The most stupid remark from "responsable b...

by fulano 23 Replies latest jw friends


    once upon a time there was a blind man who loved cantelope for breakfast . after many years his doctor came upon a new surgery procedure that it was felt would give him sight. since he was born blind the prospect of seeing for the first time was fantastic. the operation was a complete success. the first morning after his operation while still in the hospital the blind man asked for some cantelope for breakfast. the nurse brought in a nice fresh cantelope and cut it up for him. he exclaimed, this isn't cantelope! what in the world is this. the nurse assured him that indeed it was cantelope but the patient was still demanding it wasn't. soon his wife arrived. dear, he said, what on earth is this. i asked for cantelope and they gave me this...look what is this? his wife became figity and finally said, dear, that is cantelope, all these years i was giving you watermellon because i never liked cantelope and i just said it was cantelope because of a time long ago you had heard how delicious cantelope was from a program on tv. since i only liked watermellon i decided that it would be better if you liked it too and i wouldn't have to buy both. you deceived me just because i was blind and couldn't tell the difference. i'm sorry, she said. oh really, he said. now that you have lied to me all of these years and i've told everybody how much i like cantelope and all you can say is your sorry! you liked the watermellon didn't you? what difference does it make? THE DIFFERENCE IS, YOU BAG OF DECEIT, I ENJOYED SPITTING THE SEEDS OUT ON THE FLOOR TO MAKE YOUR LIFE AS MISERABLE AS MINE HAD BEEN!

    ...............GO FIGURE


  • wholewheat

    Boy, I sense a lot of anger and hate on this thread. For those of you who have forgot, 'truth=love'.

  • anglise

    So now I get it everyone

    What we heard from the platform was a joke. The question is how to tell the differance between "new light", "old light" and jokes. Or are we just meant to be willing to die for all of it?

    Please advise

    Anglise of the "spent 20 years following jokers class"

  • wholewheat

    Where does the Watchtower ever refer to 'old light'? Where do you come up with this stuff?

  • ozziepost

    Oh, come on, wholewheat!

    Look at it this way: the publications refer to 'new light'. It doesn't take much reasoning to work out that if "new light" exists, then it must replace "old light". OK?


  • anglise
  • Dawn

    Where does the Watchtower ever refer to 'old light'? Where do you come up with this stuff?

    Hi Wholewheat: Have you been a JW long? This concept may be unheard of if you are new to the Truth. However, eventually you will be around long enough to see a change in doctrine that is referred to as "new light". Hence - the joke about the "old light". You may find the "new light" term in some of their materials, mostly it's a term used by those that have been around a while. My father (an elder) used it, he'd been a JW for 40+ years when he passed away.

    By the way - welcome to the board. I hope you stick around and read some of the stories. I find the "Bible Research" section of the forum very interesting - check it out.

  • tdogg

    Hey wholewheat, there are people on this board that know more about your religion than you do. There are thousands of years combined in the "truth" by all the ex-JW's here. I think some these folks just might know what they are talking about. You better do your research before you come in here slinging accusations, and you can start in the Watchtower magazine.

  • Nowfree


    I think the rules sort of go like this:

    EVERYONE is supposed to faithfully follow EVERYTHING that is said from the platform, because the organisation is Gods channel for slopping out food at the proper time. If you don't do as you are told, you are counselled, discussed in elders meetings, counselled again, then probably disfellowshipped.

    However..... if what was said turns out to be somewhat mouldy, and you followed it to your detriment, then it was your OWN FAULT, you should have known better.

    They claim no responsibility for anything. Remember 1975 everyone?


  • anglise

    Good points nowfree,

    but of course the old light is swept under the carpet as though it never happened so those who are new to the shackles of the org can only see the bright and shiny "new light" or as it used to be known "present truth".

    Does truth have a sell by date? The GB seem to think so but they only tell their consumers after it has passed. All partaking of their brand of religious food run the risk of spiritual botulism.

    Let the buyer beware.


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