Has there been new counsel about Facebook recently?

by purrpurr 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • purrpurr

    I've noticed increasing amounts of jw's are coming off fb and deactivating completely. All with the same reason which they post about at lenght which is that they wwant to focus more on their spiritual life and not have the distraction of fb.

    Have I missed something or is this just a coincidence?

  • Finkelstein

    Its well known that Satan and his wicked evil forces uses Face Book to attract JWS to speak and converse with non - JWS , He is very devious and maligning in this regard.

  • Gulf Coaster
    Gulf Coaster

    I'd be surprised if they weren't warned off Facebook. Too much exposure to normal, good worldlies having a normal, good life and not the depraved, criminal and miserable existence the WT insists we suffer through. Particularly of former JWs, who are supposed to be especially suffering miserably (serves 'em right!). Photos of fun travels, happy family gatherings, etc. are visual proof of the joy you can have as a worldly and would tempt them away from the bleak existence of mindlessly serving the Big J, while pining for some mythical paradise that keeps getting further and further away. Hooray for FB! and technology in general.

  • done4good

    Just another cog in the wheel that is social evolution. WT is ill equipped to deal with it. Too bad, WT...


  • InquiryMan

    If I still was a JW and on Facebook I would have posted nice travel photos and happy family gatherings cause I had plenty....

  • Ignoranceisbliss
    Prob just coincidence. I haven't hear anything lately at our hall. If they go to the same hall it's possible that they had a local needs on the dangers of social media.
  • punkofnice

    I've been out 5 years now. I do know that our self serving CoBE had one of his brown nosing wanna be elders spy on JW FB users and report back to his throne of undeserved kindness.

    Perhaps they are wising up and not airing their washing in front of the glorious ones. A lot of young-uns are really waking up with this this looney GB and looney JW. TV.

  • JW_Rogue
    No new counsel on FB but some people decide to quit for another reason. As a JW there is not much you can post about without somebody getting offended. Even if nothing you post can be construed as "offensive" some people will wonder why you don't share more "spiritually upbuilding things". Things like pictures of trolley carts in foreign lands, bible quotes and the daily text. In short JWs take all the fun out FB, so why would anyone want to stay?
  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    No Facebook?

    What the hell are they going to do while sitting next to their carts?

  • millie210

    I think they are getting off FB because they have started judging one another...

    a very potent way to affect herd behavior. In my own family of JWs, the "mosty" spiritual do NOT have FB. The young ones and the "less" spiritual do.

    One sibling just married an extremely spiritual critter and now closed down his FB because he is going to be "more" spiritual now.

    Its kind of like the driving a sports car or a minivan....

    tells the "judgy McJudgersons" all they need to know about you....

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