Monthly Complaint

by comforter 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpiceItUp
    Jesus' words must be read in context. I am not judging you. But recall that Jesus said you will know false prophets by their fruits. I am not being a judge but a fruit inspector.

    Hmmm..a fruit inspector. What would you say my fruits are?

    Personally I like to think of myself as a grape {;)]

    All kidding aside. Here is a definition of inspector:

    Main Entry: inspector
    Pronunciation: in-'spek-t&r
    Function: noun
    Date: 1602
    1 : a person employed to inspect something
    2 a : a police officer who is in charge of usually several precincts and ranks below a superintendent or deputy superintendent b : a person appointed to oversee a polling place
    - inspectorship / -"ship / noun

    now the definition of inspect is:

    Main Entry: inspect
    Pronunciation: in-'spekt
    Function: verb
    Etymology: Latin inspectus, past participle of inspicere, from in- + specere to look -- more at SPY
    Date: circa 1623
    transitive senses
    1 : to view closely in critical appraisal : look over
    2 : to examine officially <inspects the barracks every Friday>
    intransitive senses : to make an inspection
    synonym see SCRUTINIZE
    - inspective / -'spek-tiv / adjective

    and the definition of judge (used as a verb0)

    Main Entry: 1 judge
    Pronunciation: 'j&j
    Function: verb
    Inflected Form(s): judged; judging
    Etymology: Middle English juggen, from Old French jugier, from Latin judicare, from judic-, judex judge, from jus right, law + dicere to decide, say -- more at JUST, DICTION
    Date: 13th century
    transitive senses
    1 : to form an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence and testing of premises
    2 : to sit in judgment on : TRY
    3 : to determine or pronounce after inquiry and deliberation
    4 : GOVERN, RULE -- used of a Hebrew tribal leader
    5 : to form an estimate or evaluation of; especially : to form a negative opinion about <shouldn't judge him because of his accent>
    6 : to hold as an opinion : GUESS, THINK <I judge she knew what she was doing>
    intransitive senses
    1 : to form an opinion
    2 : to decide as a judge
    synonym see INFER
    - judger noun

    It would seem that you as a self procliamed inspector (who has hired you by the way) are in charge of inspecting our fruits. Inspecting can be used as viewing closely in critical appraisal. Now come on...when you look at the word form an estimation or evaluation of.

    My points are as follows....

    A. Noone has hired you to closely scrutinize this forum. (according to the bible and YOUR beliefs you are among apostates and bad association and that would make your presence on this board NOT reccomended.)

    B. You have formed opinions about us after deciding that we are all negative.

    C. you cannot lump any one group together as all having the samepersonalities and opinions.(that is also judging us)

    D. You whole entire focus for this thread is that we are all negative. Ummm no I do not think so. To make such broad generalizations would be the same as myself or anyone else here saying that all JW's are child molestors. That statement would be untrue. I know of many JW's that are kind and decent people (now whether they are deluded or brainwashed in MY opinion is a whole other matter)

    E. Yes there are some posters that hang on the negativity. Mostly for their own mental survival. BUT.. there are also many here that are kind and positive thinkers.

    In the future I would recommend that if want to make broad generalizations about a group you must first read every thread and every post of every poster that has ever posted on this site. And after doing that...If you find one, yes all it takes is ONE positive post then your basis of FRUIT INSPECTOR is completely null and void and then you should be fired from that position since you havent been scrutinizing enough.

    I also would still like to give you a hug (((((((comforter))))))) to let you know that even though you have much anger with ones on this board I still think that you are a decent matter how misguided and that we should show you unconditional love through all the anger I feel you posses. And it is OK to be angry...but you must learn positive and productive ways of channeling your anger. You will hurt feelings here and others will hurt yours but you must not let that challenge your brotherly love and learn to respect the many varying opinions and personalities on this board.

    Now....there is my .50 worth. I am not angry with you for I understand the confusion you must be going through just to have searched for this website. I hope that you find the peace that you desire and I urge you to share with us and not judge so that we may also comfort you in your pain.

    Spice the positive hugger of all people alike

  • writerpen

    Comforter said:

    "I know how people think the Bible came to be in its present form. Most usually point to Rome but that is a bunch of garbage'. Rome thinks the Apocrypha is canonical. They are wrong."

    Comforter, your ignorance shines through in this statement. Dawn has the facts correct about how the Bible came to be in its form:

    "The Bible as we know it was Canonized about 300 A.D. by a group of Catholic Bishops. Prior to this there was some disagreement over what scriptures were inspired and what ones were not (for example - the Gospel of Thomas). The Bishops met and decided what gospels and scriptures were inspired from God and put them in the Order we have them today - now our common Bible."

    Comforter, do a little research outside of the Watchtower and you will see what historical fact is. Catholics compiled the Bible in its current form. So I wonder why the JWs even use the Bible, since "false" religious leaders decided upon its contents... oh I forgot, JWs use the Watchtower. Just as the intro by you to this thread states: The Watchtower has said...

    Or just maybe, God was directing those spirited appointed religious leaders then, as he does today.

    Edited by - writerpen on 5 July 2002 16:46:30

  • Liberated

    Comforter, you said: Nobody has all the answers, ashi. No one but God. I can tell you this though. There are problems in the organization. Most everybody knows that. But I believe the WT teaches the truth overall. They are not perfect. But neither was Israel or the early Christians.

    That's a cop out and I take exception to it. The wts demands total loyalty and obedience as though they are perfect. How would jw's lives be any different if the wts were perfect? How would your life change?


  • Kenneson


    If the W.T. is not perfect, and somehow that makes everything alright, why don't you approach everyone on this board in like fashion?

  • onacruse

    See that you're new to this site, as am I. WELCOME, and hope that you take DEEP into your heart our responses. You have here a chance to benefit from well over 1,000,000 people-yrs worth of cumulative JW experience. Do you have the courage?

    Please stay here, read our bio's, EMBRACE THE PAIN that your theology promotes. If you have the courage to do that, you have a chance to survive as a compassionate human.

    Best (though limited) Christian hopes for you,


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