Iv been thinking (now I have a headache)

by seven006 50 Replies latest jw friends


    Hey Dave,I like trying to find the solution for this,so heres my 2 cents:We do need sort of a Newbie nursery,but I don`t want to see YK,YO-yo,Yardif,the newest version of the last troll,or any other kind of spiritual deformaty running amuck in there.The real devo`s will have a hay day in there.The newbies have to hang out with us so they can see how the board works.If we offend them,they`l have to get used to it.It`s what it takes to take care of those who would take advantage of the innocent and goodhearted.This is a place where people learn to fight lies and evil,to take a stand for what is right and moral.This is a place newbies can cut their teeth on taking care of the bad guys.I just don`t think we can segregate them,they have to be able to hang out with us...OUTLAW

    Edited by - OUTLAW on 19 August 2002 19:56:30

  • Pathofthorns

    I think people need a reality check if they think active JW's do not use profanity or discuss what might be labelled by some as "obscene" topics. They merely project a certain image to the public but are the same as everyone else as far as speech goes.

    We are talking about an APOSTATE board here, with topics ranging from trashing the WT Society to trashing God and the Bible and if someone thinks swearing and obscenity are anywhere near as offensive as what a JW will consider BLASPHEMY, time for another reality check.

    Any JW that finds this place too rough can look at the thousands of exJW webpages that are well put together. It is not like this place is the only place on the net for them. In fact I would say it is more a place for exJW's to socialize and discuss whatever with like-minded people and NOT for JW's with doubts.


  • seven006


    If everyone looked at the world as you and I do their would be a lot less rules and a lot more fun in life. Unfortunately not everyone sees things like you or I do. Not everyone is as emotionally stable as others. Some have been more emotionally abused than you or I and those are the ones who are most venerable and need the most help. Saying a kind word or using softer language might do the trick. Shoving a corn cob up their butt and telling them to wake the hell up also might do the trick. It all depends on the emotional maturity of the person and the level of trauma they have experience in their life.

    Just because someone is not as emotionally strong as others doesn't mean they are wimps or that you can brush them off as being weak or petty. Some people have deep rooted beliefs in what has been shoved down their throats their whole life. If I am not mistaken, you once believed that a talking snake told a naked lady to eat a piece of fruit and she would have knowledge of everything in life. While you still believed that, if I walked up to you and said you were crazy what would you have thought? What would you have done? If I told you that your parents were complete morons for teaching you that and they should be shot what would you have thought?

    Cut some people a little slack. Give them time to become as calloused and cynical as you and I. Maybe if you did that, people would cut you some slack for being who you are. It's all about balance. You get balance from seeing equaling out both sides of the scale.


  • Naeblis

    First of all, I don't think that any of us have some kind of mandate to save Witnesses from themselves. Witnesses are not the lamb like innocents that you seem to remember. Were we even in the same religion?? If any witness leaves in disgust at the language on this board, it is simply an excuse and a lie to themselves to get away from ideas that they are uncomfortable with. Like I said a few months back, if we are SOOOO concerned with not offending witnesses, then why are there multiple threads on paganism?? tarot readings?? Wicca?? Atheism??? Where does it stop??????? This board was NOT made to cater to witnesses, it was made to provide EX witnesses a place to talk to one another, regardless of what the little blurb at the top of the screen says. This board is hardly a place for a witness to discover information on the Witnesses anyways, this is a Discussion Board. There are websites out there with loads more info to look at. That's why I say the argument that we are moderating outselves for the witness lurker is stupid, because there are openly talked about subjects here that would be far more offensive to the Witness than the word "fuck" This is just a cop out and nothing more.

  • seven006

    Outlaw and Path,

    You both make good points. I would tend to agree with you. Unfortunately, not every one agrees with me. This was just a thought. Maybe the solution is to keep it the way it is. I personally don't have a huge problem with it but, I know I have not recommended this place to a few with bigger problems in life than I have. Once they get use to life outside the religion than maybe I will.


  • Naeblis

    Dave, if you had said those things to me I probably would have laughed and went on my way. However, this is irrelevent as those things that you bring up are not in question here. Under Simon's rules I COULD tell a witness here that he was crazy and everythign would be ok. Any Witness that defends his beliefs here gets FAR worse treament than being called crazy. If Simon was truly concerned about lurker witnesses being offended, don't you think that the issue here would be on our behaviour towards open witnesses, instead of a few cuss words?? What do you think is worse to the witness, a swear word, or seeing witnesses that have the nuts to defend their beliefs get shredded in every thread? Come on man, look at this logically.

  • Pathofthorns

    (How's that headache now btw? lol)


  • seven006


    First of all this board was not made for exJW's at all. Simon first started it as a JW board! It slowly changed into an EXJW board once the JW's demanded that he take it down. If some of us, as EXJW's came to him while it was still a JW board and said some of the things we so freely say now, possibly this board wouldn't be here.

    You have said you didn't ask Simon to start this board, well that's the same argument you give to your parents when you are 13 years old and pissed that they won't let you sleep with your 12 year old girlfriend after smoking pot all night.

    I don't think Simon is as worried about lurker JW's as he is those who are fresh out or on their way out. I personally do not and have never had a problem with cussing. It does not offend me, but not everyone is like me and I am smart enough to see that and unselfish enough to try and work with it. This board is not about me or any one personas personal likes and dislikes. I think this board is trying to do many things for many people. That is an extremely hard thing to do. The best anyone can do is try and find a happy medium, that is all I have attempted with this suggestion.

    You seem a little pissed right now (I may be wrong if so please excuse me). I don't think there is anything I can say to you to get you out of that pissed state so I won't try. A state of mind is a big factor in this whole argument. Deciding who's state of mind is more important or more valid is the problem.

    Do you have a solution in mind that might make more people happy than just either you or me?

    Take care,


  • hillary_step

    Good points made by all - perhaps the answer is to try to do what Simon seems to be doing and 'pitch' the tone of the site toward a common denonimator that will obviously never suit everybody but will keep the over 45,000 hpm coming in. I tend to be a very protective type of person and react when I see someone in need, I am also past fifty and admit to having very little in common with people of Neablis age. Given these confessed charactersitics I am sure that they will inevitably tinge my vision.

    Best - HS

  • seven006


    I knew what I was in for when I open this can, it had worms written all over it. So far it is pretty civil so the headache is fairly mild. In a little while I'm going to let Jack do the talking for me so things might change.

    Ain't this fun? All this work and writing just to have a nice quiet place to cuss a little, I must be nuts!


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