by minimus 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • Europe
    Amac thinks:"JW`s have evolved as a pacifist organization."......

    Indeed Outlaw, LOL!!!

    But isnt the WTS doing a great job then?

    If you can tell such a lie and 6.000.000 people take it for granted............

  • amac

    Oh my goodness! You people are brainwashed by your own "apostasy." Anyone who denies the claim that JWs are pacifists are fools and can't think outside of their emotions about the WT.

    Before you throw in your lame arguments, please look the word up in the dictionary. Then tell me when the JWs have ever used violence or war to resolve a dispute or difference in belief. And don't bother trying to twist their use of the blood doctrine because that is neither violent or a means to resolve any dispute. That is simply a stupid rule they have if you want to be a member of their club.

    You lot need to go take some college classes on Social and Religous Studies.

  • JT

    Then tell me when the JWs have ever used violence or war to resolve a dispute or difference in belief.

    You lot need to go take some college classes on Social and Religous Studies.


    these two thoughts are very interesting- he references that jw have no history of doing violence and i fully agree with him 100%, but then he references the need to take some college courses- well many of us have and there was on case that really stood out about human behavoior esp GROUP THINK=


    a women was being killed screaming and calling for help while dozens of normal good folks did nothing-

    a number of studies have shown the power of mob or group minset, case in point a typical mob scene-

    while i don't think that out of a Hall with 120 publishers 119 would kill you or i, i hate to tell you - but there are jw who if the WT Said do it and give them some scriptual reasons and called it new light

    i don't put such an effect beyond their reach- i guess the point was from the post that there are jw who would do ANYTHING THAT THE SLAVE SAY

  • amac

    JT -

    I fully agree with your post. But as you stated, it would be a minority that would do so in the JW faith. This would be the same and probably even more so in any other religion (especially those that do not promote pacifism.) So I guess the technical answer to the thread topic, WOULD A JW KILL IN THE NAME OF GOD, would be yes. But so would a Mormon, Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, etc. The idea that others have insinuated that a majority of JWs would go along with this is ridiculous. To switch an entire mob mentality that has been trained up on pacifism to that of aggression is very far fetched.

    On a side note, in my reference to those who need to take college classes, I was not referring to the whole board in general, but instead, those that were ganging up on me about JWs not being pacifists.

  • Satanus


    The American Heritage

    Dictionary of the English

    Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.


    1. The belief that disputes
    between nations should
    and can be settled peacefully.
    2a. Opposition to war or
    violence as a means of
    resolving disputes.
    b. Such opposition demonstrated
    by refusal to participate in
    military action.

    The wt doesn't match either definition 1 or 2a. They believe that their amighty god destroying all mankind (except for themselves) and supposed demonic opposers will settle all disputes, once and for all. That isn't peaceful by the stretch of anyones imagination. The wt and it's adherents have even called numerous times for god to kill these people, your neighbors, freinds, family, that are non-jw. Jw's don't believe things can be settled peacefully, period. By not opposing the military action of their god, they fail to match also definition 2b. Following are some quotes that show what they think is the method for acheiving peace and paradise.

    *** w91 12/15 11-12 Rejoice in the Kingdom Hope! ***
    Yes, look forward to seeing God's Kingdom vindicate the universal sovereignty of Jehovah God and sanctify his glorious name by bringing the great tribulation, which will cleanse the earth of the wicked ones of whom the Devil has been god. What a joy it will be to survive that great tribulation!-Daniel 2:44; Revelation 7:14.

    *** w82 7/1 27 What Birth of the Nation Has Meant for Mankind ***
    29 As survivors of the "great tribulation" that lies just ahead for the world, they will witness how Jehovah vindicates his universal sovereignty by destroying his own enemies and their enemies in that worldwide "tribulation." To this effect Isaiah closes his prophecy with the words: "And they [the tribulation survivors] will actually go forth and look upon the carcasses of the men that were transgressing against me; for the very worms upon them will not die and their fire itself will not be extinguished, and they must become something repulsive to all flesh."-Isaiah 66:24.

    *** it-2 1149 Vengeance ***
    Therefore, the primary purpose for God's taking vengeance is to vindicate and glorify his own name and sovereignty. (Ex 14:18; Ps 83:13-18; Isa 25:1-5; Eze 25:14, 17; 38:23) His action also vindicates his servants as being truly his representatives and delivers them from undesirable circumstances.-Ex 14:31; 15:11-16; Eze 37:16, 21-23; Ps 135:14; 148:14; Pr 21:18.

    *** w82 7/1 25 What Birth of the Nation Has Meant for Mankind ***
    22 Although meriting due consideration in the inspired Bible, the salvation of the human race from sin and death and bondage to Satan the Devil and his organization is not the most important thing, the most important doctrine of the Holy Bible. As the leading article, entitled "Integrity," appearing in the issue of August 15, 1941, of the Watchtower magazine, said: "Jehovah's purpose to have the world ruled by his righteous Government is repeatedly emphasized in the Scriptures. His Government is the Theocracy over which he has made Christ Jesus the King. . . . The primary issue raised by Satan's defiant challenge was and is that of UNIVERSAL DOMINATION." (Paragraphs 1, 19) Hence, the chief purpose of the Most High God is to vindicate this universal sovereignty, which he alone exercises. This he will gloriously do shortly in "the war of the great day of God the Almighty" at the battlefield of Har-Magedon. (Revelation 16:14-16) It is the duty, the privilege, the honor of the "holy nation" of spiritual Israel to maintain its integrity toward Jehovah's universal domination or sovereignty, so proving the Devil a liar.

    *** kc 45 5 The Kingdom-Why So Long in 'Coming'? ***
    18 Once God's kingdom has crushed Satan and his corrupt system of things, it will never again be necessary to vindicate God's sovereignty. The issues raised by the rebel Satan will have been answered once and for all time. (Nahum 1:9) Right here, at this earth, the rightfulness, the righteousness, the excellence of rulership based on God's law of love, will have been proved, and the Kingdom will have "come" to sanctify the grand name of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. For those of 'groaning creation' who now serve God in integrity, what a bright hope God's kingdom holds forth! Are you praying fervently for its 'coming'?-Romans 8:22-25.


    Edited by - saintsatan on 6 September 2002 15:52:50

    Edited by - saintsatan on 6 September 2002 15:56:47

    Edited by - saintsatan on 6 September 2002 15:58:41

  • amac

    SS -

    If you were ever a JW, you know there is a HUGE hole in your argument. JWs do not believe that they or any human will be part of that executing force at Armaggedon. JWs believe that is up to Jehovah and simply pray and try to be worthy of his salvation during their believed destructive period. I think you would be hard pressed to find a single JW that thinks they will be helping Jah, JC and the angels out at Armageddon. And even if you do, it would be far from even a noticable minority, let alone a majority.

  • amac

    I'm not sure why it isn't showing my name (maybe it only looks like this in my browser.) But that last post is from me, amac.

    Edited by - amac on 6 September 2002 15:58:28

  • kevin221

    Loves Dubs,

    Sorry I wasn't ignoring your question, just ignoring my computer so that I could rest my brain.

    My life partner was raised a JW and left the JW's in his teens. His father was the "wacko" elder that I mentioned in my last post on this thread. He had shunned my partner for 20 years but for some reason came crawling out of the woodwork when Jon passed away from cancer last fall. His father tried to put some legal moves on me and stake a claim to Jons' estate. I really feel he did that to upset me and try to prove he was on the "moral high ground". He despised the fact that Jon and I were in a committed, long term (would have been nine years a couple of weeks ago) relationship that he found "sinful". Since we had made sure that everything would be covered legally in case of the worst case scenario happening in regards to Jons' health, I was able to thwart his fathers actions. I truthfully think the fact that he wasn't able to control the situation really ticked him off so he decided to retalliate. It was hateful and nasty and in the end costly but what's done is done. Hope that answers your question.

    Take care,


  • Europe
    Since we had made sure that everything would be covered legally in case of the worst case scenario happening in regards to Jons' health, I was able to thwart his fathers actions

    Well done Kevin! Hats off!! You saved yoruself a lot of extra pain. You had enough pain already loosing your partner! And I can fully understand how you must feel! I simply cannot understand why they hate homosexuals that much!

    Take care,


  • Dismembered

    Amac said:

    I think you would be hard pressed to find a single JW that thinks they will be helping Jah, JC and the angels out at Armageddon.

    Were you drunk when you typed that?

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