Another Sickening Example of Extreme Christianity

by Valis 25 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • borgfree

    Hi Valis,

    I understand what you mean and will admit that there are churches that practice cult like behavior, I would only be in a church like that as long as it took me to get to the door. I know many Christians, many of them are ex-jws, also I know some who would probably be classified as strict fundamentalists. I do not know of one of them that would do such a thing as is described in that article.

    One, who would be the most fundamentalist I personally know, would be much more likely to spoil his child and overprotect his child than to ever abuse him/her.

    I have attended Baptist, Methodist, Southern Baptist, Church of the Brethren, Catholic, and some other churches. I have never seen any hint, that anybody, in those churches would abuse their children. I would say again, the ones I have met, would be more likely to be very permissive.

    I will edit this to add, Christianity means, to me, to be Christ like, and/or a follower of Jesus Christ. Would anyone claim that Jesus would condone such treatment of children? I do not think He would.


    Edited by - borgfree on 10 July 2002 14:43:5

  • LyinEyes

    OMG!!! This literally made me sick at my stomach. The beating went on for an hour and a half, resulting in kidney damage............. I want to kill those men!!

    My little son has kidney damage, he had before birth , just one of those things that happen. Everyday I think how precious his little body is and how far he has come to survive. I have to take him in every so often to have his little kidneys checked to make sure he is doing good. He is thriving.

    Those bastards should be shot in the balls, sorry but they deserve to feel the worst pain imaginable and to feel the humiliation.. sorry, I know I am going off here.

    My sister and I were fighting over the arm rest at the hall one nite, I was about 16, my mother reached over and slapped me so hard right in the face and drug me out of the hall. I don't even remember what happened once I got outside, i was humiliated. I guess this topic makes me so sick because my parents, especially dad, beat us for every minior mishap. Usually it was over something I had done at the hall, like drawing , talking, laughing, or falling asleep. This was like when I was 4 to 9 that those beating were the worst.

    When I was about 13 my dad came home in a rage, really mad at my mother, and checked to see how my sister and I had cleaned the bathroom. I left an empty coke bottle in the far back corner of the bathroom cabinet, I didnt see it there. I was on the floor , as he was telling me to look what I forgot to clean, as I bent over to look deep into the cabinet , he kicked me in the butt very hard. He was wearing those cowboy boots. Well my butt was not the only place that felt the pain, I even lost my bladder control that day. I was so ashamed, when he left the room , my sister and I just huddled together and I was crying and sobbing about how I peed on myself. I was 13 yrs old, how could I have done that. Looking back, no telling what kind of damage he did to me that day.

    I just related that so that some may understand why I get so freakin' mad about child abuse. Damn!

  • Satanus


    Christianity would shed a lot of it's extremes if it dumped the ot. The ot is where all barbarism stems from.


  • borgfree

    Hi SS,

    I have a hard time disagreeing with you. I do not know how to explain the OT and how it fits with the NT. I know that Jesus quoted from the OT, in fact that was the only holy writings around at that time as far as the Jews were concerned, I think. He seemed to accept the OT as the word of God.

    But, when He was on earth he told His followers to stop preventing the children from coming to Him. He held them in His arms and loved them. Can anyone see Him, having a man hold a child down, while He beat the child? Unthinkable. It would never happen. We who are Christian, must follow His example if we are to claim to be His followers.


  • Celia

    Horrible ! When I read such stories, I wish the punishment would be a beating too, 90 minutes long, held down by straps, with a big tree branch.... in front of the whole congregation... and then, prison for life, of course !

    Edited by - Celia on 10 July 2002 15:14:32

  • AjaxMan

    That is really sickening!!!

    These extremists who did that deserved to be jailed and I agree with LyinEyes on how they oughta be punished.

    It's funny how they start pouting about religious freedom, and then they punish a kid who doesn't want to do bible study. What a hypocrisy!!!! (That applies not just to JWs, but to all other religious fundamentalists)

  • Pistoff

    wow, i must be jaded........i have heard that story told as a funny one.......jehovah, help me
    how about this: some years ago, my fam and i are driving into the school/service meeting and a very large sister is evidently angry at her 8 yr old for something; as we watch, she takes off his glasses, cause you know how much THEY cost, and belts him across the face.
    My stomach rolled over, and i ache still for the hell that kid went thru at home.
    Still, i have to confess: i have spanked my kids at the hall. I wish with all my heart that I never would have, you have no idea. But, ya know, we were taught that discipline is good, and if we didn't we were actually bad parents. Shame on me for not thinking for myself

  • willy_think

    I love christianity, it's the christians I can't stand.

  • Xandria

    It is really heart breaking to see that in ANY religion you have people like this. It is horrifying to know in this day and age that such extreme abuse like this is "allowed" by such backward thinking and thinkers.

    What the heck were these people thinking they were going to do ? Beat acceptance of teaching that a child may not fully understand yet.. or wish to. I agree we have a freedom to choose religion. The why can't these people allow you to choose which religion you want to believe in. Who says we have to believe the same as our parents did ? Shouldn't we be free to search the truth out for ourselves ? Isn't FREEDOM of Religion the reason our forefathers came to this land ?

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


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