How about some embarrassing 80's pics?

by LyinEyes 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    well, all i gotta say is i have never seen so many cute people in cyberspace. i'm serious. usually people in cyberspace aren't all that cute but... wow. everybody in this thread is really cute. dutchie what a doll. heaven you look so sweet. arachnia, i love your style then - you have a real genuine 'something' that shines through, i don't know what else to say but it's pretty cool. p.s. i always just say what i feel. sometimes people think i am flattering them, which i WOULD NEVER DO. i just say what's in my heart, and believe me, it's all quite real.

  • Solace

    Dutchie, I remember after I had my daughter, I was 21 and and felt very fat when that picture was taken. I think women are the hardest on themselves as far as weight goes. I honestly dont think anyone including my husband even noticed the 10 pounds I kept on and obsessed about for years.

  • Solace

    Incense, That is so nice of you. I agree and think there are alot of people here who are beautiful inside and out.

  • pomegranate

    I thought these were 'posed to be embarassing pics???

    All I've seen is non-embarassing very nice pics of beautiful people (besides the occasssional x's in there)

    I just dug out a shoe box of pics and fired up me scanner for another, would this be considered embarassing?


  • arachnia

    Nikita - thanks - yeah, I'm much happier now than I was in those old pix for a variety of reasons and so I guess it shines through in my new look. ;) It was great when I went to my 10 year reunion - absolutely NO ONE knew who I was. We had little B/W photos of our senior pix on our nametags and that was the only reason they recognized me. Hee hee! It was fun.

    Heaven - Oh yeah, in Junior High I had so many "Madonna" o-ring bracelets I could wear them past my elbows and keep going (actually I still have them and started wearing them again...LOL gotta love fashion recycling..) and I loved Thompson Twins too. My tastes in high school swung more towards The Cure, The Smiths, Bauhaus (still do) but I wasn't allowed to "goth out" so that senior pic represents me getting about as "edgy" as I could back then. Whoooo!

    Incense - thank you - I'm sure many people who know me IRL would agree with you that I'm full of "something" but I don't know if it's necessarily a compliment! ;-)~

    This is a fun thread!

    Oh and I too had the "wall of bangs" hair thing going on round about 1989. Scary times, hair-wise. But even better than Aqua-Net, for my hair anyways, has been "Freeze-It" 24-hour hold hairspray. Yeeowsa! It does the trick. :)

  • Solace

    Pomogranet, That picture I actually had on file to send. I do have some very emberrasing HUGE hair pics but I would have to start scanning. I promise to start digging through my pictures and post one. P.S Luv your pic, duuuuude.....

    archinia, I LOVED THE CURE AND SMITHS!!!! I still have many of their C.D.s. Alot of my friends used egg whites to get their hair to stand up etc. I had to keep up my witness image and keep it toned down most of the time. We were setting an example, ya' know?

  • arachnia

    Heaven - I used to sneak clothes and makeup in my suitcase-like purses to school and change there and change/wash it off before arriving home. Bad girl, I know. ;) I still love The Cure and The Smiths...actually my husband and I run a Gothic/Industrial website: and we are pretty involved with the local scene. It's so nice to not worry about being an example any more! Now I just have to worry about conforming to a corporate dress code. But, as has always been my station in life, I set the trends and push the envelope and so far I'm getting away with it. (I have several ear piercings, a nose stud and blood red streaks in my bangs with black hair.) I love finally being able to be myself, although it puts my mom in a tiz that I'm not more of a preppy type. Oh well. As one of those great 80's bands, Talk Talk sang, " It's my life....Don't you forget...." ;-)

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Ok me too me too

    I look like such a baby here but I am about 27-28 and we are off to a meeting. Those are my two girls and my grand-daughter is now older than either of them. My mother said the first would never get to school before the end came. Oh well - not waiting any more

    And here is how I got to pass my time at the DC so I wouldn't fall asleep

    Worked for me

    Edited by - Lady Lee on 21 July 2002 0:2:7

  • DakotaRed

    Dutchie and Heaven, I had to laugh when you mentioned Aqua Net hair spray, especially the super extra firm cement hold. Julie, my oldest daughter used that too, in her teens. Yes, she had her hair sticking straight up in the front. After I got custody of her, we would clean the apartment together. Of course, she always let me do the bathroom. Looking back, I think it was because I knew how to use a cold chisel to remove that spray super glue that got on everything when she did her hair.

    But, you want embarrasing? I had to reach back beyond the 80s for one, but found it.

    Dig those crazy shorts. Now, what you can't see is that the pigeon on me was not only trying to steal my peanuts, he pooped on me too!

    Lew W

    Edited by - DakotaRed on 21 July 2002 1:6:15

    Edited by - DakotaRed on 21 July 2002 1:52:11

  • Prisca

    Hi guys,

    I haven't got any pics from the 80s or early 90s that I feel comfortable in posting right now, but I just wanted to say I love the pics, all of them! Esp Dakota - I love those shorts - reminds me of stuff I used to wear as a kid.

    arachnia - I used to have a perm like that in the 80s - seemed the curlier and the puffier, the better!

    Heaven - I loved that baby pic of your daughter, she reminds me of my little niece - very cute!

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