Notice to GB - She became our little Girl!

by Amazing 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • alamb

    *For the Children*

    *Never Forget*

  • Francois

    To Amazing and any others contemplating actions of any kind against the WTBTS:

    Whatever it is you plan on doing, in whatever venue, for whatever reason, at whatever time, I would like to offer and add my humble services to your effort.

    I've been a communications professional for nearly forty years. There's not much I haven't experienced as it's related to mass communication. Mainly I'm a writer. But I also am very well acquainted with news campaigns, advertising campaigns, fund raising, still and motion photography, mail list administration, and such related stuff as that. I can also lick envelopes. And go get lunch. And help you burn the midnight oil. Whatever it takes.

    Please get in touch if you would like help. What I can do, I will do.

    This "campaign" requires action as you know. I'm ready. The very idea that this twisted, dangerous, divisive, microminority religious cult speaks for God must be erased from this planet; it constitutes an open, running sore on the body of society and it must be dealt with.


  • Crystal
  • LyinEyes

    Amazing, in your sentence about the JW children being molested and abused , you said one word that is very profound...... "but they are made to feel like NOTHING."

    After all the abuse an evil as bad as what the poor children have been thru , is to be simply thrown away so to speak. Instead of finding some kind of love , concern and comfort , they find nothing but an empty hole where love should be. I wonder how many elders out there, have trouble sleeping at night for being involved in handling these cases? I know that not all in JW are evil , some try hard to be fair and loving. After all they are doing what the GB tells them to , even against their own consciences. But still they are as guilty as the GB,sharing in their sins. In time I know this takes a toll on them . I personally knew an elder that delt with a child molestation case, it happened over 5 yrs ago and he still has trouble dealing with that. He has had many sleepless nights . He is not an elder anymore, things like this , and many other things were more than he could bare.

    . We both wish we could just hug this girl that was molested, tell her she is SOMETHING, tell her she can always come to us. She moved away and got married , but one day I will see her again. I will not bring it up, but if she talks about it I will let her know how thru the years we have thought of her. She doesnt know that I know about it.

    Wouldnt it be loving, if the elders handling such cases, along with the parents , put their hand on the childs shoulder to give comfort , like Jesus did? If they did this maybe the child wouldnt grow up to think that he/she was unworthy of a kind word or compassion.

  • Imbue

    Amazing blowing me away again! Lyin have astounded me with your observation. You are truly a sweet lady. I would have been drawn to you in a JW congregation because you have been one of the few Christians in the room. Lyin says:

    Wouldn't it be loving, if the elders handling such cases, along with the parents , put their hand on the childs shoulder to give comfort , like Jesus did? If they did this maybe the child wouldn't grow up to think that he/she was unworthy of a kind word or compassion.
  • Nanoprobe

    Mr. Avila, She became our little girl

    Victims are not our little girl in the Jehovahs Witness Community

    From the Holly Berry Court Case, names of those who testified as character witnesses for Paul Berry. (taken from Public Court Records)

    Paul Berry HALL OF SHAME

    1) Joyce Saunders,

    2) Rita Rivard,

    3) Bob Ward,

    4) Paul Ward,

    5) Susan Ward

    6) Shirley Roby,

    7) Mike Earhardt,

    8) Renata Earhardt,

    9) Jean Mirona

    10) Robin Nolan

    11) Jessica Ellis,

    12) Erin (Corcoran

    13) Sharon Ellis

    14) Janet Dube,

    15) Mike Dube,

    16) Derek Hilpin,

    17) Jose Rodriguez

    18) Thomas Quigley,

    19) David Garey,

    20) James Hilton,

    21) Gail Hilton,

    22) Dean Foucher,

    23) Wendi Herman,

    24) Carla Ranchela,

    25) Heidi Hearne,

    26) Pat Hearne,

    27) Robert Michalowski,

    28) Shannon Christian

    29) Ryan (Unknown)


    Just add 29 more PERVERTS to their lists of disgusting ones. Do these people even realize what they have done? They have no clue. They are deaf, dumb, blind and as far as I am concerned, they are maggot food.

    It makes me sick to my very soul, to know that the JWs while out in their forces(hopefully smaller now) will be using or try to use little Samantha's horrible death as a way to push their literature, free Bible studies, etc. Hopefully, the info that Dateline, Panaroma, Bowan, Anderson, the Berrys, etc. have reached all those householders and they will be on guard. Remember, Little Samantha's screams did not go unheard. Her community, the authorities, yes strangers, were there to help. They showed HUMAN COMPASSION, something the wts has not. Yes, also, the man's mother(MOTHER, wts) was publicly heard stating that he was with her. A cover-up, the same as the wts. Each deserves the same punishment.

    What a terrible crime, to steal a child's life. No parent should have to endure the death of a child. I couldn't and wouldn't want to go on. My heart is bursting.



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