Do Jws help disfellowshipped ones or apostates?

by haujobbz 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lieu

    ....ah, maybe that's why only being in a "spiritual paradise" is emphasized....the physical, mental, and emotional are not even a concern...think I'm starting to get it now.

    How does one define "spiritual" without the others?

    Did I do something to get ignored?....

    Edited by - Lieu on 23 July 2002 20:35:13

  • plmkrzy

    ,i mean how many witnesses have assisted or helped you when you needed it mostly

    Out of 500 or so, roughyl 15 or 20 over a period of 20 years.

    Those 500 or so are just the ones from the different congergations I and or my relatives attended . Not all that I've met.

    ,you see i thought they were supposed to encourage you to become so called spiritually stronger.

    THEY ARE. But unfortunately they don't seem to be aware of that little detail. At least not anymore.

    I think you would have to go back to the JWs who were JWs 50 years ago to find that sense of christianity. It doesn't seem to exist anylonger.

  • JT

    allow me to give you an example of how the jw mindset and control works

    I recall about 9 yrs sitting in a meeting while the CO was visiting and he posed that question:

    "By a show of hands is it OK to help a DFed person whose car has flipped over in pond?"

    And as I sat there I looked at my wife as we sat there and watched the hands FLICKERED UP AND DOWN as the congregation members were UNSURE as to whether they should raised thier hands, they were looking to see what the elders would do, until the CO finally TOLD THE JW that it was ok to Show FELLOW FEELINGS AND HELP-

    Then he asked about what to do about the DFed sister walking in the rain to get to the meetings

    would it be ok, and most responded THEY WOULD LET AN ELDER DO IT FIRST

    it is so sad as i look back and think that we actually needed a Corp to tell us when and how to wipe our A$$

  • orangefatcat



    Edited by - orangefatcat on 23 July 2002 21:49:29

  • SPAZnik

    JT....excellent example of people not thinking for themselves. how could they be unsure in a case like that? how could they even have to think about it?

    i'm dumfounded.

  • RedhorseWoman

    This lack of concern was one of the main reasons why I left the JWs for good.

    Shortly after getting married, my husband became quite ill and was hospitalized for several weeks and was laid up totally for over six months. No one one one sent cards...even though I repeatedly asked the elders to come and encourage him. The only time they showed up was when the rumor got out that my husband had started smoking again....then three elders were at the door almost immediately.

    That episode caused me to become sporadically inactive. I tried to "readjust my thinking" and not let the "imperfections of men" keep me "away from Jehovah", but it was really difficult. I asked for help several times, but never got any.

    Later, after I had become totally inactive, my mother suffered a severe stroke and had to be placed in a nursing home. She had been a faithful Witness for over 40 years. I spoke to JWs in two separate congregations and asked that they visit her. No one did. She was in the nursing home for 18 months, and had a visit only from one of her elderly friends at the Hall. This sister was quite ill herself, though, and one visit was all she managed.

    JWs are truly the most unloving, uncaring group of people I have ever known.

  • JT

    how could they be unsure in a case like that?


    and that is the key ID of cults -- members wait to be told what to do even in the most simpliest things- such as helping each other

    you would think that the jw would compare themselves to the good samaritain who helped out the jew even though they were not on good terms, sorta like a DFed jw and a faithful jw

    but you see the wt has never used that example in thier indoctrination processs so a jw would never even relate it to themsleves ---yes they must be told everything

  • minimus

    read c o c by franz, there's a 90 yr. old man that was faithful for decades ,he got disfellowshipped and nobody took any more care of him.So the answer is NO.

  • plmkrzy
    you would think that the jw would compare themselves to the good samaritain who helped out the jew even though they were not on good terms, sorta like a DFed jw and a faithful jw

    This is one of the very examples that have always really stuck in my mind like a pitchfork.

    I wish I had a dollar for every time that example was highlighted, read and referenced during a meeting or Bible study when the point was needed to be made as to why JWs witness to worldly people and or why all people are invited to follow Christ.

    But I do not recall it being referenced as an example of how were supposed to TREAT our fellow man. Even though the scripture did seem to be making more of a point in exactly that direction.


  • butalbee


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