JanG at it again

by Cygnus 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Come on Prisca. Just because JanG has done a lot of good work, does not make it OK for her to ignore requests to be removed from her mailing list. That's absurd.

    When she was posting here every day about a year or so ago, many people here got on her case about their being added to her list without their permission, and her refusal to respect their desire to be taken off. That is not behavior anyone should be obliged to respect.

    I submit that I'm a great guy. I submit as well that doesn't qualify me to jump on the next plane to Oz, look you up and force you to have sex with me on that basis. "Not the same" you say. And you're right. There is a difference. One of degree. And degree only. When reductio ad absurdum is applied to your logic see what happens?

    JanG is a bull in a china shop, pure and simple. She has no right to do what she's doing.


  • Valis

    Prisca really.....lets take another example aside from the work of JanG....I recently participated in a certain venture by apostates all over the world, which necessitated alomst three pages of emails and replies daily....lots of people did lots of hard work including myself....and when I couldn't manage all the emails/and was going out of town, I made the request to the admin to be taken off the list....there was no harm no foul..a simple request, and I'm thankful that those running the mailing list took me off. Its good manners to take someone off a mailing list, not to mention spam is becoming more and more illegal all the time. There is no need to get pissy w/Cygnus over this...sometimes there are plenty of other reasons *L*, but not this one.


    District Overbeer

  • HadEnuf

    Isn't it possible to just hit the BLOCK button on the e-mail you receive from her? It works for me .

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Jan has a long history of adding people to her mail lists unasked, and of sending sometimes three or four copies of each longwinded mail to each person. I tried being very polite and asking nicely many times, but it took getting downright nasty to get her to remove me from the lists. Her excuse? She has fibromyalgia and it makes her forgetful. Apologies for her behavior? Never happen.

    While I'm sure Jan is a legend in her own mind and has a godlike reputation among those easily impressed, most of her work is repetition of research done by real cultbusters, with a lot of niceyface psychobabble added. She is very well know for spamming, and is incredibly defensive when called on her unethical spamming practices. The world could well do without such annoying intrusive crusaders.

    Try spamming her with unsubscribe requests, Cyg. In a few months she may get the message and accede to your request, but don't hold your breath.

  • Francois

    Mommie Dearest - Nice to see you around again old chum. Wzhpn?

  • Simon

    I used to get a lot of emails from JanG but she did take me off eventually.

    My personal bug-bear is when people make up their own lists and send me info that I already get directly (like Silentlambs stuff). I've even had people emailing me info from my own forum

  • Farkel

    I've been getting stuff from JanG for years and rarely read any of it.

    I found a simple, low-tech way to deal with the problem.

    It's called the "Delete" key. You merely press it. Problem solved. It's much easier than carting a stack of snail junk mail over to the trash can and tossing it and it doesn't cause any waves. I get several hundred e-mails a week and I have no problem with Jan's mail or commercial bulk mail that comes my way. Pressing the "Delete" key is also a good finger-exercise, so there's another added benefit. No stress, no complaints, no work involved at all.

    I wish I had so few problems that getting unwanted mail was such a big problem that I would feel obliged to tell the whole world about it.

    Come on Cyg and COMF: lighten up, will ya?!


  • ozziepost
    Come on Cyg and COMF: lighten up, will ya?!

    COMF DID lighten up!

    Cygnus: Jan, please remove my email from your list.
    Jan: I've helped thousands of people.
    Cyg: I know. Please remove my email from your list.
    Jan: You have no right to speak badly of me. I'm a good person.
    Cyg: I know. Just please remove my email from your list.
    Jan: I give selflessly of myself to others.
    Cyg: I know. Please remove my email from your list.
    Jan: I don't understand you're attacking me this way.
    Cyg: I'm not attacking you. Please remove my email from your list.
    Ozzie: Stop attacking Jan.
    Cyg: I'm not attacking her. I want my email removed from her list.
    Prisca: She's helped thousands. Show a little respect.
    Cyg: Okay, I respect her. Now can we remove my email from her list?


    But this suggestion from Farks is just sublime!

    It's called the "Delete" key. You merely press it.
    Cheers, Ozzie (seeing the bright side class)
  • professor

    HadEnuf has the right idea. If the same person keeps sending you unwanted emails, simply block their email address. You'll never get another piece of mail from that person again unless they change email adresses.

  • DazedAndConfused

    OK, I see a couple of problems with the "suggestions" here.

    1) Some email programs, especially web based emails, do not allow for you to go over a certain amount of "deleted" "go to the trash" lists. I know that Yahoo (from experience) only allows for 100 on a list. I need more considering I do a lot of spending online. And when you spend...they sell your address to every Tom, Dick and Harry who pays for a list.

    2) When you go into your email and there are, say 37 emails...it gets tiring to have to click and delete 36 out of the 37 because you have gone over on your "delete" list.

    I thought that legally, if a person requests to be off a list, they have to do it. Even if it weren't legal...what about the ethical side to this? How can a person, right or wrong in their "mission", feel it is right to ignore someone's request for 3 years?

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