Will the resurrected marry/have children?

by davidmitchell 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • davidmitchell

    i have just finished reading 'Brock Talon's' two books. In one of them, entitled Journey to God's House, pub. 2013, (pp.168-175),. he comments on how the WT's pictures of the post-armageddon world do not agree with their doctrines, namely that those who are physically resurrected will not marry/have children. As it is only JWs who survive the big A who can have children, the many pictures of (many) happy family groups are disputable.

    I've never thought about this, but on going to the WT site, in one (2014) article, theyappear to be distancing themselves from the view that anyone physically resurrected will not marry/have children:


    The article admits that the Bible does not give a direct answer (sheeesh! it's hardly a minor point!) and 'we will just have to wait and see' (you're in for a long wait!...).

    As a postscript, I am surprised that with all the information he gives about himself, the person who wrote these books - giving himself the pseudonym 'Brock Talon', has not been identified! I enjoyed them although I have to admit that I found Penton's and Franz's books much more enlightening.

  • Divergent

    Just went to take a look at the link which you gave -


    The last paragraph states:

    Understandably, we may have many questions about life in the new world. Rather than needlessly speculating on the answers to those questions, we will just have to wait and see.

    So we should not needlessly speculate. Fair enough


    If you read the 2nd paragraph of the answer, it states:

    For years, our publications have said that Jesus’ words about the resurrection and getting married likely refer to the earthly resurrection and that those resurrected to life in the new world will evidently not marry.

    So who was speculating??? By the WT's own admission, they are the ones who are guilty of it!!! After all, JW speculations are based on WT publications themselves!!!

  • sir82

    So who was speculating??? By the WT's own admission, they are the ones who are guilty of it!!! After all, JW speculations are based on WT publications themselves!!!

    Love it.

    Just proves my idea - JWs, even those high up in the writing department, are literally incapable of holding a thought for more than 30 seconds and determining the conclusion that would result if that thought were true.

    Just like the proverbial goldfish - unable to think for more than 3 seconds at a time.

    Gad, what a bunch of maroons.

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    For years, our publications have said that Jesus’ words about the resurrection and getting married likely refer to the earthly resurrection

    However, it seems possible that Jesus had in mind the heavenly resurrection

    They are bunch idiots. They have no idea of anything.

    They done the same thing with organ transplants, blood fractions, 1878 the date Jesus started ruling in heaven, then change the date to 1914, then they said the generation that was alive in 1914 would see Armageddon, then they change it to overlapping generations.

    Complete morons and if JWs want to continue to follow these idiots now that there is so much information that exposes them to complete lunacy, then they deserve what they get.

  • Splash


    Women may be turned into men - Golden Age 1930, April 2. P. 446 Bible Questions and Answers
    Whether the identity of the sexes, as such, will be preserved, we do not know. There have been some well authenticated instances in which women have been transformed into men, and it is possible that this transformation may become general and we shall all be brothers together.

    YES - 1943 "The Truth Shall Make You Free" p.362 - 364
    [Evil ones] will not come forth [in the resurrection] to take part in the divine mandate [filing the earth], because that will have been completed by the Lord's "other sheep".

    NO - w50 10/15 p. 381 "Be Fruitful, Multiply, Fill the Earth"
    Nor will the resurrected multitudes be privileged to do so, for Jesus plainly stated that such will not marry nor be given in marriage

    Even survivors won't marry - w54 9/15 p. 575 Questions From Readers
    After that final test there will definitely be no marrying or being given in marriage then by those counted worthy of the new world and having the right to eternal life, just as angels have that right

    YES - w54 9/15 p. 575 Questions From Readers
    It is even reasonable and allowable to entertain the comforting thought that those of the other sheep who now die faithful will have an early resurrection and live during the time when the procreation mandate is being fulfilled and when paradise conditions are being spread earth-wide and that they will share in this divinely given service.

    NO - w56 10/1 p. 601 par. 9 'He That Marries Not Does Better'
    She died single, and that without the hope of enjoying married life in God's new world after she is resurrected from the dead.

    NO - w61 11/15 p. 704 Questions From Readers
    for dead ones with spiritual, heavenly hopes and for dead ones with earthly Paradisaic hopes the rule enunciated by Jesus Christ stands unaltered: "In the resurrection neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage"

    NO - w67 10/15 p. 638 Questions From Readers
    Jesus' words apply to the earthly resurrection, and they indicate that those resurrected will not marry or be reunited in a marriage relationship with former mates.

    YES / MAYBE - w14 8/1 page 29+30, questions from readers
    "Could Jesus be referring only to the heavenly resurrection?" "It is possible"

  • Vidiot

    It ain't "speculating" when they do it.

    When they do it, it's "The Truth".

  • coalize

    I noticed that more and more, on a large bunch of subjects! It's quite funny.

    Before, they had always a good reason to say "yes" or "no", changes of answers included.

    Now, I get the impression that, they even don't bother no more to find arguments, and that they just answer "Maybe, maybe not"

  • davidmitchell

    Splash - many thanks. I've taken a copy of your message. Extremely useful!

    How people will live and function post-A has got to be one of the most important aspects of the whole subject. It's pathetic that the WT cannot give a straight answer to this. How many widows/widowers Witnesses are looking forward to being reunited with their now-dead spouse and are unaware of this damning anomaly in WT teaching?

    This returns to the point I made about 'Talon's' comment in his book - he rightly says that most WT pictures of the post-A paradise show couples and children and yet in fact the WT appears to believe that the only people who will be able to marry/be married, and have children are the Witness survivors of Armageddon, and they will be are in a minority of the total number who will eventually (and supposedly) inhabit 'the new earth'.

    This also begs the question of the state of those (the majority) who cannot marry - will they spend eternity bursting for sex, or will Jehovah completely remove all their sex urges? If so, then the WT can hardly claim that Jehovah has resurrected all those who never heard the WT message as their resurrected state does not resemble their original state as an important human drive has been removed. In reality, it would seem that the post-Armageddon world will be mainly inhabited by a-sexual people....

    This is 'Paradise'????....

  • coalize
    it would seem that the post-Armageddon world will be mainly inhabited by a-sexual people....

    This is exactly how I always imagine the paradise on earth when I was prepubescent. A place where I can play with lion!

    The day I had my first erection, I don't know why, this asexual picture of the the NWOE fall dramatically in my esteem.

    This is a so childish view of what happiness is, that, now, I still don't understand how adult people can fall in that!

  • JW_Rogue
    They changed this because many older ones who lost their spouse to death were becoming discouraged. They didn't want to think that they would never have that relationship with their loved one again. What kind of paradise would that be?

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