What would you have done without the WT?

by expatbrit 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • mommy

    I am sorry that these things have happened. Has it been a long time ago? I remember when I first left I had alot of the feelings you have and was enraged alot. What a waste of my life. Then as the years passed other bad things happened to me in no way connected to wtbts. I would get just as upset and then I realized that this is life. I fall down, but try very hard to get back up. This life is so precious, and so short. Not one of us knows what tomorrow will bring. I hope you have a better tomorrow and find the road out of the wtbts easier wiht us here to listen.(((((HUGS))))) I will be here if you need anyhing
    That is really neat I sometimes would like the healing touch myself. The woman in the article would even do this on large animals such as elephants and rhino's. Like I said there are only a handful out there in America, maybe you can look into furthering your practice. Might be a way to make a big chunk of change before you retire

  • princecharmant

    We're what we are because of what we've done and where we've been. I don't intend to hurt anyone, but how could you ever know? In this hotch-potch gathering, most of us would have blamed anything and anyone for being who we are today anyway. And since most of us agree here that being a Witness was the worst thing that ever happened to us, why don't we give get over it and stop whining?

    Because finally, the more I read this board, the more I see that ALL OF YOU ARE STILL JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES AND AT THE RATE YOU'RE GOING, YOU WILL REMAIN WITNESSES UNTIL YOU DRAW YOUR LAST BREATHE. You're struggling to exorcise yourselves, but you have failed so horribly.

    OK, it's my first post, but I've been here for a while. Don't tell me about the other boards (H20, the defunct Witnet which this board incarnates so negatively to the point that I see Obed's "ghost" around it, etc.).

    If you failed to be what you should have been, blame yourself first and the WT after.

  • Prisca

    hmm.. well.. thank you for your soothing words of encouragement - not!

  • Mr Angry
    Mr Angry

    To Princecharmant

    Yes thank you! Most uplifting.

    "why don't you get over it and stop whining"

    That kind of advice is in the same league as the elders who state: "Feeling suicidally depressed? Never mind. Just get out in the ministry and you'll feel all better!"

    Some of the things that happened to us a JW's are so life changing that "just getting over it" is not on the cards. Sometimes serious professional assistance and even medication can be required. NO-ONE is qualified to say how another feels emotionally regarding leaving the JW's. I've been out for a decade and sometimes I still scream inside at what they did to me! Many bridges are burned when one joins the Watchtower. Family bonds can be broken that can never be repaired. In my wife's family people have gone to their death with things said and deeds done that would have not have happened without the interference of the JW's.

    I have for years analysed my life decisions and can honestly say that the consequences of being a JW have caused me the most problems. Career, family relationships, ability to deal with everyday problems have all been adversely affected by being a JW.

    I have failed so far to be "what I could have been" because of the WT. Conversely everything I have achieved has been IN SPITE of the WT.

  • Esmeralda

    I like what you said here MrAngry: "Everything I have acheived has been in spite of the WT"
    I totally agree with that.

    Interesting question, Brit...I immediately thought of the music scholarship that I didn't take when I was
    18, because my mother said it "Wasn't a theocratic persuit" and that it would only lead me to a "worldly
    career". I remember my father telling me that if I wanted to take the offer I'd have to move out. I don't think
    it really had a lot to do with the religious issue though, because they let my sister go to Community college
    to get a degree in Mass Communications, and they paid her tuition! So who knows why they prevented me.

    I can't look back on my life and feel sorry though. If I'd taken the scholarship, I wouldn't have
    married my first husband. Now, that would have been good you may say, but you know, I
    wouldn't even change that part of my past. I actually have my ex to thank for the two greatest
    blessings in my life: my daughter, and my second husband. Why would he have anything to do with my second husband? Because he's the one who introduced me to him in the chat room where we met *lol* That was
    poetic justice.

    Anyway, I think instead of things that I'd still like to do. I'd still like to work on my singing, but now am
    dealing with the physical limitations of MS and not the bounderies put on my by the WT.

    I think that many people have regrets in life for things they didn't do, or wish they could do differently.
    Life is too short to get stuck in your regrets. Live your best life today, and be as happy as you can.

    And they didn't really take music from me. I still sing :)


    The Four Agreements:
    Be Impeccable With Your Word
    Don't Take Anything Personally
    Don't Make Assumptions
    Always Do Your Best

  • unanswered

    princecharm-so, you've been lurking for awhile and have finally decided to post. thank you so much for showing us all what you have been waiting to say. your encouraging words will be duely noted, and i'm sure all of us will stop whining.cheers from a big whiner.

  • LovesDubs

    So Prince...being raped by the WTS is something we should be able to just turn off like a switch in our heads? Is that it? Is that how you look at everything in your life, which is what the JWS do, as black and white? Will my denying the crap the JWs put me through make my JW husband stop shunning his own mother? Will it make my JW inlaws stop shunning me? Will it make all the friends I made in that organization for 13 years come back to me? Will it make the people I named my children after, and who were the ones who gave my wedding talk and were in my wedding party, and whom I studied with and lived with and were the first ones who heard I was pregnant...will it make them stop sneering at me and telling me what a spiritual zero I am? And will it make them stop telling my children God is going to destroy their mother and grandmother at armageddon? Yeah...just stop "whining" and it will all go away.

    So its better to just forget about the way things are..stop BLAMING the WTS eh...I mean what did THEY have to do with any of this? Of course I brought it "all on myself" because I "left Jehovah"...silly me. How could I possibly have seen it any other way?

  • RedhorseWoman


    Most of us are here for various reasons. Some are here to vent and rid themselves of their WT baggage. Others are here to offer support and to seek individuals who can simply understand.

    Might I ask why you are here? Obviously, you feel that discussing experiences is "whining"; and you certainly aren't here to offer support. If your life is so centered and full, why are you spending your time lurking on a DB (actually multiple DBs) that you find so beneath you in your exalted state? Do you need a hug? ****HUGS****

    It's okay to admit that you're not really as strong as you feel you should be at this point in time.

  • LDH
    most of us agree here that being a Witness was the worst thing that ever happened to us, why don't we give get over it and stop whining?

    *US*? Who the #*@& is *US*? You got a god-damned frog in your pocket or something? Don't invoke the *us* word like you're friendly towards those who use this board and then the next statement out of your mouth, shoot down everyone else except yourself, asshole.

    Because finally, the more I read this board, the more I see that ALL OF YOU ARE STILL JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES AND AT THE RATE YOU'RE GOING, YOU WILL REMAIN WITNESSES UNTIL YOU DRAW YOUR LAST BREATHE. You're struggling to exorcise yourselves, but you have failed so horribly.

    So you're the *only one* on this whole freaking board who has successfully 'exorcised yourself,' yet you still hang around a bunch of x-jdubs, active j-dubs and all the other categories? Anyone who has EVER been a part of a highly structured organization will always define themself as an ex. Jesse Ventura, EX navy seal, for example. The people who use this board chose to recognize what a large part the WBTS has played in their life, and you have neither the power nor the authority to discount it.

    Yeah right. I see you for what you are, a troll. And not even a good one. Your true identity shines through like a beacon in the night.

    FYI I don't really give a shit about 'what could have been,' because I'll never know, will I?

    But you can bet money that my daughter won't spend every weekend of her freaking childhood out selling magazines. Which is what I was doing since 1st grade. Check back with me in 10 years, we'll see how she's doing compared to how I was doing at her age. That should be a pretty objective study.


  • unanswered

    prince-did you have any idea what you were getting into w/your post? i think LDH just ripped you a new one.

    LDH-i'm usually into the idea of being nice and not "getting into it" on the DB, but this time, i would be lying if i said that i didn't enjoy your response to prince:) way to take it to the hole. that might make me a hypocrite, but, i was trained by the WT, wasn't i?:)

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