Where are you ?

by sunshineToo 102 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaccilynn

    west palm beach, florida for the past 9 years... originally from pontiac, michigan.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    I am in northwest England, in between Manchester and Liverpool.

  • zenpunk

    Upstate NY for the time being - still working on the big move to Dayton OH.

    Also lived in Donegal, Ireland and Rugby, England

  • Ray Skyhorse
    Ray Skyhorse

    Behind the Redwood Curtain in Eureka, California.

  • detective

    Yikes! Lots of Massachusetts folks here!

    I'm in Boston at the moment, then I get in car and go just outside of Boston and go home to bed (after I go to class and do an armload of errands, that is).

    So Massachusetts is representing! Very nice. Of course, I'm not an exjw. So no Baystate apostofests for me Damn outcast that I am...

  • sunshineToo

    Hey, detective!

    I have been to Boston a few times. I still remember the Museum of Fine Art and Boston Common. ;-)

    My brother, who was never a JW, went to school in Boston. Which school are you going? He went to Boston University.

  • ISP

    Living room right now....I was in the hallway before. I was in the kitchen earlier also.


  • detective

    Hi Sunshine too! I'll be passing by BU on my way out of here today so I'll give it a little wave for you! I've been out of college myself for a few years now so the class I'll be at tonight is more of a personal/professional enrichment type of class. Unfortunately, it's also mandatory attendance so I'm dragging my over-tired self there. Need...caffeine...pronto...

  • gumby

    From the east to the west ....from the north to the south..............

    Young Charlie Taze Russell started a movement to these 4 corners. See what you can do if your persistant!

  • dolphman

    Seattle....specifically in Seattle's capitol hill neighboorhood

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