Inglewood cops are insane

by jelly 35 Replies latest social physical

  • SusanHere

    As I said before, the cop is going to be hung out to dry. Guilty or not. Too bad we didn't see ALL of what actually happened instead of just the last few seconds. If we had, maybe we might have a very different opinion about it.

    Someone said, "What if that was your kid the cop hit?" Well, I'm a mom, and when it comes to my kids, I'm a mother bear. Someone hurts my kids, I'm all over them. But I'm also the mom of a cop. Anybody hits him, spits on him, tries to run him down with their car, tries to stab him with a dirty needle, or tries to lure him into a trap so they can murder him (all of which have already happened to him), and I'm a mother bear to him also.

    It's really too bad we have to live in a world where not everyone is nice. Not everyone allows us to treat them nicely. Not everyone allows us to treat them the way we would like to be treated. My son is a trained professional. So am I. I've worked in hospital units for years with many of my patients being psychotic due to many variables in their lives. Many of them look so disarmingly mild and harmless. Many smile when I enter their space. Many of them have attacked me without provocation when I am just trying to do my job.

    One patient in particular will always stand out in my mind, because I still have the nightmares of that encounter. He was not a particularly large man, supposedly in full restraints, and supposedly sedated. Yet as soon as I was within reach, he grabbed me with intent to inflict serious bodily harm. I had to fight him off alone. I hate to think what would have happened had there been a camera recording just the last few seconds of THAT fight. As it was, I didn't even report the incident as I was afraid someone would say I had been negligent, or over reactive when in truth I was neither. I was just trying to do my job. Maybe the fact that I'm a very small-boned and fragile woman might have helped.

    Yes, we need to get rid of the bad cops. But all cops are human. All health care workers are human. All the people the cops deal with are human. All my patients are human. Human interaction will never be as ideally perfect as we'd all like it to be. We aren't a society of robots who are guaranteed to have predictable behaviors, or of trained dogs who will always react exactly as expected. I'll take a cop with a brain, heart, and emotions over a robot any day. Most of them, like my son, are the finest people you'd ever care to meet. They deserve more respect than they get.


  • animal

    I have a different outlook on this whole thing, having been there and been beaten by police (plural).

    As Valis said, once the cuffs are on, thats it... put him in the car, sit him on the curb, whatever. When a cop hits a defensless (cuffed) person, that is definitly a trampling of the bill of rights, at a minimum.

    Last nite on the news, they reported an indictment for the cop. He will probly lose his job, which I would agree with. I think he should do time as a violent offender, in the very system he helped fill.

    Am I vengeful? Yes I am. Me and my brothers that ride are constantly harrassed by the police. We are held without being arrested ( I always ask to arrest me or let me go), our bikes are photographed and logged, and we are searched for weapons and drugs. Profiling is alive and well and we see it daily. We live it.

    Not all cops are bad, or rude. Most have my utmost respect. Many do not tho, and this is what you saw on tv, blatent disrespect for a citizens rights.

    I hope to never become an apologist for anyone that tramples on the rights we have, that many of us served to protect. And think about the father of the kid, there watching it happen.


  • teejay

    >> As I said before, the cop is going to be hung out to dry. Guilty or not.

    I'm sorry you feel / felt that way, SusanHere, but I think it's a generalization that doesn't stand up. The cops that brutalized Rodney King were every bit as guilty but they weren't hung out to dry. Cops rarely are. Generally speaking, the system is stacked heavily in their favor. Frankly, I expect him to get off. They always do. (Two days following the California incident, a very similar thing happened here in my city. Two cops, one (black) man, laying (cuffed) on his stomach. Being beaten with clubs. The cops weren't even put on leave. Just a "normal" arrest.)

    Thanks, though, for that revelation about your son's profession. It shed light on your perspective. I understand where you're coming from. Your son is a cop and probably a very good one. Most cops *are*. They have a hard job and do it well.

    On the other hand, there are bad cops, just like there are bad cab drivers, bad secretaries, bad factory line workers. My negative opinion about Morse has nothing to do with my viewpoint about your son or cops in general. Just HIM.

    Imo, he lost it. Probably not the first time. We don't need cops like him. Like Animal said, once the suspect is cuffed, emotions should be ratcheted down. Didn't happen with Morse.

  • plmkrzy

    Mr. Morriss now has a "Fan Club" out of SanBerdo.

    That is the latest inside scoop I got from the Inglewood Court house. Can U believe it? well, dumb question..I need no answer.

    There are many supporters on his behalf coming from the SanBerdo area (includes btw the SanBerdo Sheriff Dept.)

    He will no doubt have many more before this is over.

    He says the kid deserved it because while he was picking the kid up by his arms he appearently grabbed his nuts and wouldn't let go. Thus causing him to slam him on the car.


  • plmkrzy

    WELL IT DIDN"T WORK. Please ignore.

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 19 July 2002 6:1:46

  • plmkrzy


    Edited by - plmkrzy on 19 July 2002 6:30:38

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