by morrisamb 37 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Mimilly

    (((((((((((((Donald and Partner))))))))))))))

    I read that incredibly weird letter. His rationalization and blaming were bizarre at best. I'm so happy for you that you were able to summon the strength to write this book - I will definitely read it. As I read that letter, it reminded me of my father, in the rationalizing and blaming, but that's what they do - isn't it..

    It is considerably difficult for one to put their darkest secrets out for the public to see, and yet, you will help SO many people by your strength and tenacity in hanging in there. I wish I could reach out and hug you - heck, I wish I could take away all the horror that you have been through. I know what that horror is like, and how hard it is to summon the strength to live through one more day.

    As Canadian law goes, I suffered from a hand's off policy. It was all put under 'domestic situation', and they did nothing. Had my father done those things today - he would have paid dearly.

    I wish you a contented life Donald. An inner peace that you deserve to have. Although I do not 'know' you, I am very proud of your achievement, on all levels. Take care in knowing that you have much support here.

    hugs and love,


  • ChristianObserver

    Hello Donald :o)

    What can I say - except - {{{{{{{{Donald}}}}}}}}

    And have you thought of sending a copy of your book to Betsan Powys from the BBC Panorama team? Just wondering if it might produce some more media coverage.

  • tricky

    What a warped, sick man! I remember my father-in-law talked about people justifying their actions, he said, "Even Jack the Ripper felt he was doing good by ridding the town of prostitutes". Thanks for sharing the letter. He's frightening and horribly controlling. I don't know how you survived without killing him or yourself. You're remarkable...and I'm glad you made it. By the way, what's this bit about "American homosexuals having 78 to a 1000 sexual partners a year"???? Where do I sign up? I just put my order in for your book ..$19 US + shipping, a deal...I'm looking forward to reading it. Dicky

  • Silent Partner
    Silent Partner


    I probably should clarify that a pardon or 'full pardon' as the molester states in his letter means little. Other than making it somewhat easier for a person convicted of a crime to obtain employment, housing or essential services. It has limitations, and in no way means a person, in this case - a paedophile, has been exonerated of the crime.

    Also, Police records are not affected by a Pardon. It is virtually impossible to seal Police records or files.


  • morrisamb

    This letter was emailed to my web site in response to the link: A letter from my molester at Dear Donald, No one can tell me anything about the web of lies child abusers can spin. Your father tries to paint himself with the same brush my father did - so innocent of wrong doing and of course, victimized by his faithless wife and lying daughters. There were not enough women in the world to cater to my father's every whim, and yet he painted my beaten down mother as a harlot who got each of her four children off a different man. All lies to make himself look good and innocent. Your father's long and rambling letter only proves to me that he was guilty as sin. He tried to point the finger at everyone but himself. Such men always try to cultivate a charming public image. My father also had five wives who left him abruptly, and it had nothing to do with anything his ex wife or children said. So yes, I read your molestor's letter and saw him for the monster he was and is. _____ ________

  • tricky

    PS. I found the letter very disturbing. What was it like living with this monster? I can only imagine. Peace be with you.

  • morrisamb

    I want to personally thank all the people who've posted such kind thoughts here and to my email address like the one below. I share them with my mother, siblings and my partner. They mean a lot to us. Donald **************************** Donald, I cannot even begin to understand how you or the other Donald have survived and overcome this nightmare.... This was hard for me to even read, let alone imagine how you had to live thru this monster... Hugs, and More Hugs.... Love Glenda

  • Tucky

    Religion means nothing to me. I don't target Jehovah's Witnesses as being better or worse than any other religion. How you live your life is the greatest witness and having just read your abuser's letter, I am even stronger in that conviction. My grandfather abused my brothers and I and he was a religious fanatic as well. Unfortunately we promised each other we would not disclose. My abuser died "righteous" while we suffered in silence.

    Thanks for having the guts to come forward with your story. Fellow victims can see right through your '"father's" lies. Everyone in the world, including the Witnesses gets blamed for your fathers sexually abusing innocent children for years; and for his current history of failed marriages (five is it now?) Who but a molester could project the responsibility for a record like that on everyone and everything but himself? Your abuser is the master of self-delusion. He gives "Christians" of whatever denomination a bad name. Would God use this guy as his messenger? And, for arguement's sake, let's say he is, is this epistle a Christlike message? Give us all, especially your and your family, a break!!!!

    This is something I wrote about my experience with abuse:

    I've been looking for my child lately, but I just can't find him. He's gone I believe forever because he's dead. I've been calling, "come out, come out. I won't hurt you. I just want to see you and hug you!" But there is nothing but silence, blackness, and a large void. All that's left of him is me: an adult male body who can't feel himself, who is locked up in a room inside my head; "safe" and "in control". My child was alive. He survived many of my grandfather's attacks, but at some point he left forever. Right now I feel he's dead. He was murdered. People who sexually or physically abuse children should be thought of as murderers, not as sick or having a problem -- they are killers. I think I can be somewhat happy in my life, but a part of me is "dead" and that's the real crime of my abuse.


  • Tucky

    PS. Is there ANY truth in your abuser's letter? I went to the photos on your web site at You look like his other children. Why does he talk about you like he knows of your gay life now? He sounds obsessed with you.

    I'm just curious. He's a nutcase. My heart goes out to you and your family 'cause you're the ones that had to live with him.

  • frontiers

    The letter lacked remorse, repair, regret, shame - contained blame and shame on you and your mother, and Jehovah's Witnesses. He is a sick sick person. He is afraid of the truth and has to do whatever he could to try and discredit you. This is what the guilty with no (guilt) of conscience do. Excused himself and accuses you. Thank you for sharing the letter. It must be hard to accept there is no remorse forthcoming. Your molester has not an ounce of compassion or love in him. All his talk about your sex life - and I am wondering how any woman could make love to him or be touched by him or even in the same room knowing what he has done and what he is and what he has to say about it!!!

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