Jw Learn From The Best

by comforter 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • comforter

    The other day while I was at a discount center, a little girl offered me a tract about Jesus. I looked at her and said, not today. But I wuz tempted ta say that I am already a Christian and believer in the blood of Jesus. Or I couilda sais I don't have time or I am not at home. These are all excuses we jws have heard in da ministry. We learn from the best of them. Time we started using some of these excuses when some little church girl pass out tracts.


  • comforter

    do you say thank you when little jw kids come around and offer you a tract?


  • comforter

    i hate to waste paper. No use taking the tract just to throw it away.


  • StinkyPantz

    Of course we'd say thank you if a JW child offered us a tract, why wouldn't we?

    Edited by - StinkyPantz on 28 July 2002 20:27:3

  • comforter


    i thought you disagree with jw beliefs. why not just politely refuse the tract that the child may give a tract to interested ones and save paper. you can be nice when you turn the child down. just tell them you got to go wash your hair or something.


  • abbagail

    I'm with jjrizo and stinky on this one. I can't see refusing a kid even if I was an atheist. And who knows, maybe I'd learn something new in that flyer, or merely be reminded of some nice scriptural thought. "To the extent that you did it to one of the least of these, my little ones..." (paraphrasing, too tired to look it up... a flyer would come in handy about now).

    Is comforter worried about the waste of the trees to make the paper?


  • comforter


    i do worry about wasting trees. one must have a balanced view of the enviroment. it is okay to cut down trees as long as they are used properly. But I hate to see paper go to waste.


  • abbagail

    Hey comforter, then we have a lot in common. I am practically OCD about recycling paper. I have trouble throwing away any paper, even junk mail (I either cut it up and use as note paper, or flip it over and use the blank side for xeroxing and printing on the computer, etc.); I save cardboard off the backs of legal pads (they make great file dividers in the file cabinet); and I even will use paper towels until they are falling apart. :-) All true. Who in their right mind would confess to such things?

    PS: Oh, and I still have my STUDY COPIES of all Watchtowers, all underlined and everything. Boxes full.

  • Kenneson

    Just think of the countless trees that have been cut to publish all that Jehovah's witness literature. How much of it ends up unused? How much of it is recycled? Is there no waste amongst Jws? And what are they doing about replenishing all those trees, since they are so concerned about our environment?

  • hillary_step

    Here is an example of a waste of trees.

    The WTS admits, that a poll taken by CO's which suggests that only 30% of JW's read the WT magazine 'cover to cover' is accurate.

    Now if only 30% of JW's read the magazines, how many of the magazines, books, booklets and tracts placed with householders is being read? Perhaps 10%. Ninety million of these magazines are published each month, over one billion each year, over 10 billion each decade and this does not included books, booklets and tracts, most of them binned within seconds of being accepted. Imagine the wicked waste of trees involved in this process, and think about its subsequent negative impact on the wildlife that rely on them for life.

    Would you not think that those who claim to be the only true Christians on earth, an earth which they feel God created as an inheritance exclusively for them, would be deeply interested in preserving its safety.


    Edited by - hillary_step on 28 July 2002 22:53:3

    Edited by - hillary_step on 28 July 2002 22:54:35

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