WT MAFIA-Alvin Hansen

by abbagail 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • abbagail

    Hi Amazing-Typing-Fingers: I already know, from reading some of your writings, that you have a great analytical brain. Always appreciate hearing what you have to say. This definitely sounds like a very convoluted, spider-web type of a case. If the WTS was a very minor player in this, then I guess putting their name at the top of this "press release" is what the dubs would call "sensationalizing," eh?

    And, sf, thanks for the additional info and link. Looks like none of the defendants have any intentions of paying up. I see the DOJ got involved on behalf of the defendants. Hmmmm... some heavy-hitting players in this tangled-web game. I also noticed the SSA and USPS are listed as defendants... Interesting. Wonder what part they played?

    The posters idea sounds great, but probably expensive if you guys want to have lots of them at all the corners. Are there any xJWs with printing facilities who could do the work at cost for the big posters? Maybe printing up masses of flyers to hand out everywhere? Or get the NY cabbies involved somehow, as "mouthpieces"! Bumper stickers? (can't fit much on a bumper sticker, though). I'm not too familiar with NY, but how about any talk-radio personalities up there? Whatever is printed on the posters could be zapped to Talk Radio Hosts, and you know how they LOVE to talk things up! (What's Rush Limbaugh up to these days? ;) Anybody with "connections" that could buddy up to The NY Times or other such media outlets who might be willing to give FREE advertising space? (dreaming here). Nothing like a full page ad, taking up an entire page of a newspaper, to get people's attention. But that would probably cost a thousand bucks or more alone. How about Rolling Stone or some of the other off-beat publications?

    I can't go to NY either, not well physically, and as far as funds, living on a disability income as it is... brainstorming, writing, and cheering is my best available contributions to the cause.

    Thanks again for the link and update!

  • sf

    I have started a discussion here, on their forum:


    Please contribute with questions too. Let's find out what happened with this case and these people. The registration does NOT require vital stats to be a member, or email addy.

    I did find an obit with 'Alvin Hansen' listed as a brother to the deceased. 'Funeral' was at kh of jws.


  • sf

    "I can't go to NY either, not well physically, and as far as funds, living on a disability income as it is... brainstorming, writing, and cheering is my best available contributions to the cause."

    Then THAT is what will be accepted GRITS, your 'best contribution available'. And I'd say the cabbie sugg is a good one as a start.

    Let's not let this case die. Please post on the forum they provide with more questions.

    Take good care, sKally

  • abbagail

    Bender/Mike began a post later today on this same Alvin Hansen subject, asking if it is true or not... Silly to have 2 threads going on the same subject, but I guess that's how it goes with forums. Cassiline posted to the other thread this below info, FYI... Grits

    Re: Alvin Hansen...What is the whole story? Jul 31, 2002 21:56
    http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=7667&site=3A thread started here about Alvin Hansen

    Mike, did you read this as well? I find a lot of the story to sound strange. The link below is to which I am referring.
    http://www.pennihansen.com/About "Pennis Murder" and other details of court cases.

    BLACK DAY. ..........March 25, 2002 PENNI was well and friskier than usual. Lotz, Arana, Fran Guerin, (Valley Community Bank), & I met with CPA Weldon Moreland at 1;00 PM. Parts deliveryman says PENNI was kicked that afternoon. By evening was in pain, lethargic. She was Panting, vomiting, stomach swelling, and heaving. By 7;00 PM she lapsed into semi conciousness. Believing she was poisoned, I called Daughter Brenda, and Peter at about 11:30 we rushed her to Vet Care in Dublin, where she was diagnosed as "Grave". Brenda, and Dennis realizing PENNI's importance authorized Vet Care to spend $3500.00 to save her. At approx. 1:30 PM 3/26 Dr Ramos called and recommended to euthanize. ......

    I can't find it right now but on Kent's site there is a thread about this man. Where someone, I can't recall who, ( someone from this board or that board, or both boards) called the daughterof Mr. Hansen who stated that he was not "all there" mentally. And continually sued people and made false statements. It may have been Kent who called to confirm I can't recall.

    The whole thing sounds strange to me. Sorry if I have re-posted information which you may have already viewed. I really don't know anything other then I have read.

  • abbagail

    SF wrote:

    I have started a discussion here, on their forum:


    Please contribute with questions too. Let's find out what happened with this case and these people. The registration does NOTrequire vital stats to be a member, or email addy.

    Thanks, sf, for that link and thread. Yes, it is a very quick registration process, so I signed up and posted a little reply under yours, asking for more details, current status of case, and whether it is Fact or Fiction? -- Also I did a search there for the entire prior year using Watchtower as subject, and there were no threads at all in the past year, so I guess it is not a very "hot" topic!

    Interesting about the obit, too. So there is family still in the dubs...

    Off Topic -- Re: the Silent Lambs March, sf wrote:

    And I'd say the cabbie sugg is a good one as a start.

    Thanks. Not sure how they could all be contacted, but can you imagine the amount of people they all see/talk to every day? If they each could be given one flyer to read, with a few short details (UN-Pedophiles, etc.), they could spill their guts all day in their cabbies to their fares. Or, if nothing else, if cabbies at least knew IN ADVANCE about the SL March, they could be "advertising" that ONE thing via their big mouths right away, and people could then go to the March on 9/27 and see the posters on the corners themselves. -- I wonder if cab companies have "rules" about passing out flyers to their drivers? Maybe a phone call to a few NY cab companies and asking, would give a "yea" or "nay" on the whole idea before getting too excited about it. -- OR -- if there were a group of xJWs in NY rioght now that would be willing to hit the streets ASAP and hand an info-sheet to every cabbie they see...? (a one-page info-sheet could be typed on PC and xeroxed en masse - cheaper than professional printing). (PS: I heard the 9-8-91 Awake! was an obvious, first-time-ever article wherein the WTS took a very "soft" stance on the UN...in stark contrast to all of their previous UN comments...)

    Will take care, thanks!

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