Notice to GB - She became our little Girl!

by Amazing 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Notice to the Governing Body: Today, as the arrest was discussed in the news media by Officer Corona, the Sherrif of Orange, County, California, speaking of Samantha Runion, he said to the accused, "Mr. Avila, She became our little girl!" ... Yes, the police, public and media joined forces to find the girl and the perpetrator ... as though she was their own daughter. That is what we call community committment, love, and concern.

    GB men, we saw your pathetic, weak, miserable public policy statement regarding disfellowshipping as given on your media site that Randy Watters posted today. You men, as leaders, are not men. You are not even good excuses for human beings. All the JW children who have been molested, abused, and victimized and then not treated properly as a result of YOUR policies, but instead are treated as nothing, makes you men on the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses accomplices with child molesters ... You are trying to disfellowhsip Bill Bowen and Barbara Anderson, who are whistleblowers, because you are trying to hide from the law ... from common human decency ... from even being simply responsible citizens ... why? ... to protect your silly little religion!

    ... and we who see this, along with the the victims, their parents, and families are standing together to bring YOU to justice ... because these young little JW children have become as our own children ... and YOU will not go unpunished for your policies that allowed evil perpetrators to rome your Kingdom Halls and victimize more and more little JW children - when it could have been stopped. YOU will be brought to justice! We have only just begun to fight! More is on the horizon ... get ready GB ... your day has arrived, and it will not be your little rapture to heaven!

    Edited by - Amazing on 19 July 2002 23:18:36



  • myself

    Wow! Very well said Amazing. That certainly drives the point home. Too bad the GB

    will continue to act as if they are in the right. You touched my heart with this as I know

    it will touch many.

  • Oldhippie

    Amazing.....Love ya man!

    How can anyone who has never had children (the GB and several elders I have crossed paths with) even begin to comprehend how far a loving parent will go to defend their children?

  • Dutchie

    Gee, Amazing, your post made me cry. Eloquently stated!

  • sunshineToo

    So well said, Amazing!

  • Sunspot

    VERY beautifully expressed, Amazing.

    "That is what we call community committment", etc.

    How true. Just to offer an example: I had to make a business call this afternoon and was put on "hold". As I was waiting I put the TV on FOX cablenews JUST as the story about the arrest was breaking. The receptionist came on and asked if I still wanted to hold--and at the same time I had gasped--she's asking "Annie are you okay?" and in my ever-so-professional-sounding-telephone voice I so coherently stated "they got him--the creep--little Samantha in California--they found him".

    And the usually very professional receptionist said loudly---"THEY DID? Where'd they find him? Oh I'm so GLAD! What a horrible thing! Such a waste of that beautiful baby's life"------

    And then she was cut off cuz the lady I had called to speak to had picked up HER phone........and I almost felt BAD! But for a brief moment in our "busy" day, we had "connected" in a common compassion and concern for a little girl who had captured our hearts.

    Thanks for a very thoughtful and meaningful post.



  • Athanasius

    Great post Amazing,

    Well said and to the point. I hope they get it this time.



  • WildHorses

    Is this story on the internet? I haven't yet heard about it and would like to read the story.


  • Farkel


    : You men, as leaders, are not men. You are not even good excuses for human beings.

    I don't give "high-fives" often because dubs would think we are stroking each other, but there is always the exception:

    Rock on, Amazing! Great observation!


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