WT MAFIA-Alvin Hansen

by abbagail 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • abbagail

    This was posted at the below "jahchristian" link on Friday, July 26, 2002. It sounds like the WT is another word for Mafia! And has the WT always had connections with the IRS and US Attorneys? If so, what hope is there the Feds will ever prosecute the WTS re: the pedophile database, etc.? I'd love to hear what anyone else knows about this. Everyone should spread this one around, as this attorney, Melvin E. Soll, is seeking other victims of the WTS who have suffered defamation by threat and disfellowshipping, etc.

    Some of you more "brainy" types have a thought about what the WTS did to this poor Alvin Hansen?





    By ABVA Group Trust International


    ABVA TRUST lawyer, Melvin E. Soll, in Dover, Delaware, filed criminal charges against THE WATCH TOWER, JEHOVAH WITNESSES, on October 2, 1998, in the ABVA TRUST lawsuit in San Francisco, California, Superior Court, Civil No. 968484. The local law firms of Frohnmayer & Deatherage, and Jacobson Jewett, Thierolf & Dickey, (of Medford, Oregon) were hired by the Watchtower, and the Hansens' bookkeeper, Daralene Hansen, to fabricate false IRS tax crimes against Alvin Hansen in 1985, and to file unwanted divorce and lunacy suits against Mr. Hansen in 1989 and since.

    Alvin & Jacqueline Hansen who formed a Delaware trust in 1982 were robbed of trust assets in 1983, and Alvin was MALICIOUSLY SENT TO PRISON BY HIS OWN LAWYERS and JUDGE JAMES BURNS for failure to file a tax return his CPA actually filed. Court records actually admit there was no valid IRS charges, and documents show the IRS filed false liens against Alvin and though the court dismissed the conviction, 'they' left Alvin in prison for 12 months. The Hansens sued and took a $65 Million Dollar Default Judgment in February, 1989.

    That's when Watchtower-paid lawyers stirred up dissension in the family and influenced Jacqueline to file the first Divorce and Lunacy suits to evade payment of this Judgment by defamation of Alvin. During his kidnap for 6 days at Rogue Valley Medical Center, Judge Loren L. Sawyer, who had persecuted Alvin in the 80's for fighting for his family's rights, secretly committed Alvin, as the same lawyers had a forged Power of Attorney recorded over Alvin to Leo A. Hoad Jr., controlling the "Marital Affairs of Alvin and Jacqueline Hansen." Six
    days later, Mr. Hoad granted the IRS a $400,000.00 dollar false tax lien in secret preventing the Hansens from selling trust assets, or doing any business what-so-ever, and totally destroying their credit.

    These crimes came to light on July 31, 1991, when the IRS Agent Sam Peden and Jackson County Sheriff C.W. Smith raided the Hansens' home owned by Alvin's mother, Mrs. Bertha Hooker, on Pioneer Road and stole all the family's vehicles and real properties. The Hansens sued again in Jackson County, Oregon, and Butte County, California, and took more Judgments by default, revoked the
    forged Power Of Attorney's and Tax Liens, and invoked the right to recover all of their admitted stolen property.

    ..More lawsuits were filed in the Federal Courts of Sacramento, San Francisco, California, and Delaware as Judges and Watchtower lawyers corrupted the courts to discredit the very Judgments they admitted.

    The Watchtower, INC. and Oregon Bar, local lawyers and Judges, Sawyer, Karaman, Shively, Arnold, Orf, State of Oregon, Bank of America, Bear Stearns, Inc., and Shearson American Express, Chubb Insurance, were among the many debtors who settled the Judgments in Delaware by their nominee, Bond Street Holdings, LTD., and Bank of America officers of this Delaware corporation, August 4, 1993, and promised to return all the stolen property and pay all victims, co-Judgment Holders. Within days, the Oregon debtor's and lawyers again sought to evade this agreement by conspiring to destroy Alvin Hansen, the trustee of this settlement trust, and during foreclosure of the contract filed a false criminal indictment against Alvin and John Hansen, accusing them of stealing back Mrs.
    Hansen's Mazda 'Miata' (stolen by the IRS) across a state line two years before, just to discredit Hansen and evade the very debt they contracted to pay. Documents showed that Alvin had right and authority to transport his wife's car back to Oregon.

    For the next 54 months, Alvin was maliciously prosecuted and imprisoned as these lawyers filed forged deeds to the marital home in trust, and filed more malicious divorce suits ex-parte (in secret), threatened and paid Mrs. Hansen to lie and take bribes and defend the Watchtower, that she sued for 9 years with Alvin.

    Typical of Watchtower persecutions using the IRS and its banks, and many retained lawyers to destroy members who question their control and restrict freedom of speech and conscience in hundreds of cases. They used a family member, in this case Daralene Hansen, to sue ABVA TRUST and the Hansens through Lawyer Richard Thierolf, as the Bank of America, U.S. Attorney Gary
    Sussman, held Alvin kidnapped on false charges of incompetence without a trial for over 54 months.

    The Watchtower threatened Mrs. Hansen in 1992 with disfellowshipping and tax fraud if she kept reading and talking about banned books exposing the Watchtower's vicious practices of using divorce lawyers to destroy and divide families, as in the case of the Hansens.

    Hundreds of suits are filed each year against the Watchtower for malicious violations of constitutional rights and liberty of speech and conscience, but are always met with stepped up prosecutions by their banks, IRS, and U.S. Attorney co-debtors.

    In August 1998, while Mr. Hansen was kidnapped for 12 months, these same lawyers paid by the Watchtower, criminally transferred the Hansens' 28 year marital residence deeded to the Jacqueline Hansen Living Trust to a Kenneth Anderson, who borrowed the dirty money from one of the debtors, Bank of America. The other shock came when Hansen learned that Judge G. Phillip Arnold had signed a Judgment of Divorce Ex-parte against Alvin on December 5, 1997, without service or knowledge and gave all Hansen's personal, marital and trust assets to Jacqueline.

    Court records show that Judge Sawyer and Attorney Thierolf (who Mrs. Hansen filed criminal complaints and affidavits against in July 1992 to the Oregon Bar in addition to the Judgments), signed a Stipulated Judgment against the Hansens and ABVA GROUP TRUST INT., placing Daralene Hansen as the Agent Owner of ABVA GROUP TRUST on the official tax assessors role, in control of the two
    trusts and all stolen trust assets. She now has been exposed and wants her name removed from the false record under Attorney Melvin E. Soll's demands.

    All this crime was committed in the view of the San Francisco Court lawsuit filed by the Hansens and ABVA TRUST on July 2, 1997, who ordered all property returned to the Hansens and ABVA TRUST on July 15, 1997, and restrained further kidnap of Mr. Hansen.

    Alvin and Jacqueline Hansen Trustees are Plaintiffs in that case and Mr. Soll is taking another Judgment against the Watchtower and Daralene Hansen's lawyers, Jacobson, Jewett, Thierolf & Dickey, who have failed to comply with the Court's Order, holding it in contempt, and have failed to appear and defend the forgery charges brought by the Trust Attorney, Mr. Soll.

    Letter demanding return of all stolen assets, and payment of the more than 24 Billion dollar debt have produced no compliance or denial by court appearance, thus admitting the charges and crimes on the Jackson County records and in the records in California.

    ABVA TRUST is calling for victims of the Watchtower practices of defamation by threats and disfellowshipping who may have suffered similar violence and family breakup to make response to this paper or Mr. Melvin E. Soll, Esquire, at 64 Liberto Lane, Dover, Delaware 19901, as ABVA TRUST is executing Judgment against the Watchtower, et al, to seize its corporate assets and file incompetent charges
    against its office and directors for their evil and criminal practices in hopes of putting an end to their persecutions for profit.

    Please reply in confidence in person or through your attorney with documentation.

    This paper requests response from Commentary Press, and David Reed, dba THE FRIENDS, etc.

    For 15 page info pack on IRS documents used and discovered in Mr. Hansen's case, send $5.00 to this publication. Shipping included.

    Send order to:
    The American's Bulletin
    c/o P.O. Box #3096
    Central Point, Oregon USA 97502

    "For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil." Song of Songs 1:1

    Comment of the Editor (of ABVA Group Trust International): I have personally witnessed the above corrupt prosecutions of the Hansens by the Oregon and Jackson County lawyers, and have myself suffered defamation with Mr. Hansen in 1983, in a fraudulent judgment against myself and 42 other IRS "Enemies" by Jackson County and U.S. Judge Helen Frye, and I am personally a beneficiary of
    ABVA TRUST settlement contract and evasion of debt.

    Edited by - grits on 31 July 2002 17:34:29

    Edited by - grits on 31 July 2002 23:1:54

  • sf

    How cosmic. I was just discussing this case with someone today. They were curious what ever happened with it. So am I. HEY TEDDY, can you enlighten us on the update to this case? hahahaha

    I was suggesting to them, passionately, that these documents, along with others that show how WTBTS is indeed very much a part of this 'system of things', should be blown up to poster size and taken to the Silentlambs March in New York, Sept. 27 and made sure ALL CAMERAS CAN SEE THEM. Make sure all weblinks are visible to the viewer.

    Thanks for bringing this case back to todays date.


  • nancee park
    nancee park

    It was repeated from Kent's website which also has it.

  • abbagail

    Hi sf: Glad to hear someone else knows about it. I'd never heard of it before. This press release did not have a DATE on it, so I wondered how old it was??? i.e., whether this Attorney Soll is just NOW looking for other WTS victims, or is this old news? I wonder if Attorney Soll already filed his victims' lawsuit and is it now in the court system or what? Time to send this info along to Dateline and the other news media email addy's I've got... ;)

    That would have to be a very BIG poster to fit all this court info on it to take to Silent Lambs March. But it CAN be done. I used to work for a trial attorney, and we frequently had to have legal documents blown up HUGE for use in the courtroom to display to the juries, etc.

    Btw, I changed the Subject title/Thread title to: WT MAFIA, shorter, easier to spot, and this is the most Mafia-SOUNDING WT story I've heard yet! How did that Alvin Hansen COPE with so much jail time, kidnapping, etc. It said 54 months in prison - that's over FOUR YEARS. Also, I am confused as to how JUDGES and IRS agents and attorneys would all DO what the WTS WANTED. How can that be?

    Thanks for your comment and info.

    PS to Nancee: Yes, I knew it had been at Kent's site and I looked there but could not find it. I looked under JW and Law and JW-Criminals at Kent's site, but didn't find it. Someone posted this at Silent Lambs which is where I first saw it, so I went looking for a link to put with it, and found it at jahchristian, too.

    Edited by - grits on 31 July 2002 17:47:29

  • DanTheMan

    A couple of years ago at a DC in Dayton Ohio, apparently there was a hotel that wasn't holding up their end of the bargain, as far as the WT special rates went.

    The reaction among the brethren was scary. It was almost like they were were ready to give the hotel managers some concrete overshoes. Over what may have been an honest miscommunication or clerical mistake. "We'll teach these bums about messing with the Watchtower" seemed to be the spirit of the day.

    It was pretty sickening, I remember at the time feeling like, damn, what a mafia-ish collective ego here. Nothing Christian about it.

    I know this doesn't really relate to this post, just giving an experience.

  • abbagail

    No problem, Dan The Man... any WT dirt welcome at any time. :-) You're funny: "Concrete Overshoes." LOL!

    If "the friends" are going to get that bent out of shape about motel rooms, how will they react against some REAL persecution???


    PS: I like your George Jetson photo, btw. Funny.

  • Amazing

    I hate to be a spoil-sport, but this case seems rather suspecious to me. I have transcripts from this case of Court orders, etc. - and it smells to high heavens - that is - I have serious reservations that this case is real or was ever presented in the courts. I will go through it and see if I can get some of it scanned and make a post on it ...

    I hope that I am wrong and that Alvin Hansen really did win the $10 Billion he claims to have won ... but, if he did, his suit did not primarily name the Watchtower Society, but rather Bank of America. The Society was breifly named down the line in only one document. I would love to be forced to eat my own words ... because if he can collect on the $10 Billion with a "B" ... then he can basically liquidate the Watchtower Society and we can watch this religion melt-down in a few weeks ... and we can party, drink, swaer, and have a cigar with our booze ...

  • sf


    A lot of us want the answer, in full truth, to these and many more questions. The FULL TRUTH is what we are seeking, and this is what we will keep seeking...some of us until the day we expire on this earth. Some of us are very prepared that that day may come sooner than expected. WE KNOW who and what we are dealing with here.

    My idea re: the posters is to take each document (U.N.--RAND--NAVY), BOE LETTERS, weblinks and make separate posters. Place them everywhere throughout Brooklyn and some in Manhattan and other parts immediately near WTBTS 'properties' thruout U.S.A. and possibly other countries, in other languages. At the March, several, well placed 'advocates' that will be in strategic areas (camera crews/reporters) WITH POSTERS VISIBLE TO THE NAKED EYE, as opposed to the 'all-seeing eye). And you are correct: It CAN be done!

    I cannot be there to contribute physically, yet I CAN contribute to the cost of printing and buying the needed materials.

    If this sounds like something others here would like to discuss more, and get rolling on too, please add your comments here. I have talked with someone who is close to Brooklyn location, who is very much interested in this project.

    Please people, brainstorm more ideas of exposure.

    Dear Bill, You are some kind of man. You have made the difference here, ya know? You have been a True Warrior, Sir. {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}


  • sf

    Here is the update, which there is no update to this update, yet:

    http://www.theawaregroup.com/tab%20articles/wtchupdate.htm CRUMBLING WALLS OF THE WATCHTOWER

    Judges Loren L. Sawyer, Rebecca Orf, G. Phillip Arnold caught Filing False Secret Judgments Against Imprisoned and Helpless Unrepresented Trustees and Beneficiaries. Ongoing fraud and corruption in Jackson County, Oregon

    By ABVA Group Trust Int.

    Examination of the Circuit Court of Jackson County case records and office of the County Recorder, Kathleen Becket, Debtors to ABVA Group Trust International for over $24,000,000.00 reveals that:

    1. A Deed was forged by Penny Page of Napa, California who, as impersonating ABVA Trust and Alvin and Jacqueline Hansen on August 23, 1995 against their marital home in title to ABVA.

    2. Alvin Hansen was kidnapped for 13 months on September 11, 1995 as fraudulent, suits without service, and judgments were entered against ABVA, Alvin & Jacqueline Hansen for divorce, a secret guardianship over him, and in October 24, 1996 by then Judge Sawyer and Attorney Richard Thierolf.

    3. A secret default judgment was entered against a California beneficiary of ABVA, Kenneth Sherman by Judge Sawyer and Richard Thierolf on the same day (Oct. 24, 1996) after duping him to sign a deed being no party to the jurisdiction-less sham suits to be recorded deceiving him to believe he was responsible for the forged deed filed by Penny Page, Thierolf and Sawyer financed and influenced by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society Inc.

    4. Secret guardianship by Judge Sawyer in April 1989 forged power of attorney and IRS tax liens for $400,000.00 against the marriage and trust of Alvin & Jacqueline Hansen, ABVA, branding him "insane!"

    5. Theft of all the Hansen family property was effected by these crimes of Judge Sawyer, the Watchtower and their lawyers Jacobson, Jewett, Thierolf, and Dickey, Deatherage and Leo A. Hoad, Jr.

    To discredit the judgment and consensual (UCC Contract) in Delaware in August 1993, these Jackson county Officials (Judges Loren L. Sawyer, Rebecca Orf, G. Phillip Arnold) acted in conspiracy with Ms. Page, Bank of America, Chubb Insurance and the U.S. Department of Justice to falsify deeds and judgments of innocent victims of the Trust to cunningly evade the insurmountable debt they agreed to pay.

    ABVA Trust Attorney Mr. Soll on December 17, 1998, served a writ of garnishment on all the banks by and through Evergreen Federal Savings and collected $549,000.00. Mr. Soll, Alvin Hansen and Mr. Sherman are voiding the entire fraudulent record, including the deed that Mr. Sherman was duped into signing and the vengeful, vicious, contempt default judgment secretly entered against him.

    Judges Sawyer, Orf, & G. Phillip Arnold were served (reserved) with process out of the Superior Court of San Francisco, State ex rel Stull, ABVA Trust, et al, Civil Case No. 968484, along with THE WATCHTOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY INC., DARALENE HANSEN, SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION, GREGORY SKOOG, POSTMASTER JIM FOCAULT, EADS FURNITURE, MEDFORD POLICE DEPARTMENT, JACKSON COUNTY SHERIFF, RICHARD THIEROLF, U.S. BANK, WELLS FARGO, & EVERGREEN FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK and others, in October, November, December of 1998 and January and February of 1999, by process server and levying officer, QUALITY PROCESS SERVING, and 'they' continue to hold in contempt and ignore the lawful process.

    Judgment by default for non appearance are being processed and entered by the clerk as required by law and writs of Re-plevin (return of stolen assets) and Execution, for money judgments, are being issued as required by law.

    Stay tuned... cause things are looking up!

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  • sf


    Edited by - sf on 31 July 2002 21:3:12

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