I'm getting a Tattoo, it doesn't hurt, right?

by LB 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    Here is a pic of my Phoenix tat. I was wondering something, if you look closely you can see that some parts are not completely filled in black. Is this normal or do I need to return and have it touched up?

  • Xena

    Yea where you gonna put it LB??? Somewhere you can share with the rest of us??? hhhmm if not feel free to send "private" pics to my addy

    nice one elsewhere....why don't you show it off at the apostatefests? *sigh* probably do after I am gone...all the fun happens when I leave....hey it isn't me is it????? nnnnnaaaawwwww, nevermind.......

  • Elsewhere

    Oh, and since a touch-up would not involve a line-out, will it hurt more since I will not numb-out before the wide instrument is used?

    (BTW, the tat is on my upper left back)

  • Xena

    So next apostatefest I need to just rip the shirt off your back??? I mean to see the tat of course....

  • WildHorses

    I think I may just have to get a tattoo also. You know what I will get, don't ya?

  • LB

    Pardon me whislt I slip in between elsewhere and xena.

    I will get it on my shoulder. My son wants to do them on our back but hey, I'm paying for the darn thing and I want to be able to see it.

  • LB

    Oh thank you Lilacs. Not many women are willing to put a tattoo of my face on their body. That really means a lot.

  • WildHorses

    LOL @LB, um, I would but hey, what if I started dating again? How would I explain that? LOL I was thinking more along the line of a bunch of Lilacs.

  • Xena

    slide right on in here LB...wiggling to make room....

  • LB

    Well I'm heartbroken Lilacs, and feel so foolish.

    But that wiggling of Xena is making me feel......much better now.

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