Monthly Complaint

by comforter 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • comforter

    The Watchtower has said that those who deviate from the faith only seek to pull down and do not try to build up. They have no positive teachings. Only negative ones.

    This forum proves that the organization is telling the truth. The people that frequent this place concentrate on negativity and tearing down. The only support that they offer is the enablement of anger and hate. That is it.

    It has been said that one staring in the abyss too long will eventually become like the abyss. That is the thing that worries comforter about this place. Beware, all who enter here. Your spirituality and religiosity could become a thing of the past by frequenting this site. Not only are jws attacked in this place, but so is Christianity and God.

    God be blessed and glorified forever and ever.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Ah comforter - thank you so much for bringing your negativity here, You better watch out in case you fall into the abyss with us.

    Actually there are a lot of positives here that you would never find in the WT org.

    • freedom to think
    • freedom to believe what works for you
    • freedom to worship God or not
    • freedom of speech
    • freedom to come and go as you please
    • freedom to heal from WT abuses and cover-ups
    • freedom to come here without the fear of being caught and the elders being at your door
    • freedom to be yourself instead of a drone

    I'd say those were pretty positive

  • funkyderek
    The Watchtower has said that those who deviate from the faith only seek to pull down and do not try to build up. They have no positive teachings. Only negative ones.

    The Watchtower has also said that apostates try to get JWs to join their religion. It's another example of them making two opposite predictions and then crowing when one or the other appears to come true. (The most obvious example of this cheap trick is their view of world events, war and crime: the end is near; peace and security: the end is near.)

    If there is a god, he can survive any attack by people here. If a belief is true, it cannot be proven false. JWs only have something to worry about if their religion isn't true, or if they're not intelligent or knowledgeable enough to distinguish truth from lies.

    Edited by - funkyderek on 5 July 2002 7:22:7

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ..."Not only are jws attacked in this place, but so is Christianity and God."....



    . ..."That is the thing that worries comforter about this place."....

    Hey at least I dont refer to myself in the third person! Like Im outside my own head.

    (or is it the second person?)

    Edited by - refiners fire on 5 July 2002 7:28:34

  • Matty

    It has been said that one staring in the abyss too long will eventually become like the abyss.

    Also it has been said that anyone who insists on referring to themselves in the third person is an egotistical fool.

  • Francois

    Comforter, we have helped countless people out of the Borg. Now that's positive.

    Not only that, but people fresh out of the Borg NEED a place to vent. Without one, there is danger that some - who may have been totally destabilized psychologically and emotionally by the Borg - will go off the deep end because of their repressed anger and kill all their family, and then take their guns to the financial district in Atlanta and kill off fellow day traders. Or kill off family and throw them in the Pacific Ocean in Oregon and run off to Mexico. Or any number of things.

    Cults like the JWs attract the lonely, the bored, the disaffected, the losers, the powerless, the lost, people just dying for change. It also attracts the elder types; the lupine, the schemers, the powerless looking for power, the humorless judges of orthodoxy, the modern-day Pharisees, the reincarnations of John Calvin.

    But then you can't see the forest for the trees; it's hard to remember that your job was to drain the swamp when you're up to your ass in alligators.

    Nevermind your judgements. Examine your own self. But do so using some ruler other than the one provided you by the JWs.


    P.S. - Listen to what you're being told. There is something very odd about the personality of anyone who refers to themselves in the third person. "Bob Dole takes Viagra. But Bob Dole doesn't need it; Bob Dole just needs the money from these nutty ads." See what I mean? Bob Dole did it and Bob Dole lost.

  • ashitaka

    Comfoter loves Big Brother.

  • gravedancer
  • Sirona


    You state that spirituality could become a thing of the past by frequenting this site.

    Do you know of anyone who was previously spiritual who 'lost' it by coming here? There are many, many religious and spiritual people on this forum. You talk as though we're all atheist, and we certainly are not.

    Get your facts straight "comforter" before slagging off this forum. Just because you don't like what we say that does not mean that you can generally put us all down with your whiney negativity and pseudo warnings. Stop throwing your toys out the pram and shut the fuck up.


  • dustrabbit

    Well, Comforter, if it's bothersome for you, you could always leave. "Free Will", right?

    And I won't complain if you leave right now.

    the dustrabbit

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