Wanna E-mail George W Bush?

by cellomould 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • cellomould

    Stop the Rush to War

    Most Americans agree that Iraqs longtime dictator, Saddam Hussein, is a sadistic thug. Despite this, White House calls for a massive, preemptive invasion of Iraq are dangerously misguided, and not in tune with Americans current priorities. Take action!

    Nobody can predict how a U.S. invasion would fare, but we can be reasonably sure of a few things: It will cost tens of billions of dollars, alienate our allies in Europe and the Middle East, kill many civilians, further dim prospects for peace between Israel and Palestinians, explicitly violate the UN Charter and increase the likelihood Hussein might launch his nastiest anti-civilian weapons against our troops or Israel.

    Invading Iraq will not lessen the threat of terrorism against the United States, and may actually increase it. No evidence has been produced linking Iraq to the September 11 attacks, and a U.S. war against Iraq could incite stronger support for Al Qaeda across the Arab and Muslim worlds.

    Tell President Bush invading Iraq would be a terrible mistake. Take action!


  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    I fear that it will be like standing on a rail track, holding your hand up and shouting STOP!!! at an oncoming train.

    Too late - death all around - what joy!

  • DJ

    Hi Cello,

    Thanks for the contact. I will e-mail......although I'm afraid that Dizzy may be right. dj

  • Mimilly

    Dubya won't even listen to his own people, let alone anyone from anywhere else. I seriously question his motives on invading Iraq. Saddam has to go - but this doesn't feel right at all, and frankly, scares me.


  • FiveShadows

    why is it everytime it's a republican president....we go to war? ~FS p.s. the government sucks

    Edited by - fiveshadows on 31 August 2002 18:20:23

  • jelly

    Woodrow Wilson - Democrat - WW1

    FDR - Democrat - WW2

    Truman - Democrat - Korea

    Kennedy / LBJ - Democrats -VietNam


  • Yerusalyim


    Your democratic buddy, Bill Clinton, got US troops involved in more places where we had no business than any other president, and then tied our hands so as to make it impossible for us to do the job correctly. For Example Mogadishu, Somalia the movie BlackHawk down, our hands were tied we were not properly armed and equipped, etc.

    As to IRAQ, I was part of the force that kicked Hussein out of Kuwait, on the morning the Cease Fire was announced we all said it was too early and that we'd be back in 10-20 years to finish the job. Now, here we are. Is Iraq a threat? You bet! Will it alienate the Arab world? Too late, they are already alienated (good ridance to them), then again, once the battle is over, the Saudis will still sell us oil, and say what a good thing it was for us to do this. Will it alienate Europe? F*** Europe.

    What will happen if we do nothing? Iraq will CONTINUE to support and aid terrorists just as they have been doing (they played a part in 9-11 and are now sponsoring several high ranking Al Qaeda leaders. He WILL develop the Nuke, and just might whip it out on Israel. At anyrate, when he gets "THE BOMB" (defectors report he's within three years of having a nuke) then things change and something like taking over Kuwait won't be as easily reversed. With a Nuke, Iraq becomes the defacto leader of the Arab world. Is this something we really want?

    Look, I'm one of the guys that will go over and lay my ass on the line to take this guy out. We should have done it years ago, support us now, in a few years he'll be too dangerous to do this.

  • Yerusalyim
  • FiveShadows

    actually...i'm not democratic or repulican...i just think the government sucks ...this is the same government that made 911 happen...that ALLOWED it to happen...and then blame another country BLINDLY. Without knowing for sure if it WAS or WAS NOT Osama. Yes i'm extremely sorry for all the people that died...and wish that they didn't experience pain and never had to face such an attack. HOWEVER as my sister in faith Shelby stated ...(not direct quote) why do YOU or anyone ELSE get ANGRY and MAD over a terrorist attack and wish to RETALIATE against your enemies...when you LIKEWISE have slaughtered MILLIONS by the H bomb in Japan? Or what about when the original 13 colonies were made...and all the native americans were slaughtered and forced to give up their land? And now...on the news...they're saying that new evidence points that the United states was actually the FIRST ones to attack on the whole "Pearl Harbor" thing. Such blood shed...from hypocrites. I do not agree with this government...or Osama's government...or any government on this earth...they all suck! lol i'm sorry but they do. i never have nor will look towards the government. ~FS

    p.s. it's ALSO interesting that the order that the governments work in...stemmed off from religion. No wonder religion is the disgusting thing causing desolation standing ina holy place

  • cellomould


    I agree that Sadaam doesn't deserve power. But the U.S. gave him power, both before and after the Gulf War. We know that our government supported him against Iran. How many voices did you hear back then complaining that he was a terrible man, that he killed his own people?

    Very few.

    I don't think the U.S. cared, at the time, about the Kurds anymore that Sadaam did. But in hindsight we label him a genocidal maniac. The U.S. has its own history of genocide. Who says that our government deserves the power it has? Who can trust us to use our plentiful supply of nuclear weapons wisely (in other words, not at all)?

    So how has the U.S. given him power recently?

    The imposition of sanctions on Iraq was arguably the most genocidal act of this century. The power of the U.N.was abused by the U.S. The dictator is evil, so we attack his people. We kill off his poor by the countless thousands...and then what? Democracy will flourish?

    The U.S. continues to use the U.N. as a tool of coercion. We make everyone else follow its rules but we sure as hell do not want to be held accountable.

    Yeru, I hope you don't feel 'on-the-spot', but do you really feel that our government risk your life for a good reason? How many of your friends came back to the U.S. numb or apathetic?


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