sleepless in seattle

by Incense_and_Peppermints 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    wow, you must be tired. i was up at 7 but i can't sleep. i just took a shower an hour ago and drank a mocha latte that i picked up at starbucks on the way home, so maybe that's why i'm wired a little. plus i saw minority report tonight, which was awesome but riveting. i didn't like tom cruise before, but i do now.

    it's kind of nice posting with no one around. they're all slumbering peacefully in their little beds...

  • not interested
    not interested

    im awaketoo and as usual im sitting here with a beer by my side and reading posts jsut waiting for the sun to come up

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    how funny. i thought this place was empty. it's kind of nice to run into so many posters. 2:39 hmm? i worked nights once. it got me all turned around. i never knew what day it was. but it was a whole different world at night. definitely more relaxed. but it got lonesome...

  • NeonMadman


    I'll be going to bed now.

    'Night, all.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    good night, neon madman. sweet dreams.

  • rmayer32

    Oh I normally find stuff to keep me busy around this place. When there isn't much going on as is the case on a night like tonight I get on here and post..LOL

    Working nights will get ya turned around though if you're not careful. Here there are 2 of us that work the graveyard and we went to the 8 on 6 off schedule so we can actually have almost a week of sleeping at night.. ha That way you don't have to always readjust your schedule every other day


  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    ooh, adjusting my schedule every other day would drive me crazy. i'm glad you get a whole week to adjust. do you mind if i ask what you do at night? i used to work in a bank operations center as a tape (computer) librarian. sounds geeky, but it wasn't. it was actually a cool job...

  • rmayer32

    I'm in the IT field. Basically I babysit..errrr.. work in a Internet Data Center. So I get the joy of having thousands of different customers servers sitting in the 120,000 square foot room behind my office..LOL

    Thing is it's a 24/7 service so this place don't shut down. Most of the time at night I find myself catching up paperwork or installing new machines for customers.. or if something goes wrong then of course off I go to figure out what, where, why and how..


  • Mackin

    We're still awake down here in the Southern Hemisphere.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    i figured it was something like that. i know what you mean about 'babysitting'. most places test software/hardware at night and all you can do is let them run their course. i used to work at gte. they had this gigantic prototype of a telephone switching system. i used to run call processing test plans. it was fun to execute these little tests that the engineers would write and verify different things, like distinctive ringing, busy signal, call waiting, etc. i like the IT environment. there's always something happening

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