Has there been new counsel about Facebook recently?

by purrpurr 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • FayeDunaway
    I think it's not a coincidence this is often a trend during convention time.
  • steve2

    My still-in family would have told me if this were a formal matter ie, read from the platform or in a publication. I see a more mundane explanation - and what you've observed could be a series of coincidences or a spiritual snowball afffect.

    Stopping this or that activity, parading one's personal sacrifices for your brothers and sisters to admire and for worldly acquaintances/friends to see are all wonderful occasions for bolstering one's faith and reputation.

    There's nothing quite like saying, "I'm no longer on fb, because I need to focus on my spirituality", after you or one of your brothers or sisters in the faith has judged you as having been "inappropriate" in some way. A modern-day paying penance. Naughty people are prone to sudden decisions about spirituality - guilt and shame can be very motivating - especially after the chocolate cake has all been eaten.

    Never again...until the next time.

  • notsurewheretogo

    Yeah, back in the late 90's there was an entire Awake! magazine devoted to how evil and dangerous the internet is, a tool in the hands of the Devil....

    The Society would never use the internet...wait...what's this JW.org?

  • DarioKehl


    hell YES. And I remember fondly how they referred to it as "the so-called" information superhighway.

    fucking cunts.

  • truthseekeriam
    My mom has made her Facebook announcement she was leaving Facebook many times before, usually right after it's mentioned at meeting or convention. It lasts maybe a month, then she's back on :)
  • BluesBrother

    This animation was dated 2014 on their website , says "can be fun and safe, if you know the dangers" That is a change from not long a ago.


  • freemindfade
    In one of the convention videos they use some humorous guilt to show two people at a cart taking selfies. Thank zues!
  • steve2

    I'm leaving...I really am...I mean it this time...I'm going...I've got to focus on what's important...hey, don't be surprised if I don't post in future, because I am stopping fb....

    Hey, did you hear what I said??

    I said I was going! Yes, going, gone, no longer here - all that kind of stuff.

    You've got to understand that my faith means that much to me...and it's so easy to get caught up in wasteful activities when there's so much important work to do...I really am leaving...you might think I'm not, but I really and truly am...See, I'm about to walk out the door...it would be futile to try to talk me out of it, because my mind's made up...

    ...until next time.

  • aintenoughwiskey
    Typical JW drama. Trying to out spiritual each other. Not a bad opportunity to get a dig in when they pop back up a week later.
  • joe134cd
    Facebook is how Wt viewed the internet 20 years ago. 20 years from now when social networking becomes unavoidable and necessary, it will only be then that Wt will embrace it. While all the cool aid drinkers stand back and admire how quickly jehovahs organisation is embracing and adapting to change. To be honest i think it would do them a world of good to be on twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. If they don't I'm sure apostates will.

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