Road to Perdition

by L_A_Big_Dawg 25 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Prisca

    I watched the video of this movie last night, and I'm sorry to say, but I didnt think the film was that great. Too many long pauses and supposedly-meaningful shots of the actors' faces..... kinda like the scenes in a soap opera. The movie didn't get interesting until half-way through, when the character Tom Hanks was playing finally decided to make some decisions for himself and started robbing banks. Not that I condone the robbing of banks, but he finally became his own boss, instead of this wimpy guy who did whatever his boss told him to do.

    Paul Newman is as handsome as ever. I didn't recognise him at first, he sure has aged, eh?

    I think I would have found the story more interesting if it had focused more on the boy's point of view, rather than have so many drawn-out scenes with the other characters.

    I'll give it 3/5

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Bloody movie bored me brain dead. If the liitle fella,Joe Pesci, had been in it he wouldnt have let the camera pan away as he caved their heads in with a baseball bat. It definitely needed Pesci / Deniro to liven it up. Too slow. Too full of its own importance.

    I gave it Yawn out of 10

  • heathen

    lol @ refiners fire. I didn't think it was boring tho, I liked it alot .I don't ever see near enough movies to determine what the best picture is most of the time . This did look like one that could easily be nominated . There is plenty of year left and are they ever putting out some movies at this time of the year .

  • plmkrzy

    omg! its been a year already since that movie was released!

    I liked the movie. I agree it was slow and not the typical gangster movie, but I don't think the director was trying to make a typical gangster movie. He kept us in the dark as much as the kid was in the dark about what his father did for a living. Plus he was trying to "humanize" the roll of a shaman as someone making an almost honest living like everyone else during that era, poor misunderstood gangsters .

    Puzz liked it to, reminded him of his childhood....SMAK ! %##%#%##%#


  • heathen

    I don't know where you get boring from .I mean jeez how many people have to get wacked to be exciting? Tom Hanks knocks off an entire crime family and people come up with boring ?

  • waiting


    I still loved the darkness of the movie - the flamboyance of the clothes, etc. If I wanted more action - well, Terminator 3's coming out. There's was more than enough blood & guts to sot my brain for a couple of hours.

    Minority Report? Highly predictable in it's own way. Not even close.

    Of course, I don't like those little Honda fast car flicks either..................


  • teejay


    I was JUST thinking about Road To Perdition and saw this thread!! I missed the movie at the theater but meant to see it. I think I'll rent it.

    p.s. Good seeing you again, JJ. Welcome home.

  • teejay

    BTW, Waiting,

    I bet you'd would have loved the 2 nd year English/Composition class I took. All we did is sit around watching film clips and studied the tools filmmakers use to make films: lighting, composition, camera angles and of course dialog. These passive elements, if carefully noted, tell a huge part of the story, often subconsciously.

  • Prisca
    I don't know where you get boring from .I mean jeez how many people have to get wacked to be exciting? Tom Hanks knocks off an entire crime family and people come up with boring ?

    Erm, a bit of conversation would have been nice, instead of those long, meaningful stares and silences by the characters. Perhaps some background dialogue instead? More explanation regarding the motives for things that happened? Deeper character development?

    These are the sort of things that make films interesting, rather than be left guessing half the time.

    The film certainly didn't need more killings or violence. I hate the sight of blood, and will look away if things get too gruesome. At least the film didn't go overboard with that.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    I think you'll really enjoy the film. I thought it was electric and Hanks showed a side of himself that I haven't seen before. Excuse the cliche, but I thought it worked on several levels. It's funny you mention your course, because I thought the lighting in this film was a big part of the story. It added a depth that would not have been there otherwise.

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