

    because of it. I know it bothers some of my relatives that my younger brother and I are their childrens favorite cousins.

    I suppose if my parents refused to talk to me I'd make it a point to call often leaving messages of, "Hi, it's your son. I just called to say hello and that I love you. Give me a call."

    Maybe my situation can give you some hope that the WTS isn't COMPLETELY effective in severing family ties.

    Best Wishes - TTBoy

  • JT

    This is one of the most powerful statements and pcs of advice i have seen in awhile:

    "Their blind religious arrogance is a inpenetrable barrier to any real intimacy you could ever hope to have with them. Sometimes it's better just to let go and move on with your life."

    this is such good advice, while one hopes that they come to see what we have YOU CAN NOT LEAVE YOU LIFE WAITING FOR THAT DAY- if you do your life will be one of complete pain and sorrow-

    move on and if they come to understand build from there, if not, at least you will be able to find some joy in the years that remain for you and i

    to hold your breath till they understand means you will die (emotionally esp)

    instead breathe and take in fresh air, there are too many folks who would truly appreciate your love and time- GO VISIT an old folks home and see all the folks who just WISH that their children would stop by to bring them a crusty pc of bread-

    so WORK TO MOVE ON will not be easy but we all can help you as we help ourselves

  • Dismembered


    It's sad but your mothers a JW wacko, just like my inlaws. It sucks

  • Krazylady

    me too.. Just wrote a long reply and it got lost somehow. Oh well, it was probably boring anyhow.

    (Hold your asses all you believers that Catholics are the whoreing yadda yadda yadda, cause I'm about to quote one) 800 years ago St. Francis said,

    Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;

    where there is hatred let me sow love;

    where there is injury, pardon;

    where there is doubt, faith;

    where there is despair, hope;

    where there is darkness, light;

    and where there is sadness, joy.

    Grant that I may not so much seek

    tto be consoled as to console;

    to be understood as to understand;

    to be loved as to love;

    for it is in giving that we receive,

    it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

    and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

    Much love , I will pray for your mother, just as I also pray for my own family, that their eyes will open and they will SEE Krazylady

    Edited by - krazylady on 12 September 2002 0:21:48

  • Sentinel

    I just went back to my thread and saw these additional supportive replies. Thanks all. I have to say, that I've had a really difficult time since August 30th. I realize that I've been there before, and perhaps that's why it seems like such a mountain of emotional stuff yet again.

    Will my life ever be "normal"? NO. The sooner I face that, the better off I will be. I know the things to do to get over this, but I must like it down in the pits. No, that's not right. I don't like it at all down in the pits.

    Wish I could call mom and leave a message. She's 78 and doesn't own an answering machine. We offered to set one up for her last year (when we were getting along so well) and she refused. She just doesn't understand the new equipment. If she had a machine, I would call and say just what you suggested. It sounds like a normal, stable thing to do. A positive thing. A loving thing.

    I even thought about sending a card-BUT, no doubt, she would toss it in the garbage and not even open it. Yes, she is "that" bad.

    I must just get on with my life, and get over all this crap. I hate the way it has been dragging me down. The emotional highs and lows of wondering when she would accept me or when she would reject me are now resolved. That is one thing I know for sure.

    Love and Light,


  • sOOner

    Hi Sis,

    yes,I am also feeling very out of sorts.Like a water facet that has been turned off and on once too many times and now is just dry.It makes you wonder just how long a person will continue to allow that gun at there heads.I mean next year this time and no end has come,what then mama???

    we can only hope and intend that she realises the gun is not really loaded...

    that man cannot judge

    and that light divine comes from within not from without.

    The pain I feel on losing my mother's love is nothing in comparison to the feelings I experienced on 9 11 the first anniversary.

    The unity amidst the destruction was undeniable.

    There is always Hope...

    Love will remain as long as we allow compassion in our hearts.

    and faith in our tomorrow's

    in the end there was no beginning and in the beginning no end.

    seems we are in between...

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