Lets use our freedom of speech!!!!!!!!

by haujobbz 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • witchywoman

    All that I am saying is that cult is not as nasty a word to jws as the rest of the world. Apostate is not as nasty a word as cult to the rest of the world. Say Apostate to a faithful JW and you may as well be the devil. To anyone else, they`ll just say a what? What is that? The media will quickly pick up on the reasons we would be protesting a cult movement, even they understand the problems from exposing other cults. A group of Apostates will imediately be shut down by any faithfuly little jws, and may not get the kind of coverage needed to expose the wts.

    Ex-Jehovahs` Witness may be a medium, but I still like the word cult for the effectiveness that it would have.


  • SpiceItUp

    The reaons I chose Ex JW instead of cult or apostate is for the reason you just stated....

    however with using the term ex'jw...both curretn jw's and non jw's alike will see the word...recognize it..know what we are talking about....and then start to wonder...

    JW's will be curious why we are no longer one of them. (from what I hear they think that all "apostates" are just deluded and really deep down want to come back) and they will want to know our reasons....then when they check out the site...maybe, just maybe their eyes will be opened.

    If someone sees the word cult...no matter who you are they are automaticlly turned off..they are tone deaf so to speak...and if they think we were once in a cult (even though we were) they might initially label us as wacky...

    I stand by my idea.

    I nominate Spice for the position of Head of the Ex-Jehovahs-Witness

    Public Awareness Committee.

    umm..I didnt plan an acceptance speech..

    but thanks for the support

  • joannadandy

    EX-JW doesn't mean anything to anyone who doesn't post on this board tho...EX-Jehovah Witness would have to be used. Most people won't know what the JW means.

    Plus Cult could get shot down as slander, and cult is a subjective term. Any JW doesn't think they are in a cult, heck some people who study religions wouldn't classify them as such, they would call them a Sect. And again, cult is a nasty word, some non-jw's might even dismiss us as just a bitter group of people.

    And just for clarification, what are we even organizing for? Before we go off on designing shirts shouldn't we have a goal, reason, gathering place, know what kind of coverage we want etc? Before you design your message you need to know your audience. Are we trying to reach JW's, non-JW's, both, are we bashing the borg, bringing attention to the pedophile issue, or all cover ups? Do we want the media involved, do we want to protest a convention, or just have a gathering? Frankly I don't think protesting a convention is a good idea, because technically they have a right to gather, and they can ask anyone to leave that they want to because they have rented the facility for their purposes and are within their rights to ask people to leave the property. But how about some clarification FIRST?

  • SpiceItUp

    sweety...darling...lovely Joanna

    I only put in ewJW on my last post because I was lazy and didn't want to spell out the whole thing....if you look at my t-shirt examples that what what I am still saying.

    As to the purpose...please reread the entire thread.

    Love ya lots


    PS---no harm meant at all and no sarcasm was used in this post

  • joannadandy

    Spice--I have read the whole thread, no specifics have been given...just that "let's organize, and protest"

    Protest what? Oraganize who? Where and When? That's all I am asking

  • YoursChelbie

    Hi again!

    "Invisible" mentioned something about doing a documentary.

    Invisible---where are you???

    Wouldn't it be great if a documentary VHS was made available for people to request either on the Silentlambs web site or This one? It could help them learn about the issues and trials other people have experienced being in and out of the WTS?

    That would be sooo great. It will help empower those who are not happy in the Watchtower Organization but feel that if they leave, they will be alone, without any support.

    Invisible how is that documentary coming along?

  • SpiceItUp

    Joanna -

    my idea was to have an EX-JW United day....(I was pretty sure i mentioned that part)

    Its not so much as protesting IMO...rather that we have gotten out of this "religion"..we are proud...lets share that sentimate with the world....lets show them that its great to be who we are...lets show them WHY its great and WHY we are out!

    the T-shirt idea was that we could get recognized and get more coverage....and the more coverage...the more people will talk...the more people talk (if we do it in the right way)..the more people will end up listening. not to mention It would give the WTS a bit of bad publicity.

    I just think that if we could be seen as united..instead of a few "apostate" or "cult" survovors..we might be able to make a difference.

    POSITIVITY is the key....

    Spice of the united we stand class

  • joannadandy

    Spice I totally agree, being positive is the key, in fact I agree and thinking a United W-DUB day is a great idea because it has nothing to do with the current JW (like protesting a congregation, convention) and focuses on those of us who were brave enough to escape( and do deserve recognition for that day), but my question wasn't directed at you, it was to Hau because I don't really understand what he/she is trying to acomplish with this thread...I am curious and would love to help, with more info and with more specifics.

    There are several approaches to be taken and each will have a different effect, that is the point I am trying to make.

    Edited by - joannadandy on 16 July 2002 15:9:48

  • SpiceItUp


    guess I was getting a bit on the excited side...lol...

    Spice of the needs to calm down class

  • pandora

    Well I LIKE the idea of using the word CULT. Any Joe on the street knows that if you have been in a cult and made it out, you have traveled a hard road. Apostate means nothing. And being an Ex- Jehovah's Witness doesn't mean much to most people either. There are way to many X-Catholics and X-Lutherans and X-whatevers. Lot's of people have Left their Religion. But not a lot of people have excaped a CULT. I think the word CULT will have impact.

    My T-shirt says: I ESCAPED THE CULT

    Maybe the back could say "Ex-Jehovah's Witness" But I really think that even that nullifies the CULT comment somehow. It lessens the impact.

    Maybe It should just say "I escaped the cult" and we could let people ask which one.

    Just my 2 cents worth.

    Does anybody like the idea???


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