Hello I'm new here...

by Lapuce 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine


    I was 36 when I realized it wasn't the truth. Like you, I had been going thru a major depression. Unlike you, I didn't really have any long period of time where I was "doubting". Still the treatment I recieved in the congregation, being a depressed, divorced, bearded brother, did finally beat me down enough to look at some critical essays on JW positions. When I studied the blood issue in depth, and realized that I would likely have been willing to sacrifice my daughter on the alter of idiotic, mean-spirited bible interpretation, I quickly (within a few days) realized I would never call myself a JW again.

    The nice thing about losing my religion so fast, was that I also came out of my depression quickly. The difference was night and day, and I suspect I may have been somewhat depressed almost my entire life. Brought up on a steady diet of death infused bible stories that just don't make sense to me (but I had to accept them or else), it's no wonder I was depressed.

    I hope leaving the religion has the same effect for you. I'm confident that if you have the right attitude about it all, it will at least be a vast improvement in your life.

    The best to you,


    Edited by - SixofNine on 24 July 2002 23:1:35

  • witchywoman

    Welome aboard Lapuce!

    Sounds like you are in for a rough road ahead. Your life is precious, make sure you are taking care of your mental and physical health. Please be sure to continue to see your doctor for your depression. You are undoubtedly having a Crisis of Conscience, (I am reading now).

    We are here for you, I am glad you finally took a step that makes you happy!

    I will be looking forward to more of your posts and comments.


  • LyinEyes

    Welcome to the board,, yeah you will find people who feel just like you do. When I read what you wrote it sounded just like me a year ago, depressed lonely, miserable. This site has helped me to express myself, to heal, to find new friends, and to learn .

    Someone very wise told me that I needed to give myself time to let it all sink in. Don't worry about making big life changes or decisions right now. Give yourself some time to think and get to know who you really are. I know on my path of leaving the org. it has had many ups and downs, times I didnt know where I belonged. But so far, this is the best place for me, I feel like I belong here. I hope you continue to be a part of this, but I will warn ya,, it is addictive!!!!!

    Again welcome and look forward to hearing more of your story.

  • outoftheorg

    Welcome Lapuce good to hear from you.

    I was lost in the wbts from birth to 45yrs of age. So Its never too late to get out. I also had a case of clinical depression manifest itself. If you have suicidal thoughts be sure to find an MD and get the proper medication. It really works.

    You have already read here a lot of very good advice. Don't be afraid of talking things out here. It is helping me even after 11 years out of the borg. As others have already said, take things slowly with your jw wife and others in your family.

    Again welcome and wish you the best

  • KKLUV155


    I am so glad you are here. I too was raised in the truth. 21 years of it. I fought with depression for a couple of years. When I finally decided to DA myself I came out of the depression. Best thing I ever did.


  • Trotafox

    Welcome. Lapuce. We've been there and look forward to your story.


  • Farkel

    : My wife still belives its the truth, I don't, What really stops me from being D/A, or D/F is I will loose all my friends

    Unfortunately, if you lose them simply over the rules and regulations of a multi-national Printing Corporation, they weren't your real friends to begin with. But I'm sure you already recognize that.

    In WatchtowerLand EVERYTHING is extremely conditional within very thin margins. That includes friendship and even familial love.


  • morrisamb

    I think it is so important to build your own peer group. People who respect what you yourself believe and take the time to get to know who you really are. I can promise you that I will not tell you what to think or what to say or how to feel. Welcome.

  • dungbeetle

    (((((((((((((((((( lapuce )))))))))))))))))))

  • Flip

    Welcome Lappy'...you da man!


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