has YOU KNOW finally gone?

by searchfothetruth 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Were working on you YK....we have plenty of time....you'll come to your senses......BTW.....drop the Sky is falling bit.....it's way too old.....!!!


  • SYN

    Angels have TCP connections? What sort of firewall does HEAVEN have?

  • Vivamus

    You Know, you sound like a believing Zarathustra: when Zarathustra had spoken these words, he again looked at the people, and was silent. "There they stand," said he to his heart; "there they laugh: they do not understand me; I am not the mouth for these ears." - Funny though, I have that same feeling when talking to some witnesses....

    Work the audience if you want, but is the fellow players that really make the play interesting. Looking forward on having discussions with you!


  • Nowfree

    YK/WTBTS are acting a bit like King Canute - all on his own sitting on a chair on the beach proclaiming loudly that the tide won't come in because i am the King and the sea will do as I say.

    And guess what?

    The tide came in and made King Canute look like an idiot. His downfall was because of his delusions of grandeur - which reminds me of how the Governing Body will go down!


  • You Know
    You Know


    Funny though, I have that same feeling when talking to some witnesses....

    Me too! It is the classic paradox. Towards whom do you think Jehovah's rhetorical question is directed: "Who is blind, if not my servant, and who is deaf as my messenger whom I send? Who is blind as the one rewarded, or blind as the servant of Jehovah?" HINT: A few verses forward God says: "You are my witnesses," is the utterance of Jehovah, "even my servant whom I have chosen, in order that you may know and have faith in me, and that you may understand that I asm the same one."

    / You Know

  • Vivamus

    You know, Jehovah uses grant words in that chapter, and in verse 11, he even says that there is no saviour next of him.... So, why doesn't he save? (also rhetorical). And if Jehovah complains about His messages not being understood, well, he should be a little bit more clear about them.


  • FreeRangeChicken

    don't encourage him

  • searchfothetruth

    I think my point is proven.

    YOU KNOW posts in response to this thread and immediatly babbles on in-coherantly about absolutly nothing.

    He says that most witnesses dis-agree with him too, well, I think this is a load of crap. We all know that if you make a point of dis-agreeing with anyone in the cong you are reproved or worse disfellowshipped sharply, you wouldn't be allowed to disagree with the society on a regular basis.

    YOU KNOW tries to make out he is a rebel within the org, but I just think he is a stirrer who is quite happy to shoot his mouth of whilst nobody knows him.

    YOU KNOW is probably one one those smarmy suck-hole brothers who hang around the elders asking if they have any little jobs need doing and never opens his mouth unless heaping praise on the society and the elders.

    Am I right? Probably.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    That's okay. Most of Jehovah's Witnesses disagree with me too, or rather I disagree with them on certain things, still we share the same faith in Jehovah's promise and redemptive power. For the most part YK is going one-on-one against the world. I am simply a man of deep and abiding faith in Jehovah God and his word, who has taken his place on a public stage, a forum if you prefer, as a theatricle spectacle before men and angels. While most in the audince disapprove of my performance, and some constitute a front row of hecklers and juvenile tomato throwers, there are those observers who themselves are on stage as it were, who appreciate what the issues confronting us are. Others may not yet have an appreciation but may perhaps come to a realization in the future during the final curtain call. / You Know

    you didn't answer. are you trying to "save" apostates? is that why you spend years talking to them? we are the dead, so why are you wasting your time? you say you have "conquered" already, so it's not about that. what then? or are you just trying to be a rebel? grooovy.

    Early Lesley Gore

    "He's a rebel and he'll never ever be - any good, He's a rebel 'cos he never ever does - what he should, And just because he doesn't do what - everybody else does..."

    of course apostates haven't "conquered your faith". like all witnesses, you just tell yourself everything you see here is a lie. i think it would be a stronger testament to faith if you accepted these truths for what they are - truth - and still stood steadfast.

    Edited by - Incense_and_Peppermints on 21 July 2002 11:33:22

  • SYN

    LOL @ Incense! Groovy baby!

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