What Would You Have Done?

by Dutchie 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • wholewheat


    I have noticed that apostates have a penchant for childish name calling. If I wanted the moniker 'BuckWheat', I would have chosen the name 'BuckWheat'. I have to admit it was funny the first time I was called that by a poster named Nathan, who by the way, looks like Nathan Knorr. In fact he looks so much like Knorr it's spooky! Likewise remember this, one untrustworthy witness does not make the rest crooks. Maybe Redford doesn't want to be a witness, why don't you ask him? Why didn't the Nazis, who only allowed the witnesses to shave them, become witnesses?

  • SixofNine

    Speaking of name calling, are you Mario Kempes, by chance?

  • Mimilly

    Dutchie - I was disgusted at the story. That thief! How could anyone steal and then refer to it as 'Jehovah providing' ?!!! I'd report her ass promptly. Find out the area where she was, as the owner of the wallet knows how much was missing, and drop that lil ol lady's name in the ear of the police.

    If I found a wallet - I'd take it to the police without even looking in it. It's called the Golden Rule. Treat others as you'd like to be treated.

    That 'christian' needs to be taught the lesson that theft brings its own rewards - a criminal record!

    Just my 2cents.

    Mimilly (geez stories like this irk me to the bone)

  • Cygnus

    What would I have done?

    Dropped the cash until the contribution box of course.

    I certainly wouldn't post anecdotes about how honest I always am when it comes to money.

  • NoMoreJW

    I wonder if this "sister" would tell her bible students and calls what she did?

    She`s a disgrace to humankind never mind the borg.


    Edited by - NoMoreJW on 29 June 2002 20:38:14

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    I still have trouble being anything but brutally honest and and the one handing in the wallet / money / credit card etc ... or owning up that the price is wrong (too low) or that I have been given too much change. It's very embarrassing.

    i'm the same way. so is my son. the other day he bought two magazines - mad magazine and guitar world. the clerk charged him the mad magazine price (3.50) for both and didn't ring up the guitar world magazine (4.99). he mentioned that to her and she said oh well it will be more money and he just said i know and she praised his honesty. the child of an evil apostate, imagine that. one time at a movie, this couple in front of me dropped a ten-dollar bill on the floor. i picked it up and gave it to them and they were surprised but grateful. no one's heroic for these small gestures... it's just the right thing to do. it's something you don't even think about really.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    That 'christian' needs to be taught the lesson that theft brings its own rewards - a criminal record!

    good point. if a bank teller had left that money on the counter and the pioneer had taken it, she would have been guilty of a felony. maybe jehovah would have posted her bond for her... ;]

  • one

    I had DO and CO stealing from me... GB did not do anything. the last straw for me.

    After many years being poor, some full time "sevants" become desesperate (and greedy). Having invested their live for the WT and knowing fully well that WT is no going to back them up economically in an emrgency.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Dutchie....incredible experience you had. I never knew any jw who were like that....even most worldly people I knew would never do such a thing. That sister obviously never read her WT and awake articles about all the people who came into the troof because of someone's kind and honest good deed ... such hypocrites!


  • jack2

    Dutchie.....this was quite a post!

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