by Rado Vleugel 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Derrick

    I guess that answers my question that if an elder in my local congregation rapes my young nephew, and I criticize that act, I will absolutely be disfellowshipped.

    As for the elder? He and his lovely wife will probably get rewarded for what the Society seems to consider that elder's "godly deeds" by appointing him as our next District Overseer. That way, he will have access to all the homes of parents and their children in the entire district (not just our own congregation's).

    Who said the Watchtower subtly encourages and not so subtly protects child rapists? If I want to retain microphone carrying privileges and get assigned cleanup duty at the next assembly, I better respond "no way!"

    Someone suggested that maybe we're all sharing a bad nightmare where we're all being tested by God to see where our true loyalties are? Perhaps we will wake up to discover we were all collectively sharing a bad dream. Personally, I keep telling myself, "this can't be happening." ;'-(

    Let's all pray for Bill's spiritual, emotional and physical health to get through these trying times.


  • waiting

    First of all to Bill & family - my best wishes and hope that this doesn't make it harder on your relations who are still jw. Not like it wasn't expected or anything, eh?

    This is actually great news from PR viewpoint. Think about it. The Catholic Church finally can't escape that some of their priests have been screwing kids for decades, and the Church knew it and covered in many instances. Well, the Catholic bishops FINALLY have to deal with it. What do they do? They put a hardline towards the priests who have committed this crime.

    The WTBTS finally can't escape that some of their members have been screwing kids, and the WTBTS knew it and covered in many instances. What do the do? The WTBTS kicks out the innocent people who talked about the crime. And the pedophiles are encouraged to go door-to-door more. The Catholics are finally trying to deal with this crime. The WTBTS kicks out those people who want to deal with this crime.

    And the WTBTS has always condemned the Catholics as ruled by Satan.


  • ChristianObserver

    Well I guess we were all expecting this - it was just the details of when and how that we were lacking!

    Bill and company - there are many who are grateful for your courageous stands and there are no doubt children and parents in the organisation whose future you have tried to protect who are/will be unknowingly in your debt.

    You have sacrificed your *lives* for others. Bless you all!

  • Jourles

    What a friggin' act of idiocy on the part of the local elders! Did Bill actually try to get into the hall and found that the doors were locked? Oh my God, if that is what happened, I sure hope that moment was videotaped. No wonder the elders refused all comment afterwards.....

    Press on the phone: Mr. Cary, why did you lock the door to the Kingdung Hall when earlier in the week you had asked Mr. Bowen to attend this judicial meeting?

    Bro Cary: We felt Mr. Bowen would not show for this meeting. But if he was to show, we assumed that he would have been wired for video and sound and we could not allow that.

    Press: Does not our present judicial system allow for all legal proceedings to be recorded in some manner so that there is no cause for dispute later on?

    Bro Cary: That may be the case in Caesar's jurisdiction, but within our religion all members realize that our decision to disfellowship or reprove are based on God's holy spirit directing the outcome. Jah's holy spirit was strong with us tonight and besides, three members of the governing body personally called to give us instructions to disfellowship Mr Bowen. What they say goes. Afterall, they are the only true channel to God in these last days of this system of things.

    Press: Huh? I guess I didn't understand that last part about God directing folks and stuff. All I asked was why could Mr. Bowen not enter the Kingdung Hall and defend himself, wired or not?

    Bro Cary: I just told you why. We have our rules and Caesar has his.

    Press: OK, now I'm getting thoroughly confused here. You keep mentioning Caesar. What does a dead Roman ruler have to do with anything that I am talking about? Can you not just answer my question directly without going off into a tangent?

    Bro Cary: I gave you my answer. If you did not understand it, that is not my problem.

    Press: So did you or did you not lock the door to this hearing so that Mr. Bowen could not attend the meeting in which you invited him to defend himself? Could you answer that question with a simple Yes or No please?

    Bro Cary: I already gave you that answer.

    Press: Jesus H. Christ! No wonder you people are considered a cult.

    Bro Cary: No we're not.

    Press: Fine. Whatever. You can read about this later on in the papers and on the web. Believe me, you will look like an idiot to the rest of the world once this gets printed.

    Bro Cary: Jehovah will protect his name and his organization.

    Press (thinking to himself): ****If you only had a clue........****

  • Pathofthorns

    When each of us set out on this course that we did, there was a point early on when we knew what the consequences of our actions would be. But when you face them head on and you are finally dealt the big 'D' it can be a bit disquieting as a major chapter in your life finally comes to an end.

    There is something morally wrong with the WT disfellowshipping these people, but it is unlikely they haven't exposed themselves to the real truth about the WT and it is unlikely they share anything in common with the WT anymore both doctrinally or in the WT's claimed ideals. I don't really see the point in endlessly fighting to be in a "club" whose doctrines and policies and rules you no longer believe in.

    This religion has a way of making enemies of the people that loved it the most and who loved it enough to try to make a difference. Nice of them to create a martyr. I hope the march in Brooklyn goes well and sends a strong message.


  • scumrat

    Bills disfellowshiping does not surprise me.



  • abbagail

    Along Hawkaw's line of thought.... Maybe Jehovah WANTED those goofball GB/JC/elders to DF Bill in such an assinine manner (breaking all their own rules, etc.) in order to keep the "word" (of abuse and partiality) alive in the media, etc. and to show them up for their gross incompetence!

    That AP story sure made a LOT of newspapers!

    And, Hawkaw, what else you got up your sleeve anyway?

    As for Bill and family: I was thinking like David who prayed over his sick baby until the baby finally died. Then he picked himself up and moved forward. (Of course, the situation of that scripture is not anywhere similar to yours, but the end action of David came to mind as seeming right on),i.e., It Is Done, less to haggle with, now can Focus Forward.

    Three Cheers for Whistleblowers! Where we would be without them & you!


  • Perry

    Burn another Martyr at the stake? They have become a carbon copy of what they once hated. So predictable.....idiots.

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