has YOU KNOW finally gone?

by searchfothetruth 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know

    I must say that my little pic is somewhat creepy, but I think that's because it is so real. Here's this wounded warrior with an expression of sheer joy upon his face. His zombie-like appearance is offset by the suggestion that even though he looks like he lost the war, he apparently made an heroic effort and survived his ordeal relatively intact. It seems very incongruous and paradoxical to have survived a war and yet exude such unbounded joy. I chose that photo of a wounded WWI doughboy because it reminds me of what Paul said about being "perplexed, but not absolutely with no way out; we are persecuted, but not left in the lurch; we are thrown down, but not destroyed." I think my presence is somewhat unsettling to apostate JW's for the reason that in all the years I have been on the net apostates have given me their best shot and they have failed to break my faith. I have conquered. And my continued presence is a constant reminder of the faith that you have abadoned and the judgment of Jehovah that we all must eventually face.

    However, my intent is not just to taunt the enemy by proclaiming my own victory over the evil that seems to have conquered so many of my former brothers and sisters, but rather to inspire others to put up a harder fight for their faith. There is a method to my seeming madness. And while you may not appreciate it at the moment, when things get ugly, I could become your best friend. Stranger things have happened. And things are going to get ugly, soon, very, very soon. I know you don't believe that now, but when things come crashing down apostate Dubs will be silenced and you may be inclined to discard the delusion you are laboring under at the moment and listen. My hope is to be there for those whom Jehovah will allow a change of heart. / You Know

    Edited by - You Know on 20 July 2002 23:58:41

  • Farkel

    Please stick around, You Know. You are priceless and I for one, have become quite fond of you.


  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    I think my presence is somewhat unsettling to apostate JW's for the reason that in all the years I have been on the net apostates have given me their best shot and they have failed to break my faith

    well, i don't know your story but it seems that you are alone in this cyberworld of ex-jw's and apostates. and i gotta give you your props for standing alone against a multitude. you gotta respect that, and i do. for whatt it's worth.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    I think my presence is somewhat unsettling to apostate JW's for the reason that in all the years I have been on the net apostates have given me their best shot and they have failed to break my faith. I have conquered. And my continued presence is a constant reminder of the faith that you have abadoned and the judgment of Jehovah that we all must eventually face.

    it's not your presence that's unsettling. just that creepy picture. ew.

    guess what? this whole place is a constant reminder of the faith we left. (i would never speak for anyone, so when i say "we", i'm using the editorial "we".) anyway, i don't have one single regret. or fear of retribution. but i do wonder why you have spent so many years talking to "apostates". isn't that like a huge waste of your time and energy? i'm sincerely curious about that. why witnesses engage in dialog with "apostates". you won't answer. none of you ever do. but i don't believe in your judgemental, peevish, insecure god anymore. therefore, i have conquered... and i am happy

    ~no regrets

  • ISP

    YK.......is not that bad. He is as 'apostate' as most here in his own way, so he fits in more here than in dubland and gets more mental stimulation than he does at the hall.


  • Englishman

    Is the Avenging Angel develping a sense of humour?

    Good, good, but what about my new website that was going to sell asses jaw-bones over the net?


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Well I don't know "you Know" so I can't say! But I do know "Whats his name" is a real pain in the a-- you know!. I have seen that "Other guy" lurking about too! Then of course we were paid a visit by "Who is it!" (A funny guy!)

    I always look forward to the wit of "Nobody's perfect!"..She is such a charmer!

    And then we always have the humor of "It's time to call it a day!"...

    Nite all...Snoozy...

    ps...Did we ever find out "Who's on first?"

    Edited by - Golden Girl on 21 July 2002 4:46:30

  • SYN

    YouKnow rocks! REEEEEEEEESPECT!

  • Vivamus

    You Know, from what I have read so far, I like you! Although I am an absolute apostate and disagree with most of what you say.


  • You Know
    You Know


    Although I am an absolute apostate and disagree with most of what you say.

    That's okay. Most of Jehovah's Witnesses disagree with me too, or rather I disagree with them on certain things, still we share the same faith in Jehovah's promise and redemptive power. For the most part YK is going one-on-one against the world. I am simply a man of deep and abiding faith in Jehovah God and his word, who has taken his place on a public stage, a forum if you prefer, as a theatricle spectacle before men and angels. While most in the audince disapprove of my performance, and some constitute a front row of hecklers and juvenile tomato throwers, there are those observers who themselves are on stage as it were, who appreciate what the issues confronting us are. Others may not yet have an appreciation but may perhaps come to a realization in the future during the final curtain call. / You Know

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