by minimus 75 Replies latest jw friends


    A very interesting question,with some very interesting responses.So far most people think,some dubs would kill on command,if they were told to do so.As they already do,I believe that to be true...OUTLAW

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Isn't that what Disfellowshipping and shunning are? Isn't that killing someone, albeit spiritually? Aren't they commanded to treat such people as if they were dead. How many people are being treated that way right now?

  • greven


    look at what jehu did at jizreel in God`s name. since Jehu is considered a Hero by most JW`s it would only take some 'new licht' to encourage them to do likewise. i do think however that it will lead to great numbers of new apostates.


  • Sentinel

    A few months back, I might not have agreed. But, now I believe that we need to watch these people very carefully.

    I don't like being paranoid. Being alert and aware and educated is not being paranoid. We don't like to believe that people we have known, people that we have shared our lives with, friends that have eaten with us, those we love, would go to these extremes. And, yet, it seems that the WT is forcing this issue of loyalty, splitting families apart. Perhaps there is a far more deviant purpose to this behavior.

    Today, they would not stone us to death, but they would use any means available, all in the name of god. We need to carefully think about this possibility and use good common sense and caution. If the word were to go out, total caos would ensue. This could really then be theirr much awaited Armageddon.

    Love and Light,


  • Larry

    I echo the sentiments of Vivamus.

    "Yes they would. This life means nothing to them, JW would probably see it as a favor cause the one they murder will have a new change on a paradise earth or some similar thought...."

    Peace - LL

  • BadJerry

    I asked the elder who studied w/ us that exact question. His response, "If that's what is asked, that's what I'll do!". Yes, it did make the hair on my neck stand up, but he made such a convincing argument (Ok, reality check, I had the blinders on, along w/ the collar and leash by that time). This man was in the military (WW2), has a collection of big-bore rifles, and hunts regularly. There is no doubt in my mind he would pick up one of those cannons and blow the head off of whoever the GB told him to, including me or his Df'd son!


  • nancee park
    nancee park

    I also vote that YES there are some capable of it, and in a string farther up I tell reasons to believe things have already happened indicating the full, dangerous potential.

  • scootergirl

    I would have to say yes......in my own personal life my mother would- yes, my dad I would most adamanty say- no. I am holding out hope for my dad........he will "escape" someday.

  • LovesDubs

    Kevin what precipitated that JW attack on you??? Jesus!

    Considering the extreme hatred the Society has for its ex members these days, and the desperation they feel and the BLAME they place squarely on the "apostates"...nothing would surprise me. They are feeling sufficiently trapped these days to lash out at ANYTHING and we are the primary target. Not the government, not the police, not "Christendom"..US. The directive would be to "eliminate by any means possible, opposers of Jehovah" perhaps like the Scientologists suggested. Or you know how they WORD things..." a TRUE follower of the true God Jehovah would never ALLOW apostacy to continue poisoning Jehovahs People with leaven. He would KNOW what to do to stop the onslaught of lies from those who have CHOSEN to defile Gods name....etc etc.." leaving it a fill in the blank type thing so they can have total deniability. Thats how 1975 came down kids.

    And all those JWs who dont comply..the gun would swing around towards them.

  • Quotes

    It comes down to the level of cultic mind-control "The Society(TM)" has over the individual. Every individual is different. I recall (correct me if I am wrong) that in Jonestown, and in Waco Texas, there was a small minority who did not voluntarily follow the others on their path.

    JWs are a cult, although arguably slightly less cultic than some others (on a scale of 1 to 10, they are, perhaps, 7 or 8). Some would follow orders to kill, for a few it would be a wake-up call and help them escape from the cult.

    Remember, they already commit crimes in the name of The Truth(TM):

    • vandalism/destruction of opposing view (a.k.a. Apostate) books at public libraries
    • illegal entry into homes and apartment buildings clearly marked "No Tresspassing"
    • failure to report suspected and alleged child molestation, contrary to mandatory reporting laws
    • failure to pay taxes ordered by the French government. They simply moved out of the contry to avoid payment. So much for "paying Caesar's things to Caesar".
    • abducting children to prevent court ordered, life saving, blood transfusions
    • abducting children to prevent court ordered custody of a "non-believing" parent
    • bribing Mexican government officals to receive a "cartilla" which indicates that mandatory military service has already been served
    • telling lies while under oath, claiming it is not a lie but rather "spiritual warfare"

    Murder would be just another (admitedly extreme) example of "breaking Man's Law(TM) to follow God's Law(TM)"

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