Spokes person needed for Silentlambs in Seattle

by Trauma_Hound 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Trauma_Hound

    As you may all know already, Bill wants to hold a press conference in 10 cities across the US next Thrusday. I have volunteered to get press releases out to the media, and my contacts within the media. Even though I do have a background in television, and have actually done on air talent, I don't think I'm a good canidate to be the spokes person, I really don't want to scare people, honestly I look like a biker. So that being said, looking for someone to volunteer to do this, if Bill can't find me someone. I would do all the leg work, you'd just have to read a prepaired statement, and I can give you some couching tips to boot. I will also be video taping the press comference here in Seattle, and will post that up online. Please, if you can, volunteer to do this. Some of you may not agree totally with how Bill is going about this, but the cause is still just.

    Have a nice day.


  • jst2laws


    I can think of several good people out there but I guess they should volunteer rather than be drafted.

    I hope Bill agrees they do not have to be a man.

    Come on Seatle. You brave souls. Step forward.


  • Trauma_Hound

    Well I'm not sure, but I personally don't care if it's a man or woman, I think a woman would actually have more impact, reach the mothers out there.

  • LB

    Lots of well spoken people up there Charles. You are one of them. Although I must admit that you do resemble a biker. I had that look some years back including the pony tail.

    I think Bill's doing a great job. Hopefully someone will step forward, or it's you buddy

  • Trauma_Hound

    I totally agree, he's doing a great job, alot of work for just two people, so the more volunteers the better!

  • ChuckD

    I believe that You Know lives out that way, perhaps he would be interested.


  • Trauma_Hound

    Bill said a press conference for silentlambs not the WTS! LOL

  • LB

    Could you please post You Know's address as during my next trip up north (after two weeks) Trauma and I would enjoy paying him a shephering call.

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    I'm sure women spokespeople are fine, even though not I'm sure not Bill. Deborah was a "judge" who helped Israel, Phoebe was a "minister/deaconness" (that's right, read Romans 16:1), and Esther saved the whole Jewish race. Bill's wife has spoken up, so has Barb Anderson, so are and shall other women. This is a horrible tragedy impacting both males and females, though of the two females are especially being victimized by men who are often congregation elders and ministerial servants!

    Lady's, step forward, please! The women telling the real truth are indeed a "large army!"

    Also while focusing on the pedophile issue you might just happen to slip in "the Watchtower Society have also misled adults on other matters such as with their being a Non-Government Organization in the United Nations for ten years though preaching against the U.N.!"

    Edited by - nancee park on 31 August 2002 23:43:22

  • Simon

    However 'nice' and tempting it would be to expose them on other things too, I think it would detract from the Silentlambs message and put some people off hearing it ... best stay focused.

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