Romance status

by Crystal 60 Replies latest social relationships

  • Elsewhere

    I'm a single buff stud-muffin with a really big [CENSORED]

  • MrMoe


    SYN - You never TOLD me you had the hots for Xena, too!! Seriously tho, it is very true in the fact that ex-JW's are different than everybody else. Ego-ridden comment to say but it is the truth. We look at the world differently, and it is really nice to share that same viewpoint with somebody that you truly care about, even if they are much to far away...



  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I have been single now for 8 years.

  • wasasister

    It's a lot different coming to a relationship when you're over 40. At 17 or 18, you've got minimum baggage: maybe siblings, couple of parents, one or two former relationships...

    At 40, you're trying to meld: debts and assets; at least one ex-spouse, maybe more; one or more sets of kids; heart-breaks, failed relationships, vindictive ex's; owned property, often in different sates; well-established careers that can't be easily uprooted; restraining orders.

    I'm telling you, being single at my age is a real bitch. I own a home, have a well paying job and free-lance work on the side, no debt, grown kids, and NO parents. I am beginning to wonder if I want to complicate my life at this point.

    Romance is great, but there is something to be said for freedom and stability.

    The cynical Wasa

    Edited by - wasasister on 21 July 2002 1:54:14

  • outoftheorg

    Got df'd and divorced at the same time. No sin involved as per jw definition. Df'd because I told the elders what I thought of them and threatened them with bodily harm. So my official charge is fits of rage. Stayed single till I got my self together for @ 5 Years and remarried a <worldly> woman bless her heart. For the first time marriage started to make sense.

    If you find it difficult at 40 yrs. try it at 61. To tell the truth here I did not find it all that difficult. I did not and my wife did not have all the pressures of the jw life or the twisted expectations. A friend of mine told me that at 61 you are just too tired to ingage in any more sensless bickering and things are better. I think he may be right!

  • gwyneth

    Married at 18, divorced and left bORG at 24 (not related to each other), have been single ever since...8 years.

  • Kingpawn

    Married at 24, still there unhappily. DF'ed 20 years or so ago.

  • larc

    I got married at 22, and my wife and I left the religion together. That was a real blessing. We have had our ups and downs over the years, but at 61, I am a bit more mellow than I used to be, which leads to a more tranquil married life. If something happened to my wife, I doubt if I would remarry, for all the reasons that wassa mentioned (although I might have a main squeeze, if she promised not to move in).

  • yrs2long

    newly single, very busy, athletic, insubmissive, childless, inactive with no plans of returning to jw faith female tech nerd on the west coast of the US.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Male tech nerd here to. Although I blame that on the way I was brought up by the WT. They never aloud us as children to grow and learn how to socalize with others our own age. Everything was no. You could not do anything as it may take away valuble time that you could be doing important studing. Why would you want to socialize with "worldings" anyway as these ones were shortly going to be distroyed at Armonmygedding....


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