Inglewood cops are insane

by jelly 35 Replies latest social physical

  • hannibal

    susan and wendy,

    You are way off base. Even if this kid punch, kicked , yelled

    whatever before the tape ran is errevilent.At the point in the tape the

    kid is a rag doll and HANDCUFFED! No one is jumping to conclusions.

    If we are, so is the mayor of that town who said these cops should and

    will be fired and charged with criminal assault. Cops do need to use

    force at times, but once a person is handcuffed, (which is the intent to use

    force) there is NO reason to beat the shit out of anyone , including a 100

    pound kid! quit apoligizing for bad cops.

  • dubla

    Did you see the kid, even while "not resisting" and face-down on the car hood turn to the side and mouth off at that very cop?

    Looks like there may have been far more to the story than the mere seconds captured on the video. Anybody can jump to conclusions.

    I also would love to know what anyone of you would do in that situation. With your adrenaline high, injured, fearful there may have been a gun, threat that you may be shot at, etc, etc. The cop is only human people, just as all of us are.

    i have to disagree with these two viewpoints completely, and ill tell you that im usually the first to give the police the benefit of the doubt in these situations due to their daily risk levels. but come on people, there is not more than meets the eye to the doesnt matter if the kid did attack first, by the time the video was taken, that boy was not moving at all (his head turning to the side doesnt count). i think its obsurd that susan is implying he was actually can you get that from the video? theres like three guys holding him, hes just been slammed full speed into a police car, and hes cuffed. for the cop to throw another punch at that point...theres no excuse. i realize his adrenaline was pumping, etc.....but "fearful there may have been a gun"? maybe right at first, but by the time he threw that punch im pretty sure he knew his life wasnt in danger. the cop had blood on him as well (whos blood we dont know), that is true, but did you see the boys face before the infamous punch? he had been obviously worked over way before he got slammed on that car. he was completely incapacitated, and if what plm is saying (about him being mentally retarded) is true, now ive really got to wonder how bad of a threat he ever was to that mammoth cop.......hes 1/3 of his size!

    i have no problem with a cop doing whatever is neccesary to take control of the situation, even if that means ripping someone out of a car window, slamming them face first into the pavement and throwing on the cuffs......but its plain to see on the video that the situation was under control WAY before he decided to toss in another cheap shot. if his adrenaline was running high, he wasnt thinking straight, and he made a mistake in judgement, fine. but at least see it for what it is, a MISTAKE in judgement. its his job to make sure there is no extra brutality involved in an only screws up the case later, and the perpetrator becomes the victim in court.


    (edited to say: i see a couple more posters expressed my exact viewpoints while i was typing.....oh well, repeat for emphasis)

    Edited by - dubla on 10 July 2002 10:11:20

  • hannibal

    Must have post at the same time,

    Good post Mr. biggs!

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Thanks, hannibal.


  • Wendy

    I completly agree with you Mr Biggs. The boy was handcuffed, and no matter WHAT was said, there was no reason for him to be punched. I was only pointing out that cops are humans too, and not perfect and don't always think before reacting. As for extreme force shown on Cops or other shows like that, I have seen that shown numerous times. Or verbal taunting after the hancuffs are on, which I feel is too prevalent.

    I am not making excuses, just reminding all of you who are quick to condemn the man, to look at the whole situation. Personally I feel that a policy should be in place(perhaps already is?) that if a police officer has been injured he is out of the arrest. There was plenty of back up there, and he should be allowed, and made to walk away.


  • dubla

    heres a link for you >>>

    i found it interesting to read that another man is also accusing morse (the cop in the video) and other police officers of handcuffing and beating him senseless back in june. who knows what the truth is behind it, but there apparently is an investigation ongoing.


  • Sabine
    I also would love to know what anyone of you would do in that situation. With your adrenaline high, injured, fearful there may have been a gun, threat that you may be shot at, etc, etc. The cop is only human people, just as all of us are.

    I would hope if I were a cop "in that situation" I wouldn't respond like a regular person on the street. If you are a cop, aren't you trained ahead of time in dealing with fear and adrenaline?? Yes, the cop is only human, but with the position and power of being a police officer comes higher accountability...

  • Crazy151drinker

    Hmmmmm we dont know the facts so no one should be making judements. Just like the whole Rodney King thing. We only saw part of the situation. Should a cop be hitting someone who is handcuffed-of course not- but lets get all the facts first before we start judging. Would anyone here want to be a cop in Inglewood???????????????????????????????????

    And yes, people do snap and do weird things. My G/F works as a therapist in an Old Fogie hospital, and last weekend an 85 year old lady started strangling a nurse!!

  • teejay

    Funny, the things some people say.

    I wonder if they would be so willing to excuse the cop's unprofessional and unethical (not to mention illegal) actions if it had been *their* sixteen year-old son, or little brother, or nephew. I wonder if they'd be as patient to hear the cops version of what was so clearly shown on the video clip.

    The cop was afraid there might have been a gun?

    His adrenaline was running high because he was afraid for his own safety? Felt threatened, did he, by a sixteen year old would had been handcuffed and (no doubt) already searched?

    Come on, people. The funny things people say...

  • Valis

    At least two of those officers should be in jail and all of them should be fired because from what I saw, the assault started when the slammed the kid onto the cop car. The other officers should have immediately stepped in and removed that officer from the scene if he was that excuse at all. I wouldn't be suprised if there were more riots and all of that. Ever hear that Sublime song April 26, 1992? BTW, jelly, I have been meaning to apollogize for acting like an ass in chat last week. I took what you were saying out of context and its my bad. I would have emailed, but you've got it there!!! *L*

    April 26th, 1992,
    There was a riot on the streets,
    Tell me where were you?
    You were sittin' home watchin' your TV,
    while I was paticipating in some anarchy.

    First spot we hit it was my liqour store.
    I finally got all that alcohol I can't afford.
    With red lights flashin' time to retire,
    And then we turned that liquor store into a structure fire.

    Next stop we hit it was the music shop,
    It only took one brick to make that window drop.
    Finally we got our own P.A.
    Where do you think I got this guitar that you're hearing today?

    (call fire, responde mobile station.
    alamidos in Anahiem,
    its uhh flamin up good.
    10-4 Alamidos in Anaheim)

    Never doin' no time

    When we returned to the pad to unload everything,
    It dawned on me that I need new home furnishings.
    So once again we filled the van until it was full,
    since that day my livin' room's been more comfortable.

    Cause everybody in the hood has had it up to here,
    It's getting harder and harder and harder each and every year.

    Some kids went in a store with thier mother,
    I saw her when she came out she was gettin some pampers.
    They said it was for the black man,
    they said it was for the mexican,
    and not for the white man.

    But if you look at the streets it wasn't about Rodney King,
    It's bout this fucked up situation and these fucked up police.
    It's about coming up and staying on top
    and screamin' 187 on a mother fuckin' cop.
    It's not written on the paper it's on the wall.
    National guard??!
    Smoke from all around,

    bo! bo! bo!

    (units, units be advised there is an attempt 211 to arrest now at 938 temple,
    938 temple... 30 subjects with bags.. tryin to get inside the cb's house)

    (as long as I'm alive, I'mma live illegal)

    Let it burn, wanna let it burn,
    wanna let it burn, wanna wanna let it burn

    (I'm feelin' Sad and Blue)

    Riots on the streets of Miami,
    oh, Riots on the streets of Chicago,
    oh, on the streets of Long Beach,
    mmm, and San Francisco (Boise, Idaho),
    Riots on the streets of Kansas City
    (Salt Lake, Hunnington Beach, CA),
    Tuscalusa Alabama (Arcada Compton Mischigan),
    Cleveland Ohio,
    Fountain Valley (Texas, Barstow - Let's do this every year),
    Paramount, Victorville (Twice a Year),
    Eugene OR, Eureka CA (Let it burn, let it burn),
    Hesperia (Oh, ya let it burn, wont'cha wont'cha let it burn),
    Santa Barbara, Nevada, (let it burn)
    Phoenix Arizona,
    San Diego, Lakeland Florida, (let it burn)
    fuckin... 29 Palms (won'tcha let it burn)

    any units assist 334 willow,
    structure fire, and numerous subjects looting

    10-15 to get rid of this looter..


    District Overbeer

    Edited by - Valis on 10 July 2002 14:47:58

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