Names of so-called conspirators

by Guest 77 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    To me it seems that society is moulded, to a certain extent. It's in the interests of the largest corps, govt, large religions, the media, all the largest animals on the earth. These controling bodies want/need the masses to be predictable and mallable. They need good consumers, good national citizens, good corporate workers. If they produce laws, schools, propaganda, diversions to achieve this state, is that a conspiracy?

    Masses of people w no guiding principles would not qualify as civilizations. Also people naturally want order in their respective societies. If disorder breaks out, people scream for some one in authority to bring order back. If there is no authority to bring order, people will form one. That's how govt got started. 9/11 is a good study of the reactions of masses.


    Another person learns what invisable/celtic is like.


    Edited by - saintsatan on 23 July 2002 14:14:2

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Francois cut the crap, I provided names and sites. What you have provided, farkel?


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    SS, how many reasons can you give why people are leaving the org.? We are all influenced by someone or something.

    Who of us is so independent that we don't need anyone? Our lives are governed by natural laws and there is nothing we can do about it. We must submit or else.

    I have given ample references to my presentation and yet no one has yet produced any written material to substaniate their views. Everything has been personal opinions and avoiding my request for references. Is this how the ball game is played?

    Guest 77

  • Satanus

    how many reasons can you give why people are leaving the org.?

    Lots of reasons. Many have been presented on the board.

    We are all influenced by someone or something.

    Of course, me included.

    Who of us is so independent that we don't need anyone? Our lives are governed by natural laws and there is nothing we can do about it.


    We must submit or else.

    As long as you don't break laws and cause disturbances, you can think what you want. You can also say a lot. Political correctness cuts into free speach. Our own respect for others and their feelings cuts into our free speach as well. The US is still one of the freeest (most free) countries in the world.

    I spent a few years reading conspiracy type stuff, not zechariah sitchin shit, either. Based on that and what i learned from standard history, i presented my opinion briefly. It would take me weeks to give you references. After that, you wouldn't read them. Niether would anybody else.


  • Francois

    Guest, I have no intention of providing any thing to you beyond what I've already provided, an adult viewpoint and outlook and plenty of practicality. I've told you I've already read the Protocols, which you wave around like some mystical statement of deep truth. Hint: it's just the title of an old essay, it's not a magic wand.

    You cut the crap little boy.


  • Francois

    Saint Satan - whateverdoyoumean? You mean he lives up to his name? Makes some overbearing, hypocritical comment then heads for the safety of the hills till the dust settles? Is that what you mean?


    P.S. - Better watch out for Guest's "influences," they might getcha.


    See? There went one just then.

    Edited by - Francois on 23 July 2002 15:44:0

  • Crazy151drinker


    I find it hard to lose faith in the FED due to someone's comments in 1934. Many corporations at the time had very shady businesses practices so I could see how someone might hate all bankers and business. 1934 was also a time of severe economic hardships which many blamed on the banks and the government. One mans statements do not prove anything.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Francois, you can't prove anything, again, it's just YOUR opinion. What a poor excuse, especially coming from a person like you. I thought you had imagination.

    Guest 77

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Crazy151drinker, on your spare time browse the net and see what you can dig up about the topic. No need to hurry, the information is there. I have given enough names for anyone to go on. What names and references has anyone given me?

    Guest 77

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Francois, this boy's oldest daughter will be 39 next month. Can you come up with something better or more creative? I doubt it!

    Guest 77

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