What instructions came with the new brochure?

by dubstepped 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • sowhatnow

    so, the evidence is so overwhelming they printed up some propaganda for the average jw to use as little more than a means for a guilt trip. hmm this will be interesting...

    what pray tell, shall i prepare for the coming onslaught of 'hints' subtly tossed my way?

  • Poztate

    When my Wife came home from the RC she left a few laying out around our home including one at the entrance to the bathroom. Although it was tempting I decided to use two- ply instead.

    I looked at it online and it seems to be a fluffy little piece of work. You left Jehovah because

    1 you just strayed away

    2 you found fault with a person in the congregation

    3 you are a secret sinner who did some bad things and have a guilty conscience

    Might have missed something but didn't look harder

    You can come back if you kiss our ass, ask for a study and confess any wrongdoing to the BOE who will "readjust" me

    They didn't even go close to the idea that it might be them not me. No apology for bizarre ideas and flip flops over the years after all the light is getting brighter.

  • punkofnice
    joe134cd9 hours agoI wonder if we should make a rebuttal brochure about why we shouldn't return to watchtower Inc. Be funny.

    I think there are plenty out there. the problem is some of them are 'don't return to the cult, join our crazy cult instead.'

    I have seen the cover of the brochure and I wonder what it contains. Like others, the elders have totally kept away from me for the last 5 years. Despite the directive to seek out those that have been DF'd or whatever.

    APATHY RULES in the JW cult....somehow the dopes at the top seem to think otherwise.

    I dread to think what dire crud is in the brochure. Is there a direct debit mandate at the back for donations?

    Bloody halfwits!

  • punkofnice
    Poztate - They didn't even go close to the idea that it might be them not me. No apology for bizarre ideas and flip flops over the years after all the light is getting brighter.

    You are spot on here. Why haven't they apologised for being weirdos and having crazy flip flopping ideas?

  • smiddy

    J.W. : Have a new brochure to reach out for those who have strayed for one reason or another .

    Me : Oh no here we go ,I`m going to be inundated with brochures from family and former friends trying to get me back into the organization .

    A few months pass and I have not received one brochure .

    Me : What ?, I haven`t even received one brochure from anybody , friend , or relative , nobody has sent me a brochure , what`s wrong with me ? Why haven`t I received one ?


  • snare&racket

    Considering this religion has not hidden it's distain for the mentally diseased that dare to leave, it goes to show just how desperate they are for money, that they are releasing a brochure to get the ones that have ALREADY LEFT, back in.......

    It's financially smart, but after 100 years of calling every leaver a goat, what's changed in their interpretations so that now these people have their own brochure? We know of course, it's how they have interpreted their balance sheets, not the bible.

    It's a very corporate desicion. I wouldn't be surprised if the term 'market' was used when discussing the legions of leavers.

  • disillusioned 2
    disillusioned 2

    Can't wait for mine to be left lying around by hubby when he gets back from assembly. So great that I know what's coming before he does. He keeps leaving magazines lying around. Even when I open the boot of the car I have 'what does the bible really teach' staring at me. In the glove compartment there is a novel about blood. He 'accidentally' plays a drama CD in the car until I roll my eyes.

  • punkofnice

    Sounds like they're not only desparate for money but still can't get out of playing the blame game.

    On the other hand they have moronic parents boasting about how they shun their children.

    What game are these bozos playing?

  • steve2

    No one's yet answered to my satisfaction what exactly am I being asked to return to Jehovah? I honestly don't think I borrowed a damn thing that must be returned.

  • sowhatnow

    but i thought it was jesus who we were to have faith in? is it not he that was given all the judging? is it not his name we should call on for salvation? hmm was it not he who was given the right to rule?

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