God loves Gay, Lesbian, and Transgendered People

by FusionTheism 61 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cofty
    There are a plethora of examples of homosexuality in nature

    Actually that isn't true. There are lots of examples of bisexuality. I think the only example of homosexuality is to be found among sheep.

  • paradisebeauty
    God loves all people and He wants them to live holy lives! God hates homosexuality, lesbianism and changing your sex.
  • DJS

    Paradise: "God hates homosexuality, lesbianism and changing your sex."

    So he personally told you these things or are you relying on old discredited nonsensical fairy tale scrolls written by long dead men? I suppose god was asleep at the wheel on Friday.

    You really are an unpleasant little person.

  • Village Idiot
  • Viviane
    Romans 3:22-23

    Right out of the gate, you cherry pick a scripture, quote it out of context and try to change it's meaning to fit your agenda, basically lying about what it says.

    Typical Christian, lying about what the scriptures say when it suits your purpose.

  • Viviane
    How do you know the Bible is anti-gay if you didn't read my argument to the contrary?

    Typical hubris. JD can't possibly know unless he reads your argument, even though you just tried to play the humility card.

  • Viviane
    But this post's title is correct: Jehovah loves gay, lesbian, and transgender people.
    He loves all his children.

    On it's face, that is false. God killed millions and promises to kill billions. If you consider that love, you need serious help and to never be around anyone, ever.

  • Viviane
    Go ahead and explain the meaning of Hebrews 8:13, I'll be waiting right here.

    It means the covenant making Israel a chosen nation was null and void. It says nothing about the Law. Gays were still considered icky. Try reading what the Bible says, not what you want it to say.

  • cofty
    God hates homosexuality, lesbianism and changing your sex. - Paradise

    To be fair to Paradise, the god of the bible is homophobic

  • snare&racket

    My goodness, it's just sex. It's just about people being happy and themselves. It's consensual. Nobody gets hurt. There is no defence for calling it anything but natural and healthy, now as for the bible......

    The same God you are talking about condoned and commanded slavery, murder, infanticide, sexism, racism, war...... Who gives a fig what that character has to say about anybody's happiness and certainly not morals!

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