Names of so-called conspirators

by Guest 77 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Whenever the topic of secret societies surfaces on this forum, many ignore it like a plague. It amazes how some can make a quick judgement and shrug it off as though it's garbage talk. Yet, how many have made any 'serious' research on this subject.

    For the benefit of some, the following names are people who wrote about various (secret societies)organizations that have controlling influence.

    Gary Allen, Dr. John Coleman, Count Leon de Poncins, William Guy Carr,Myron C. Fagan, Eusatce Mullins, George Armstrong and the recent passing of Antony Sutton. Interestingly, four of Mr Sutton's books were conveniently missing at the Library of Congress.

    Mr. Sutton was NOT a conspiratorial writer but rather a technology researcher and journalist. To following site will provide additional information about Mr. Sutton.

    Whether you will accept it or not, we are all controlled. The question that needs answering is, who controls us?

    Hopefully, I have contributed something to this subject matter.

    Guest 77

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    A question for you:

    When you know that you are controlled, does it take the control away ?

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    There are many facets to and of control. How about beyond control? Would you like to be under the control of a beautiful women?

    When control serves in the interest of all concerned, it is not abused control. We need to keep our tempers under control. What about drunk drivers, shall we allow them to go our of control?

    No one asked to be born. You and I did not have a choice in the matter. We are here because our parents loved each other and that love was expressed in a natural manner, resulting in the presence of you and I.

    We are all 'subjects' whether you believe in a divine being or nature. As subjects we are under control. Defy nature and see what happens to you. Are you not happy and relieved when you relieve yourself? Ah, you obey the laws of nature, it controls you, but this control is NOT to your detriment.

    The problem lies in others wanting to be in control of others. Why do many visit sites of this nature? Is it not because of abused/misguided control, seeking relief, understanding and compassion? Some feel that the org. have 'binded' heavy loads/controls on them. Was this the method that Jesus used to attract his followers? No, he said, "For my yoke is kindly and my load is 'light.' We are subjects (yoke) whether you like it or not. The question is, which master do YOU choose?

    Guest 77

  • Amazing

    HI Guest77: I avoid the topic because trying to reason with a conspiracy theorist is like trying to reason with a Christian Fundamentalists Bible-Thumping Hell Fire Southern Bapist. ... and while I accept that there are small conspiracy theories that last a short time, generally the "global-control freaks" are weak to non-existent, and lack "genuine" evidence. You noted,

    Whether you will accept it or not, we are all controlled. The question that needs answering is, who controls us?

    Your second question highlights the problem with your lead statement. What, who, when, where, how, and why? Prove it with solid evidence !

    My family have been listed for centuries on the list of Illuminati ... my grandfather was a multi-millionaire, and supposedly controlled a lot. So, where is my money and power? Where is my inherited position to be part of the ruling class?

    This Freemason-Illumnati connection with C.T. Russell is weak, especially the Illuminati part. I believe that there is some clear evidence that Russell was influenced and intrigued by the Freemasons ... he used their symbols and reportedly spoke well of them ... but today, no self-respecting JW would be caught dead in a Freemason meeting saluting the flag, and chanting their incantations. It is a prohibited membership to JWs.

    So, even IF Russell was a member and wanted world domination, thre would be nothing better than his followers being Freemasons ... adds more secrecy and loyalty ... and yet, the over 6 million JWs are nowhere near supporting Freemasons today ... the connection and logic is too weak ... and ...

    Even if we argue that the Rank & File are shifted to a side organization because the Freemasons do not need all the JW membership, only the leaders ... then one must prove that the current JW leaders, at least the GB members share in Freemason membership ... ask Ray Franz and he will confirm that the JW leadership is not, nor has it ever been joined in anyway with Freemasons. Also, you or me or any person off the street can join the Masons at anytime ... as long as you are patriotic ... and essentially, one could fake it until they are a 32 degree Mason ... and see what it is all about ... and I bet anyone will find that it is a bunch of foolishness ...

    Of course, I could be trying to mislead everyone because of my Illuminati connections ... to keep you from noticing our centuries long plans to control the world and rule forever.

  • larc

    I agree with Amazing on this. The evidence is simply not there. Russell is not on any membership records of the Masons. Like Amazing, my family was once prominant, but sadly, there is nothing left to show for it. My great grandfather was a high ranking Mason. He was a succesful businessman at the local level, but I don't think he had contact with world leaders, nor did he have international leadership. Guest, I think your broad use of the word, control, has no association with some vast, international elite. I just don't believe there is such a thing.

  • Farkel

    : There are many facets to and of control. How about beyond control?

    How about some evidence beyond bullshit?


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Amazing, larc, would you kindly refresh my memory. Where and when did I EVER say that Charles Taze Russell was a Mason?

    I personally wrote to Ray Franz and that was one of the questions he anwered for me. The date of his returned letter was August 24, 1999. I would be more than glad to fax you this letter. So, I personally knew the answer about Russell.

    May I suggest you men review these sites.

    Have you ever read, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion?"

    This and other related subject matters came to me serendipitiously.

    I have mentioned that there is a visable and invisable segment of the Freemasons. The job of the invisable ruling class is to keep everyone under subjection, once again it boils down to control, mind control.

    Jesus said we cannot serve two masters. Whether you like it or not, you and I are controlled, period. Ah, but who are our masters? I do not apply the word controlled in a 'crude' manner. Would in 'subjection' be a better word, like wives being in subjection? As former elders do you remember Ephs.5:21-33? Let us apply the word reasonableness to our discussion because I liken that word to a YIELD sign. We give a person the right of way. How many people are yielding?

    The names of the people who have covered this subject matter (illuminati) are not people who are off the wall. These people have credentials. Though this information came to me accidentally, it has benefited me greatly because my town is flooded with groups of this nature. I am a very active member of my community, any and all information is very valuable to me.

    Guest 77

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Bull shit Farkel? There are things beyond your control and there is nothing you can do about it. Bullshit? Prove it otherwise, smart ass Farkel!

    Guest 77

  • Francois


    I've read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Carefully. Several times.

    It's complete and utter nonsense, dreamed up by anti-Zionists, or by the Tri-Lateral Commission, or the Bilderburgers, or the Knights Templar, or the American Dairy Association (probably the ADA, since it calls all goyim cattle). Take your pick. In my opinion, anyone who takes this stuff seriously has got way too much time on his hands - or has a very impressionable mind, you know, like a kindergarten child.

    I'm with Farkel. Show me the evidence.

    NO NO NO - I take it all back. I repent. A thousand pardons. PLEASE DON'T show me any evidence. I've been there already, when I was young and stupid. I don't want to see any more of the "evidence." Please. That's not evidence, it's WISHFUL THINKING, designed to feed the empty spaces in those with personality deficiencies. You read the evidence while you engage in this peculiar form of mental masturbation.

    OH, one more thing. This has to do with your response to Farkle. I have an elephant repellent. I have sprayed it all over the entireity of Chatham County Georgia. There's not an elephant in sight. IT WORKS! I'LL BE RICH. Using your logic, Guest, prove me wrong.


    P.S. - Invisible, I'm waiting on a response from you sir.

    Edited by - Francois on 23 July 2002 13:20:44

  • Crazy151drinker


    Well I will agree with you to a point. Yes we are all controlled to some degree. I am not allowed to kill people or cheat on my taxes, or speed, or set buildings on fire. However, this is a type of control that I A: Know about B: Support C: That I can change (based on the concept of voting)

    This is not control by some all powerfull org.

    I also believe in conspiracies to a point: Kennedy, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, etc.. etc...

    But if you believe we didnt go to the moon, the sun orbits the earth, or your being probed by aliens- you need help.

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