JW's DO eat Blood

by Yerusalyim 25 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Kudos

    Thank you for the welcome.

    I understand the point. I have seen where they have saved lives and cost lives. I hate that most doctors use them as a first option for everything. I refused a blood transfusion when I was hemmoridging after my son. The doctor started cussing ... my bestfriend (a JW) was out in the hall crying and praying ... I just looked at my doctor and said 'You are my doctor because I know you are good ... you can do this.' and I stayed calm ....

    It was me ... not my child ... and I knew what it meant for my children if something happened to me. As I wasn't shot or cut ... it was somewhat different .... and I think that God gave me peace knowing things were going to be just fine. I had doubts at that time also.

    The point that I made to everyone ... and that I will make now ... I knew what JWs believed, what they taught and so forth ... I made the choice to become one of them. I wasn't taught what to believe ... not for me ... I went because it was the CLOSEST to what I believed. If someone is really for taking a blood transfusion ... then that is THEIR choice NOT to become a JW. I wasn't pushed into becoming one. At one point the lady even asked me if she should come back and check on me ... I told her ......... mmmmmmmmmm..... maybe another day.

    That is the thing ... you do have a choice whether you want to or not ... it's just if you choose to take blood transfusions ... celebrate holidays, smoke, have sex , live a life ... then you aren't a JW. It is their religion, their rules. You have to follow them if you want to be one.

    I made my choice. If it was absolutely dire ... and all other options were exhausted first, I might except one. Still not sure. Especially after they did some really bad screenings a few years ago in Texas where 38 people died from ..... ummmmmm... gosh now I can't remember the name of it ... it is sometimes called 'The Kissing Disease' ... anyway ... it was in some of the blood right after the town had gotten over an epidemic, and more people died.

    Technology is great ... but not that great.

    I will point out a flaw in the logic that I found of the JWs. 1 or 2 years ago they came out with a Awake on the blood issue. It told of the different options there were. One of the options was a machine the catches the blood and cycles it through. I have a problem with that. It is the SAME as getting a blood transfusion with blood of your own that you have put up and stored for yourself. They say it is different that since it is still cycling through your body and it is the same blood, etc. it is ok.
    I personally would use a method such as this, or storing up your own blood for personal use is ok also (if done at a reputable and trustworthy place) ... that way no sickness or such can be passed on. BUT!! With the way that the JWs logic works ... 'anything that goes into your veins is food' this blood recycling machine is making them eat blood. And they say that it is ok?!?!?

    definitely something wrong with the logic there

    I guess I got tired of finding these little bits .... and not being able to express what I felt scriptures believed without getting 'told off' for it. JWs aren't the only ones who do that though .... my reason for not going to church ... My kids can read the bible for themselves and make their own decisions. I feel sorry for the people who were brought up as JWs more than anything. They are the ones who really don't have a choice, right?? They lose EVERYTHING when they decide to quit. Family, friends, help, love, evrything they know ... those are the ones I hope to reach.

    Nice to know there are some people in the world that still think for themselves ...

    Thank you,

  • gumby

    JW's nursing babies, get more blood in their milk from their mothers, than is what is allowed for intake, before you violate their definition of allowable intake.

    It was a COMMAND to populate the earth as much as it was a command to abstain from blood. JW's better have kids, or face disfellowshipping I say!

  • Kudos


    Good one Gumby!!

    Me ... I didn't have THAt problem!! I had 5 ... and now we are all safe and sound!!

  • PurpleV
    We need not become absurd and quibble like a Pharisee

    Hmm. Let's see.

    I can stand for the national anthem if I've already been standing for the flag salute, but I cannot get up for the anthem if I've been sitting down for a while and there was no preceeding flag salute.

    I can not have whole blood, but I can have albumin and platelets.

    I can't throw my garter at the wedding reception, but my guests are free to get as smashed as they want.

    There must be two witnesses to sexual molestation.

    I am considered spiritually weak if I have a 2-door car.


  • ashling

    It's curious that I've never known a JW who had a problem with eating animal flesh. Well bled or not, don't you think that people who view themselves to be so very superior would naturally eschew the products of such a cruel industry as factory farming? I guess they reason that this is just one more thing that Jehovah will take care of in his own good time. Nothing like the JW philosophy of life to excuse rampant apathy, inaction, ignorance, stupidity, and an apalling lack of compassion for all that lives...

  • freeman
    Nothing like the JW philosophy of life to excuse rampant apathy, inaction, ignorance, stupidity, and an apalling lack of compassion for all that lives...

    Ain't that the truth.


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