H20 Thinks Biggest Is Best.

by Englishman 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    When I first posted on this site, there were, I think, around 300 registered users. Now the number of registered users is about to reach 1000 in the very near future. Over on H20 the numbers have decreased, but the Community owner, Rick, appears to be mesmerised by the idea that it is still much bigger, and biggest is best, as this excerpt from a recent post shows:

    “By the way, ****, I understand that Jehovahs-Witnesses.com, started January 24, 2000 (just over a year ago) has an address in Great Britain with brother Green listed at Network Solutions in the public Whois database as its owner (and an ISP in Florida, USA)? Do this little math exercise: take the 5,735 postings on H2O between February 7, 2001 and March 16, 2001 (or 37 days). Calculate the number of postings per day, and multiply this number times the number of days in a year to estimate the number of postings this site will yield in a year. (Hint: the answer is a number a little less than half of the 320,000 postings on H2O last year.) We're still overwhelmed by the number of posts, even if the number is half of last year's number!”

    One of the reasons that I decided to limit my posts on H20 was because of its sheer size. This meant that good posts were often buried under a pile of nonsense of the “Yes you did, no I didn`t” variety, or the “You are a liar, no it`s you who is lying” kind of stuff.

    Sometimes, there would be 10 to 20 exchanges of tiresome personal insults between just 2 posters. I once found myself feuding with one person who seemed keen to press all my buttons - over the Falklands war of all things - only when I contacted the person in live chat did I find that I was dealing with a nomally pleasant guy. Maybe we were both playing to the audience!

    So far, this board has only got a few trolls. Maybe every board needs a couple to keep us on our toes. I just hope fervently that JW Discussions superior topic format keeps the `H20 sniping syndrome` from rearing it`s ugly head here. It`s a great discussion site, lets keep it that way!


  • wasasister

    I know exactly what you mean, Englishman. This place has a far different "feel" to it. H2O had become little more than a battleground for lobbing insults. I stuck with it after the move out of sheer loyalty, but once I wandered in here, I was immediately attracted. It seems way more like the H2O I discovered almost two years ago.

    As for numbers, remember: "stay on the narrow path which leads to life."

  • unclebruce

    G'day Englishman, wasasister,

    The arrogance reminds me of when Bruce Bainbridge approached Lloyd Barry about his 'revelation' that the 144,000 were relaceing the falling Angels. Lloyds first question was "how many copies have you printed" then, when Bruce said 20,000, the guy fell about laughing (well, scoffing). I know Bruce is mad but it illustrates that, to the mindset of some, numbers are everything.

    myself ... I found 'the truth' all on my own and I ain't shar'n it with anybody! uncleselfish.

  • Simon

    I think it's good that there are different places that suit different people. I certainly don'twant to get into any argument about who is biggest of best - it all comes down t what appeals to individuals.
    It was nice when there was just a few of us here, very warm and cosy, and I hope we haven't lost too much of that as the numbers have increased.

  • unclebruce

    Please excuse the duplicate folks, the 'edit' feature doesn't like me today (can't add to the post above)

    English, I think the 'live chat' feature of this board is great and must help cut the cowboys of agro off at the pass. (so you and Eduardo patched things up a tad? lol)

    Simon I can't see you losing anything, this is a great site .. thanks!

    Hey 'newbie wassa', behave yourself!

    unclebruce ;)

    Edited by - unclebruce on 18 March 2001 17:5:41

  • trevor

    What is H20 - a face cream of something?

    Never been there don't want to. Simon is the man the others do the best they can.

  • Esmeralda

    Listening to Rick's remarks I can't help but think that it's the male preoccupation with size that...Good grief, did I post that out loud? I meant to only think it *lol* No offense meant gentlemen! :)

    The atmosphere here is much more welcoming. Rick can bellow all he wants, it's the posters who make the board, not the numbers of useless name calling posts, and that is what H2O degraded into.

    I appreciate all they tried to do there, but something just wasn't right. I'm new here, but so far so good. I appreciate your comments, Englishman, as well as those of the rest of the gang :)


  • waiting

    Hey Es,

    Nice to see you here - luv your picture. Hope you're feeling better. As Simon said, this place was small - downright boring sometimes - just like a small apartment building, couple of neighbors chatting.

    But it seems that we're getting the hang of becoming metropolitan with the influx. Had to put our shoes on.

    As for the "did too/did not, drop dead/you too" kinda thing - just never caught on here. For some reason, it just doesn't look as nifty in this format.

    Nice out of ten doctors agree that one out of ten doctors is an idiot. Jay Leno

    Glad to see ya back.


  • VeniceIT

    HAHAHHA Essie I was thinking the same thing too hahah


  • Farkel


    This is a test: burp.


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