A Week Later; I'm Still Confused.......

by Sentinel 15 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sentinel

    Well, it's been one week since mom called to tell me that she is reverting back to a previous behavior from 1981, called "hard line shunning". This is after some ten years now, of having communication with me in a restrictive manner. (Well, as "normal" as it could be for us anyway. I'm so used to accepting the crumbs I get......I take what I can get and try to accept it and appreciate it.)

    This leaves me confused, and with many questions as I ponder the past and try to come to terms with the now. All these many years she has been a very faithful JW. Yet, because of how the organization "changes", and because of how different congregations, and different elders, etc. understand the rules of the WTBTS, she has treated me differently, during different time periods.

    After dad died, I went alone to Florida to visit her. This was the first part of May, 2001. Because dad was so obsessive and possessive of her, I had not been able to enjoy even brief times alone with mom in so many, many years; and that was only compounded by her total separation from me for twelve years due to her religious stand. I longed for the old closeness that we enjoyed so many, many years prior. We finally got to have that time. We enjoyed a full week together. It was almost bliss for me. We talked. We looked at old photos. I asked questions that an adult daughter needs to ask of her mother, things regarding family history and health, etc. We so enjoyed those seven days.

    What is odd about all of this, is that she actually invited me to stay with her in her apartment. I could have easily gotten accomodations elsewhere. She knew that. Still, we ate together, we dined out together, we shopped together. And, she really wanted me to attend at least one meeting with her, so that "she could introduce me to all her friends". I declined the invitation, as I did not wish to give her any hope whatsoever that I would "go back". (She ended up NOT going to any meetings the whole time I was there.)

    During my visit she told me how much she admired me, and that she very proud of me for all my accomplishments. She was not attacking me for my disassociation since 1981. She did not try to even discuss the bible or the doctrines with me. (Thank goodness.) Even though at one point, the day before my departure, and probably out of sheer frustration that even her kindness and love was not going to get "this sheep back into the fold", she told me that I was just blinded and would not be able to see the light of truth anymore. She indicated that she wanted me to be happy and enjoy the rest of my time, because Armageddon was nearly upon us. I ignored her statement, and so she didn't go there again during my stay. All and all, It was just a very loving time that we had together.

    In fact, when summer began this year, she called me and wanted me to come down by myself again, and I told her that I just wasn't able to do it for awhile longer. (Looks like I waited too long.)

    What confuses me, is if I am disassociated, and she knows I will never go back, why would she ask me to stay with her, in her home? Isn't that forbidden? Was it not also forbidden for me to sit at the same table with her to eat together--or shop together? And, how about the invitation to go to a meeting and MEET her friends. Wouldn't they have had to shun me?

    Now that I think about that visit, I have to wonder about so much. Well, at least this is a very good memory--something for me to treasure and hold onto for the rest of my days.

    Right now as I look at the clock on my computer, it is 6:15PM. That's when her came came last Friday. Things will never be the same again. :-(


  • gold_morning


    This is the problem. Your mother at this time cannot think for herself. Cult use cunning words like.......a "true" christian would never............or a christian with a "good conscience" should do follow.........

    See how it insinuates that if you do not do as they perscribe you are "not a true christina" or are not a christian with a "good conscience"

    This has now come up with disfellowshiped ones and how to interact with them. In their latest August Kingdom ministry it says cunningly again that "LOYAL christians" do not hvae spiritual fellowship with anyone who has been expelled from the congregation....not even eating with such a person. It went on to say how christians should not even say Hi to such a person..as that is Jehovah's view on the matter. See how if you do not follow what they say your conscience should be you are

    1)not a loyal christian

    2)not following Jehovah's view on the matter (so in otherwards you are defying Jehovah)

    A TRUE CONSCIENCE that is commited to obstaining from a path that feels is wrong will not sway no matter what. In your head and heart wrong is wrong!!!!

    This is not your mother's conscience at work. You know how you can tell??????? Because if next week they came out with new light and told all JW's that you should win them over with honey and show them an extra portion of love their consciences would change immediately. Hence it is not a true conflict of conscience you mother has against you. It is a cult controlled conscience. Her conscience works out of fear of the authority over her.

    A gun is being held to their heads, the only problem is that they don't see the gun, they only see the Watchtower.

    It is easier to deal with if you understand your mother and have compassion for her, not anger or more importantly "guilt".

    My mother is the same way to me. More so now than ever. It hurts and has hurt for the past 16 years.

    much agape love and support gold morning

  • HappyHeathen


    I'm so sorry for you, hon.

    I went though a similar scenario with my daughter about 10 years ago. She couldn't decide whether she wanted to talk to me or not. About the time I thought all contact was over, I'd get a phone call or letter and get my hopes up that she might have had a breakthrough realizing how wrong the shunning was. But it never lasted. It hurts so bad not to have her in my life. But it's even worse when they make you feel like they're "slumming" by associating with you. Their blind religious arrogance is a inpenetrable barrier to any real intimacy you could ever hope to have with them. Sometimes it's better just to let go and move on with your life. There's hundreds of people on this board who share your grief and frustration. I got teary eyed just reading your post.


  • Sentinel

    Thank you, Faith and Gold,

    Your posts were very kind. I guess there is no sense to any of it and that is why I continue to be frustrated. And, you are so right, I do need to move on......and yet, I do keep thinking back to how it was, so recently.

    There are so many of us that have been hurt and damaged by the type of behavior promoted by JW's. There is no balance to it at all. How can we manage to even reason with these hardened ones? I hate to give up hope.

    I was so upset by mom's recent decision, that I told my brother "if" and "when" she does change her mind again, that he should tell her NOT to call or write me. This rolleycoaster ride is making me sick.

    Love to all of the dear friends here who have suffered for many years, and those who are just now beginning to experience the shunning in full force.


  • mann377

    Just think! There are thousands of situations just like yours. Mine is no different. You must get on with your life. But not a life of leaving your family!!! You should try to fly under the WTBS radar by pretending to be interested in the "truth" for no other reason than to rescue your mother from the spritual hostage condition that the WTBS has setup. Go to a meeting, ask questions (leading question) to your mother, maybe one will get her thinking. Leave notes in her literature ref. contridictions from past articles. News articles about pedofilies, UN etc. Your life should focus on rescue of your mother!!!!!!!!

  • Stephanus

    Sounds to me like Mom's been made to feel guilty by the August Kingdom Ministry:

  • cruzanheart


  • ugg

    hugs and understanding being sent your way....

  • Sentinel

    Thanks Everyone,

    I suppose I'm just looking for support and love. There is nothing worse to me than this type of rejective.

    I wish there was a way to reach mom, but she is also more than 1,000 miles away from me physcially. I cannot reach her by phone, nor by mail.

    There is just no way--even if I lived next door to her--that I would compromise my own sanity, to visit any KH to "hide" under a ruse of "interest". Guess I'm just not James Bond Girl material.


  • TheSurvivor

    I could give you training, but it takes years of devoted effort to achieve greatness. I say this after just turning in my time report....made up as usual. (Gee,...opps, can't say "Gee" can we? I did really good with magazines again this month!) I sometimes wonder if they will make a movie out of my life.....I mean having two distinct personalities must be rather rare. <G> Or another scenario.....brother talking to camera... "I just don't know how he could say and do these things, he was always such a good brother. You know, we would have probably never known how he felt in his heart if he hadn't TP'ed the trees at the hall, put super glue in all the locks, and shorted out the sound system, while he was being an attendant one Thursday night." Geez, there I go again, cracking myself up. Hey if you can't laugh at this stuff, you really would go off the deep end. Maybe that it is why you see brothers sometimes sitting with that "thousand yard stare," mumbling something about.....must be good, must go out in service, must answer at meetings, must do what I'm told......oh no, sorry, that is just the standard brainwashing.....it's so hard to tell the difference.


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