Get your story straight JR & WTBS

by Nanoprobe 30 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Nanoprobe


    I wish I had read your post earlier, I simply can not believe you would deny the 23,720 number by stating that the accusations are FALSE. Do you think disgruntled Jehovah's Witnesses accuse others of sexual abuse in an attempt to extract some type of vengeance?

    You need to educate yourself, I realize it may be a new experience but it isn't that difficult with the use of the internet.

    Source: Association of Family Conciliation Courts, 1990.
    The typical child sex offender molests an average of 117 children, most of who do not report the offence Source: National Institute of Mental Health, 1988 .

    .You might want to start with this: It's the latest statistics on Child Molestation from the Dept of Justice

    Edited by - nanoprobe on 19 July 2002 11:5:43

  • Farkel


    : im just sayin that its being blow out of proportion here.

    What, exactly, was "blown out of proportion?" Be specific and be prepared to provide evidence.

    Well, dummy?


  • Quotes


    Even if you believe your own suggestion (which does not have any proof behind it) that the 23K number contains "many false accusations" you are still left with a problem.

    Let's say (again, only for the sake of argument, because you have no proof about this) that half of the list is "false accusations".

    OK.... that would mean that "only" approx 11,500 children were molested and had the case NOT reported to the police.

    ONLY 11,500 victims who never had their day in court, never saw their assailants recieve justice, lived in fear of possible repeat molestation attacks.

    Only 11,500....

    Does that number make you feel any better? Because it is not doing anything to ease my mind. Frankly, if the number of mishandled, unreported-to-police case was 1 or 2, I would still think it is significant and sad. But that's just my opinion. Maybe your opinion is comfortable with 11,500 silent lambs.

    BTW, are you:

    (a) a baptized JW

    (b) studying to be baptized as a JW

    (c) only vaguely familiar with JWs because you have some friend who are JWs and have been to a couple of meetings.

    My hunch is you are either (a) or (b). Just wondering.

    Edited by - Quotes on 20 July 2002 1:36:33

  • Farkel


    I'm still waiting for your answer to my simple question, dummy.


  • JT

    KIller made this comment and followup question:

    "just because jw's didnt comment on the there side of the accusations doesnt mean that everything that is said by the so called victims is true, for example how do you know that the girl was put up front the accused and then asked to repeat the aligations?"


    first off i would like to welcome you as a newbie for at least taking the time to read post on this site and also to post yourself.

    Your question is very interesting in that it reveals a very important fact about you as a person. not to dog you or anything but merely to make an observation and try to answer your excellent question.

    You see the mere fact that you asked that questions reveals that you are:

    1. not a jw or

    2. a jw who is not aware of how a JW Judical Committee conducts it's meeting

    let me share with you how a judical meeting in such a case is handled- -- you see if a 7 yr old tells her mom that a 43 yr old pulled down her panties and started to play with her. The jw due to thier training would not consider going to the police first instead jw are taught to always go to the elders first,

    now in some congregations you have elders who are colleged educated and have some idea of the possible emotiona trauma that a little 7 yr would have due to thier schooling in some human behavoir classes, but the far majority of jw elders around the world are just not qualified to "investigate" such a crime and it is a crime, Jesus never authorized elders to be "Columbo" yet they are required to take on this role , despite the fact that they are not trained, notice this comment by the Spokesman for JW when questioned about the quailification of JW elders:

    Paducah Sun 1-28-01

    Mario Moreno, associate general counsel at the church's New York headquarters,.

    J.R. Brown, public affairs director for the church,

    Both Brown and Moreno said that the elders, who volunteer and are essentially untrained clergy, might err in their application of a policy

    Now with this as your spring board elders are instructed in a manual called "The Flock Book"


    that to keep in mind the bible says that you must not make an accusation against an older man- now this is a bible text that is applied to child molestation cases- in that if a little child tells mommy,

    then the mommy is REQUIRED by the elders for the little child to come to a meeting WHILE the man is there and tell the committee the charges-

    so picture this scene- you have 3 adult elders, 40-60 yrs old- you have the man say 40yrs old, you have the mommy there and now the little girl is going to be questioned and asked to tell THE WHOLE STORY FROM START TO FINISH RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE MAN-

    now all child dr - know that is not the way to interview a child, why do you think that in many coutries police and courts go out of thier way to CONCEAL A CHILDS ID-

    but not so in wt- what this points to the fact that wt uses UNQUALIFIED MEN - I know cause like many who post here I USED TO BE ONE OF THEM (ELDERS)

    secondly the elders in general do not tell a mom that they can't go to the police, but they will tell the mom- based on what Little sally told us and Bro Johnson who is well respected both in the congo and in the community we can't take any congo actions-

    so you are free to go to the police ,but if you do you will have to be brought up on charges of SLANDER of this bro good name and rep- and we will have to DFed you-

    so keep in mind you are free to go to the police but there may be some consquences if you do-

    now this is what typically happens since most 7 yrs are not able to produce any witnesses to the molestation that took place

    in fact in most cases the elders will merely ask the man DID YOU DO IT-

    very little will be asked about where were you between such and such a time, who was with you, etc

    in fact in so many cases elders have oftened asked the Little girl WHAT WERE YOU WEARING - OR DID YOU LIKE SITTING IN BRO JOHNSON'S LAP-

    THIS types of questions would never be asked by a properly trained law enforcement officier or social worker- but an untrained man who works at Walmart handing out "Cheese Crackers" for a living

    o yea -

    so while i understand your issue completely-- it is clear to many of us that you have NO IDEA of many of the behind the scene issues that go on in elder meetings, and info that is recieved from the main office

    but please do not feel bad for the avg JW has no idea as well

    let me share just a little tidibit with you on how the WT legal dept never wants these "Cheese Cracker" elders to show that they got thier instructions from them and every single elders knows this is true, but if you are not an elder or even a jw you WOULD HAVE NO IDEA OF THIS INFO :

    What Not To Put On Disfellowshipping


    During the Kingdom Ministry Schools that were held during November and December of

    1994, elders in the United States were given information that was to be written into their

    "Pay Attention To Yourselves And To All The Flock" book. This information concerned the

    S77 and S79 forms that local judicial committees use to report disfellowshippings to the

    branch office in Brooklyn. The following was read to the elders, twice, for them to write

    word for word into their books.

    Six Expressions That Should Not Be Used on S77 and S79 Forms

    1. Anything alluding to or naming one of the Society's attorneys

    2. Any mention of the Legal Department

    3. Any comments referring to direction from the Society

    4. Any comments mentioning anyone other than the committee itself as a

    possible influence in the decision reached

    5. Any comments that might suggest to someone with a critical eye that the

    committee did not reach its decision on its own but, instead, somehow

    yielded to the influence of an outside party

    6. Any comments indicating that the elders mishandled the case or committed

    any error in the investigation or the judicial committee process.

    I will now take these points one at a time and pose some questions and make some

    comments about them.

    1. Anything alluding to or naming one of the Society's attorneys 2. Any

    mention of the Legal Department

    The first two points are closely related, so I will take them together. Normally, the Society's

    Legal Department would be consulted only under very unusual circumstances. There

    would not likely be any inclination for the judicial committee to mention either the Society's

    Legal Department or their attorneys by name on the S77 or S79 forms unless they had

    been consulted on that case. If the Legal Department had been consulted, then it would

    have had some effect on the conduct and possibly the outcome of the judicial hearing.

    That being so, why is the Society telling the elders on the judicial committee not to mention

    them if they had to be consulted?

    3. Any comments referring to direction from the Society

    Why are the elders told not to mention it when every aspect of the judicial process is

    conducted according to direction from the Society?

    Go to Watchtower Observer , press the button for "Pay Attention to Yourself and all the

    Flock" and look at Units 5a and 5b to see how precisely the Watchtower Society directs the

    elders in their conducting judicial matters. Having been an elder for many years, I can

    attest to the accuracy of what is presented there.

    LATE BREAKING NEWS!! - Since this page was first developed, it seems that a

    lawyer from the Watchtower Society contacted the Internet Service Provider of the

    man who had the "Pay Attention" book on his web page and threatened them with a

    lawsuit if they did not remove those portions of the "Pay Attention" book.

    This proscription against mentioning and direction from the Society, presumably includes

    not referring to any comments referring to direction from the Society not to mention

    direction from the Society. But I have to ask, why does the Society not want the judicial

    committee to mention this direction from the Society?

    4. Any comments mentioning anyone other than the committee itself as

    a possible influence in the decision reached

    Notice that there is nothing that says that the committee cannot be influenced by someone

    else when trying to come to a decision. The elders are just told not to mention it if there

    was any such influence. I would think that the most likely sources of outside influence

    would be elders who were not serving on the committee who might be related to, or be

    especially close friends with, the accused, or perhaps the circuit of district overseer.

    This leaves the way open for circuit or district overseers, who are directly appointed by the

    Society and thus are its direct representatives, to exercise influence in a judicial situation

    and never be called to task for it. At that point, the local elders are left with total

    responsibility for their decision.

    Why doesn't the Society admonish the elder not to allow anyone outside the committee to

    influence them rather than tell them not to report it if such influence was exercised?

    5. Any comments that might suggest to someone with a critical eye that

    the committee did not reach its decision on its own but, instead,

    somehow yielded to the influence of an outside party

    Who, with a critical eye, would have access to these forms? They are for internal use only.

    Even the local elders who were not on the judicial committee that handled the case in

    question are not supposed to see them. One possibility is that a friend within the

    congregation would somehow gain access to them and call the committee to task for

    yielding to an outside influence. Another possibility is that the Society is worried about

    these forms either being seized or subpoenaed.

    Again, the judicial committee members are not told to disallow any outside influence, but

    just not to put it on the report if it occurs.

    6. Any comments indicating that the elders mishandled the case or

    committed any error in the investigation or the judicial committee


    Is this a problem? Does the Society receive disfellowshipping forms that say "We

    disfellowshipped this person, despite the fact that we mishandled his case."?

    Of course, on the other hand why would a body of elders appoint a brother to be an elder,

    much less to a judicial committee, if he had no better sense than to put that he had

    mishandled a judicial case on forms that go to Brooklyn?

    Other Related Information

    Here are some items from my notes from various meetings that were conducted from

    outlines supplied by the Society.:

    September 1987 meeting with circuit and district overseer in connection with circuit

    assembly. "Protect the organization from 'legal exposure' by adhering to organizational

    procedure in judicial affairs."

    From the same meeting: "Confidentiality - failure to keep can cause loss of respect, legal

    problems, may destroy claims of ecclesiastical privilege in court."

    Jan 1988 KM school - Similar admonition about preserving ecclesiastical privilege by

    maintaining confidentiality in judicial and shepherding situations

    September 1989 meeting with circuit and district overseer in connection with circuit

    assembly: "Confidentiality - don't make statements to secular authorities without direction

    from the Society. If subpoenaed - contact Society. In cases of child abuse or serious

    criminal offense, contact the Society."

    Some Observations

    It appears to me that legal concerns have become a very high priority for the Watchtower

    Society despite the fact that, as far as I have been able to ascertain, there has not been a

    successful lawsuit over a disfellowshipping since Olin Moyle in the 1940's. From the six

    items mentioned above, and from other indications, I get the impression that the Society is

    trying to establish some kind of legal firewall between the local judicial committees and the


    This would keep any potential legal action at the local level where the pockets are shallow

    and out of Brooklyn where they are extremely deep.

    The Society encourages congregations and circuits to put their excess funds "on deposit"

    with the Society so they can be used. I know that our circuit had about $10,000 on deposit

    with the Society as of a couple of years ago. This makes funds available to the Society to

    use (at no interest, by the way) but it also has the effect to making artificially shallow

    pockets at the local level where any legal action would likely be confined.

    Many Kingdom Halls are mortgaged with the Society (with interest). This makes the Society

    the primary lienholder. If a local congregation was successfully sued and a lien was placed

    on the Kingdom Hall, it would be second to the primary lien held by the Society.

    So it appears to me that the Society want to have it both ways. On the one hand, they want

    to closely control every aspect of the operation of the congregations. On the other, if any

    legal difficulties occur, they expect the local congregation to absorb them.


    SO WELCOME to the site- but just a bit of advice - sit back a tab listen and read and you will be amazed at what you will learn as you look at


  • EXJWBrit

    Is 23,720 more or less than 144,000? My math is shit.......

  • Pistoff

    Killer, why are you an apologist for the society? WHY do you discount the number in half? Think of the real implication: the society kept to itself a large list of accused and admitted abusers of CHILDREN; I have a minor child, and i felt smug and safe in the congregation. Surely, no witness would molest my son, and if he did he would be dealt with.
    BUT the reality is different. And when a story gets to the point of Dateline and Panorama, it has been researched by quite a few real investigators and reporters.
    Let's just say that half in that list are not abusers (i think that most are, and that thousands were left off); the fact is that the society has a policy that lets abusers off the hook, THEY SEE NO REASON TO CHANGE IT, AND THEY WON'T APOLOGIZE FOR IT.
    Do you still want to defend this thinking?


  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC


    Why don't you get yourself a couple of airplane tickets & go read the actual court documents of these proceedings? Does the truth hurt? Not strong enough to handle it?

    Do you personally know the pedophiles? Why don't you get announce to the whole world when you preach "I support JW pedophiles" You can paint hold up a sign saying, "contributions needed for world wide lawsuits".

    Killer don't dirty Jehovah's name by pronouncing it. Jehovah will help the innocent children by empowering Brother Bill Bowen to go on with all of his hard work helping the children.


  • hillary_step


    Gee I wonder what that figure would be for those who are not Christians? Those who are forced into prostitution and other crimes. But no one wants to ask that here they want to nit pick my religion.

    Do these people that you describe above claim to be the only true Christians on this planet?

    If a group does claim this, what would you expect of them? To behave like those that they condemn as 'worldly' and that are about to be slaughtered for their crimes? You use the word 'nit-pick' which presupposes some small anomaly to describe the complaints many have regarding the excesses of the WTS. People have died uneccesarily for this religion. How do you 'nit-pick' over the body of fallen innocents?

    The trouble with the WTS and its apologists is that they are constantly whining when its inadequacies are publicized but expend vast energy and huge sums of cash displaying the inadequacies of those whom they frequently spend years trying to provoke to action, so that they can claim 'persecution'.

    The 'heads I win, tails you lose scenario' is one of which they are rapidly losing control. Better that they come clean now and act with some sense of humility and integrity rather than continue this farcical attempt at convincing the world that they have some exclusive hold on Christian morality.

    Shame on them!


    Edited by - hillary_step on 22 July 2002 0:5:22

  • avengers
    again i repeat there are cases in the religion im not saying there isnt, im just sayin that its being blow out of proportion here

    . Tell that to the kid that was molested.

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