Reinhardt Langtaght

by proandcon 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • proandcon

    Reinhardt is mentioned in Ray's Cof C book. He was on the writing committee and was forced from Brooklyn Bethel in the early 80's (along with Ray and Mr Dunlap). I understand he may now live in the Seattle area and has left the WTS. Can anyone verify this? Anyone have contact with him today? Reinhardt was one of the most honest and humble people I ever met...thanks


  • Mulan

    Yes, we know him well. He lives near us. What you say is true.

  • jimbob

    I actually went to the same congregation as him many years ago. I would be interested to know his reason for leaving. He had the most extensive knowledge of anyone I knew. But I didn't know he was ousted from Bethel. Perhaps he was getting a little too smart.............:)

  • jwsons


    Do you have any contact with Reinhardt? I just want to know about one of his book "Is This Life All There Is?" When I was at Bethel, I found out that there 2 versions of this book with a slightly diferences in two paragraphes. I just want to know why as such. Anybody know this incident ? I also like chapter 6 of another book by him ("Choosing the Best Way of Life"). Touching heart !

    Thank you

  • Mulan

    My husband is seeing him today. I am printing out this thread so he can see it. I know it will make him happy. He doesn't have internet access.

    I'll see what we can find out for you.

  • Joyzabel

    <waving @ Reinhardt>

    Tell him I haven't written yet because of a busy life. But I will try to do so soon.

    Thanks Mulan.

    He was the best bethel instructor I had. His knowledge knocked me off my feet!!!

  • jwsons

    Thank you Mulan. Thank you to Mr Reinhardt Langtaght in advance too. I couldn't remember in which Chapter of the book "Is This Life All there Is?" the changes occur, but I did report to my supervisor that time (1974-I tear off two pages from two books and send to him) and he told me keep silent. Then as a "faithful brother" that time, I forget everything about differences. It's only brought up to my mind again when I read CoC of Ray Franz about the changings in Commentary of James-book.


  • Jourles

    My family and I are good friends his brother's family, Lothar and Joyce who are in the Fairfield, IA congregation. That is about all I can say without giving out too much information. Mulan, you are lucky to be close to Reinhardt. I remember a long time ago about the fallout between him and his family. He probably already knows this, but you may want to let him know that his niece and her husband, Naomi and Carl Zahari, are serving at Patterson. He works in the video department. They are the only blood relatives of his that I know of that are at Bethel.

    I sure would like to talk with him someday, he may remember me.

  • Joyzabel


    We used to host Lothar and Joyce, when he would give talks in our congo. (back in the late 70's and 80's). What are they up to now? I can't believe they are still in the Fairfield IA congo!!!

  • Jourles

    Wow, someone else who knows them. Well, since all the daughters have been married off and are now gone, they sold their big blue house that was midway in town and moved into a smaller one. He is still the PO and Joyce is still sewing like usual. Shoot me an email and I'll give you some more info if you'd like.

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